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Eudicots. Chapter 8 Simpson, 2 nd Edition. coiled embryos. Caryophyllales. Polygonum - knotweed, smartweed. Eriogonum. Rumex. Non-core Caryophyllales. P (3+3) or (5) A (3+3), 8 G (3) superior. Polygonaceae - knotweed family 46/1200 north temperate.

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  1. Eudicots Chapter 8 Simpson, 2nd Edition

  2. coiled embryos Caryophyllales

  3. Polygonum - knotweed, smartweed Eriogonum Rumex Non-core Caryophyllales P(3+3) or (5) A(3+3), 8 G(3) superior Polygonaceae - knotweed family 46/1200 north temperate ocrea- stipular sheath at base of petiolein most species; most apparent in herbaceous species spiral leaves halophytic herbs and shrubs fruit a 3-sided achene anthocyanin; no betalain Rheum - rhubarb

  4. Non-core Caryophyllales Polygonaceae - knotweed family Eriogonum flower Eriogonum flower

  5. Non-core Caryophyllales ochrea of Polygonum winged achene of Rumex

  6. Non-core Caryophyllales Polygonaceae - knotweed family

  7. Caryophyllales

  8. floating bog peat peat moss Non-core Caryophyllales K(5-8) C(5-8) A(4-20) G(3) superior • Droseraceae - Sundew Family • 3/110 widespread in N and S hemispheres • boggy habitats • a nutrient-poor, acid peatland • peat mosses, ericaceous shrubs, and sedges • as it matures peat accumulates • layer is formed by the semi-consolidated remains of plant material • peat exists in a water logged region where chemical and physical conditions prevent rapid degradation • peat is a precursor to coal and when dried and burned, peat can be a significant energy source

  9. Koelbjerg Woman, whose skull is shown here, is the oldest bog body known. We do not know how she met her end, as her bones show no sign of violence. She was, at most, 25 when she died around 8000 B.C. Her body ended up in open water, and the bones were not incorporated in peat until later. She may have simply drowned. (Fyns Stifsmuseum of Denmark, Odense) Bog Bodies • 1000 bog bodies have been found in regions associated with the Celts of the Iron Age • the earliest bog body, that of Koelbjerg Woman, has been radiometrically dated at about 10,000 years old; she may simply have drowned • The newest is of the 16th century AD, a woman in Ireland who may have been buried in unhallowed ground following a suicide • the majority of the bog bodies belong to the Celtic Iron Age, some as late as the 4th century AD • Preserved bodies of humans and animals have been discovered in bogs in Britain, Ireland, northern Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, both Jutland and Zealand, and southern Sweden • Records of such finds go back as far as the 18th century. It is not readily apparent at the time of discovery whether a body has been buried in a bog for years, decades, or centuries. However, during the 20th century, forensic and medical technologies were developed that allow researchers to more closely determine the age of the burial, through radiocarbon dating, their age at death and many other details. • Scientists have been able to study their skin, reconstruct their appearance and even determine what their last meal was by their stomach contents. "Red Franz"

  10. Dionaeamuscipula - venus fly trap endemic to N. & S. Carolina Non-core Caryophyllales Droseraceae - Sundew Family • insectivorous • “carnivorous” • grow in acid environments • leaf jaw-like with hinged midrib • 3 trigger-hairs in trap Dionaea

  11. stipitate hairs Drosera - sundew Non-core Caryophyllales Droseraceae - Sundew Family Drosera • insectivorous • “carnivorous” • grow in acid environments • leaves covered with long-stipitate insect-trapping glandular hairs

  12. Caryophyllales

  13. Atriplex (saltbush) Chenopodium Spinacia K(0-2) 3-5 (6-8) C0 A(1-2) 3-5 (6-8) G1(-3) (5) superior Core Caryophyllales Amaranthaceae (including Chenopodiaceae) 175/2000 temperate, subtropical • saline habitats • ocean beaches • salt marshes • saline/alkaline desert areas • some succulent • flowers small, inconspicuous • herbage covered by farinose (mealy) pubescence sometimes • Amaranthus fruit (grain) & leaves as foodsource • polyporate pollen • “chenoam” Amaranthus

  14. chenoam pollen Core Caryophyllales Amaranthaceae • polyporate pollen • “chenoam” • pigweed

  15. Core Caryophyllales Amaranthaceae

  16. Caryophyllales

  17. Dianthus (sweet William) pinked petals Stellaria (chickweed) Silene (campion) K5 or (5) C5 A5 or 5+5 G(2-5+) superior Core Caryophyllales Caryophyllaceae- pink or carnation family 86/2400 cosmopolitan cyme cyme inflorescence petals often notched (“pinked”) sepals can be connate free-central placentation many colorful ornamentals many wildflowers many weeds

  18. Caryophyllales

  19. P∞ A∞ G(3-∞) inferior Core Caryophyllales Cactaceae - cactus family 118/1500 New World, warm-temperate to tropical 1. stem-succulents 2. cladophyll = flattened stem 3. areoles = pad-like axillary nodes that bear spines 4. spines & glochids (tiny spines around areole = hairlike) in some 5. ephermeral leaves 6. inferior ovary; fruit a berry 7. few cm to giant candelabra-like “trees” to 20m 8. New World distribution - tropical origin Cereus giganteus - saguaro

  20. Pereskia Opuntia Cereus Ferocactus Core Caryophyllales Cactaceae - cactus family • Subfamily Pereskioideae leafy trees and shrubs scarcely succulent stems, w/o glochids • Subfamily Opuntioidea leaves cylindrical, reduced, early-deciduous jointed stems w/ glochids • Subfamily Maihuenioideae • persistent leaves • Subfamily Cactoideae leaves extremely reduced (absent) stems not jointed; glochids absent • Tribe Cereeae vertically ribbed; flowers from old areoles; columnar cacti • Tribe Cacteae ribbed stems; flowers from new areoles Maihuenia

  21. Core Caryophyllales Cactaceae - cactus family Opuntia - prickly pear cladophyll ephemeral leaves

  22. berry areole with spines and glochids inferior ovary Core Caryophyllales Cactaceae - cactus family

  23. Core Caryophyllales Cactaceae - cactus family Bergerocactus emoryi Myrtillocactuscochal

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