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P6.0 Scoring Components Webinar SPOT Motto: “We have a spreadsheet and acronym for that.”. June 2019. P6.0 Schedule. Projects to Evaluate / P6.0 Database. Committed Projects. Definition: Projects NOT subject to re-evaluation in next round of Prioritization
P6.0 Scoring Components WebinarSPOT Motto: “We have a spreadsheet and acronym for that.” June 2019
Committed Projects Definition: Projects NOT subject to re-evaluation in next round of Prioritization • Department is moving forward with these projects • Subject to the Reprioritization of Committed Projects policy Applies to 2020-2029 STIP (currently under development) Applies to all modes Applies to first year of programming (ROW or CON) Future dollars tied up Programmed for R/W or CON between 2020 and 2025
6-Year Committed Window P6.0 2022-2031 STIP Committed Reprioritized in P6.0 2030 2031 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 • 2026 2027 2028 2029 2020-2029 STIP
Carryover Projects Projects that automatically carry over from P5.0 for evaluation in P6.0 In STIP, not committed Sibling of programmed (will fall under same NEPA/SEPA doc) Active or completed NEPA/SEPA (scoping meeting by 12/31/2018) Modifications Segmenting counts, scope changes don’t 1 out / 1 in All other projects “removed” and available for resubmittal [Holding Tank]
Project Submittals MPOs and RPOs: Baseof 12 submittals per mode, plus: • 1 for every 50,000 in population • 1 for every 500 centerline miles Divisions: 14 submittals per mode Applies to each mode Same formula as P5.0
P6.0 Database 2020-2029 STIP (P5.0) Years 1-6 Years 7-10 Years 7-10 Carryover (Committed Projects) P5.0 Projects not in STIP Siblings of STIP, Planning underway Siblings of STIP, Planning underway Carryover Holding Tank Projects Submittal P6.0 Submittals (total # capped) New Project Entries Submittal
Highway Modernization vs. Mobility Splitting out Mobility and Modernization Highway specific improvement types (SITs) – as done in P2.0 scoring Modernization • Different set of default criteria and weights • SIT 16 – Modernize Roadway • SIT 17 – Upgrade Freeway to Interstate Standards Mobility • Adding capacity to roadway • All remaining SITs (1-15, 18-26) • WG recommended same weights as P5.0 scoring
P6.0 Hwy Criteria & Weights (Modernization Default) 100% 70% 50% Note: Area-Specific Criteria Weights allowed
P6.0 Hwy Criteria & Weights (Mobility Default) 100% 70% 50% Note: Area-Specific Criteria Weights allowed
P6.0 Highway SITs Primary scoring differences in Travel Time Savings & Safety Benefits
P6.0 New Highway SIT SIT-25 – Improve Multiple Intersections In SPOT Online, submitter would select the entire corridor (just like modernization from improvement intersection to improvement intersection) and list out the intersections New Safety Benefit Factor being developed TTS scored by CALC Method (for P6.0 initially) • If limited number of projects, CMT may take on role. In that case, the benefits would be averaged
P6.0 New Highway SIT SIT-26 – Upgrade Roadway In SPOT Online, submitter would select the entire corridor (just like modernization from improvement intersection to improvement intersection) New Safety Benefit Factor being developed Basically a modernization project but the submitter is choosing to score the project with mobility default criteria and weights
Highway – Congestion Purpose – Measure existing level of mobility along roadways by indicating congested locations and bottlenecks Peak ADT will be used as the Existing Volume
Highway – Benefit-Cost • Purpose – measure the expected benefits of the project over a 10 year period against the estimated project cost to NCDOT • Cost can be lowered and score increased if other funds (non-federal or non-state funds) are designated towards the projects • Includes Toll Revenue minus financing costs (Travel Time Savings over 10 years in $ Other Funds x 100 + Safety Benefits over 10 years in $ ) + Total Project Cost Project Cost to NCDOT at time of submittal
Highway – Safety Purpose – measure existing crashes along/at the project location and calculate future safety benefits Based on NCDOT 5-Year mileposted crash data 2014-2018
Highway – Freight • Purpose – Account for key indicators of freight movement • 50% (Truck Volume) + 50% (Truck %) + Future Interstate Completion Factor • Project Length in miles • Miles Needed to Complete Future Interstate Corridor between NHS Routes • Future Interstate Completion Factor [Modernization Projects] = Equation Divided by 2 • Future Interstate Completion Factor [All Other Projects] = Equation • Max Future Interstate Completion Factor = 25 • X 100
Highway – Economic Competitiveness • Purpose – measure the economic benefits the transportation project is expected to provide in economic activity (GDP) and jobs over 10 years • Score based on Output from (Economic Impact Model) • 50% - % change in County Economy • 50% - % change in Long-Term Job Creation • Does NOT include contingent (prospective) development • Criteria is not intended to evaluate projects for recruiting purposes
Highway – Accessibility / Connectivity • Purpose – Improve access to opportunity in rural and less-affluent areas and improve interconnectivity of the transportation network • 50% - County Economic Indicator – Points are based on economic distress indicators: • property tax base per capita • population growth • median household income • unemployment rate • 50% - Improve Mobility – If project upgrades mobility of roadway (e.g. eliminating signals), points based on travel time savings per user
Highway – Multimodal • Purpose – measure degree the highway project benefits other modes • Score based on sum of benefits to other modes • Benefit points awarded based on: • Proximity to airports, ferry terminals, ports, intermodal terminals, passenger bus or rail stations, park & ride lots, military bases • If project includes bicycle and/or pedestrian accommodations, transit roadway components (bus-on-shoulder, pullouts, signal prioritization, etc), managed lanes
Highway – Multimodal Benefits Table Each row in above table is worth 1 point. Project score = sum of points
Highway – Lane Width • Purpose – measure the existing lane width vs. DOT design standard • Existing Lane Width – DOT design standard Lane Width • Greater the difference (deficiency), the higher points the project receives • Does NOT mean that project will be constructed to design standard
Highway – [Paved] Shoulder Width • Purpose – measure the existing paved shoulder width vs. DOT design standard • Existing Paved Shoulder Width – DOT design standard Paved Shoulder Width • Greater the difference (deficiency), the higher points the project receives • Does NOT mean that project will be constructed to design standard
Highway – Pavement Condition • Purpose – measure the existing