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Residential Roofing Safety. MRCA 4840 Bob Billings Parkway Lawrence, KS 66049 800/497-6722 2006. Residential Roofing Safety. This presentation will cover the following aspects of Residential Roofing Safety: Company policies and procedures Clothing and PPE
Residential Roofing Safety MRCA 4840 Bob Billings ParkwayLawrence, KS 66049 800/497-6722 2006
Residential Roofing Safety This presentation will cover the following aspects of Residential Roofing Safety: • Company policies and procedures • Clothing and PPE • Ladder Safety • Scaffold Safety • Fall Protection • Vehicle Safety • Hazard Communication • Electrical Safety • Fire Safety • Material Handling
Company Policies and Procedures • Policies • Team Effort • Safe Practices
Drug/Alcohol/Prohibited Articles Policy • Never bring drugs or alcohol to work, or come to work while under the influence • Do not bring weapons, hazardous or other prohibited items to work • Refer to your company’s written policy for specifics
Proper Work Clothing • Long-sleeved cotton shirts (considered best practice but not required unless doing “Hot” work) • Full-length cotton pants without cuffs (considered best practice but not required unless doing “Hot” work) • Leather work boots or shows that are slip-resistant
Ladder Safety • Inspect ladder frequently • Get help standing ladder • Use the “4 to 1” Rule • Leave at least 36” of ladder above roof • 1 person should stabilize the ladder as another climbs – 1 at a time! • Maintain 3 points of contact while climbing ladder • 1st person to the top must tie off ladder
Ladder Use Don’ts Never stand on the top or next to the top rung of a ladder Do not use ladders that have broken or missing parts. Do not carry materials or tools in one or both hands as you climb a ladder; safely hoist items to the roof instead
Scaffold Systems • If a scaffold is used and there is a chance you may fall more than 10 feet, you must also use guardrails and/or a Personal Fall Arrest System (PFAS). Scaffolds may only be erected b trained personnel
Fall Protection • Be aware of the crew’s fall protection plan • Fall protection must be utilized if there is a fall hazard of 6 feet or more • OSHA allows alternative procedures for “residential” fall protection
Slide Guards • Slide guards are required if the roof slope is over 4 in 12 • “Conventional” fall protection must be used anytime the slope is more than 8 in 12, or if the eave height exceeds 25 feet. • When working on tile or metal roofs up to and including 8 in 12, the safety monitoring system may be used, but slide guards alone may not. • All slide guards must be constructed of 2”x6” (nominal) stock, mounted on roof jacks or similar supports, using nails long enough to withstand a roofer sliding into the guards. ADD PHOTO HERE
Slide Guards • No more than 3 rows of roofing material installed across the lower eave may be applied before installing the slide guards. • The face of each slide guard must be perpendicular – about 90 degrees – to the surface of the roof. • To use slide guards properly, you must install continuous slide guards along the entire eave on the surface that any roofer will work in. ADD PHOTO HERE
Safety Monitor Systems • The safety monitor must be able to observe and communicate verbally with all of the roofers he or she is responsible for monitoring, when they are not able to use other forms of fall protection. • The safety monitor’s responsibility is to warn any worker who appears to be in danger, and to maintain any and all fall protection systems that are in use. • Only qualified persons who have completed the Safety Monitor Training will be utilized as a Safety Monitor. • If you have been trained as a Safety Monitor, you have the authority to stop any ongoing work of those you are monitoring. If you feel you cannot effectively provide protection for the workers, stop the work, have the worker(s) move away from the roof edge and consult your foreman.
Slip Hazards • Always wear appropriate footwear to reduce the potential for slipping. • Inspect all roof surfaces for slipping hazards. Either eliminate any hazards or take effective measures to avoid them.
Good Housekeeping • Keep the worksite as neat as possible. Be careful that debris does not fall from the roof, and designate a specific area where tear-off and other waste will be dumped. • Place a warning line around dumpsters and areas where debris will be lowered from the roof, to warn workers, pedestrians and children of danger. • Always keep the area below the eaves and rakes clear of materials around other objects that could pose impalement or other hazards. Pick up trash around the jobsite every night. • Any time there is the possibility of objects falling from above, especially when you are below the rake edge of a roof, always wear a hardhat. Your foreman may require you to wear a hardhat at other times, or at all times.
Bad Weather • When high winds, rain, lightning, snow or sleet create hazardous conditions, stop all roofing operations until the hazardous conditions no longer exist. • Extreme caution and fall protection must be used if you need to clear sleet or snow from a sloped roof.
Roof Holes and Openings • Inspect the roof deck for weaknesses, and repair any damaged portions as soon as possible. • Securely cover and mark skylights and holes in the roof that are two inches or more in their least dimension. • Holes must be covered with a material that will be capable of supporting, without failure, at least twice the weight of employees, equipment, and materials that may be imposed on the cover at any given time. • Secure hole covers to prevent accidental displacement by the wind, equipment or employees. • Hole covers must be color coded or marked with the word “hole” or “cover” to provide warning of the hazard. REPLACE PHOTO HERE
Company Vehicles and Equipment • Seatbelts must be worn at all times by anyone who is in a company vehicle. • Drivers must have a valid driver’s license that is appropriate for the class of vehicle you will operate.
Company Vehicles and Equipment • The driver must inspect each vehicle and any attached equipment prior to each use. Pay close attention to vital items such as tires and trailer hitches. Your company may require you to fill out paperwork every time you drive a vehicle. • Also, note any potential hazards or obstacles around the vehicle. If you will be backing the vehicle up, especially with a trailer, look around and plan where you will back up BEFORE you get behind the wheel. • Operating company equipment, such as heavy equipment, may require certain training and/or certification. Consult your foreman before operating company trucks and equipment.
Hazard Communications • Never remove labels from these products or change the contents of a labeled container. • The company maintains an inventory list of all chemicals used, with corresponding Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) of the products that contain hazardous materials. • Make sure you understand the risk posed by every chemical you use by reviewing the container’s label or MSDS. • If a chemical you use for work is not on the company’s list, advise your foreman.
Hazard Communication • If you are not sure of the risks of a particular chemical that you encounter at work, please ask. • Some roofing systems include hazardous chemicals that may require special PPE or emit fumes that can be ignited at low temperatures. Consult your foreman for the designated smoking area or if you have questions concerning the chemicals you are working with. • DO NOT SMOKE around flammable materials or chemicals. Chemicals and smoking do not mix!
Extension Cords and Power Tools • Extension cords and power tools must always be protected by Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters or “GFCI”. • Electrocution results in internal and external injury, often resulting death. Internal or external burns may result from contact with electricity. • 12% of young workers die from electrocution on jobsites. About 5 workers are electrocuted every week in the U.S.
Electrocution • After receiving a “jolt” of electricity all or part of the body may be temporarily paralyzed, resulting in loss of grip or stability. You may also involuntarily move as a result of receiving an electrical shock, resulting in a fall. • Overhead power lines are especially hazardous for roofers. Fatal electrocution is the main risk, but burns and falls from elevation are also hazards. • Electricity may “arc” or jump right out of the power line if even if you don’t touch it. Keep your body and all others items at least 10 feet from overhead lines. • Get the owner or operator of the lines to de-energize and ground them if you will need to work near them. Other protective measures include guarding or insulating the lines.
Electrocution • Use non-conductive wood or fiberglass ladders when working near power lines. • Tools and equipment such as ladders, cranes, scaffolds, backhoes, scissor lifts and raised dump truck beds can increases the risk caused by overhead lines. • Electrical hazards may result from too many devices plugged into a circuit, causing heated wires and possibly a fire.
Electrocution • Damaged tools may overheat, or wire insulation may melt, which may cause a fire – sometimes even inside a wall or elsewhere down the electrical line. • Frequently inspect cords and electric tools for worn or broken parts. Remove from service any extension cords or power tools that require repair, and report them to your supervisor. • Strain relief boots must remain intact where cords meet power tools.
Electrocution • Wet clothing, high humidity, and perspiration increase your chances of being electrocuted. • Don’t use electrical tools in wet or damp conditions. Store tools in a dry place. • Nail guns may be very dangerous. Construction workers have been killed by nails fired through plywood by power actuated tools.
Electrocution • Never carry a tool by the cord, or yank the cord to disconnect it. • If voltage polarity or other aspects of your power source are incorrect, OSHA may site you with a safety violation even if you did not install the electrical drop that you are using. A plug-in receptacle analyzer is an inexpensive tool that checks polarity and grounding. Use it to diagnose wiring problems such as reversed polarity, open neutrals, or missing grounds. • Do not attempt to correct electrical problems yourself – notify your foreman of the problem. DO NOT CARRY TOOLS OVER YOUR SHOULDER
Fire Hazards • Inspect fire extinguishers annually and prior to using them on the roof • Immediately recharge discharged extinguishers, or replace them with a charged extinguisher. • If your application involves torch applied roofing, refer to CERTA training.
Material Handling • Supplies and materials must never be stored within 6 feet of the rake edge, or within 3 feet if tile roof systems are being installed. • If your supplier will load material to the roof, make sure he complied with this OSHA rule; otherwise, YOU may be the one receiving the citation. • It’s important to remember when lifting heavy objects to ask a co-worker to help you. • When lifting, always keep your back straight, bend at the knees, keep the object close to you, and lift with your legs – DO NOT LIFT WITH YOUR BACK! ADD PHOTO HERE
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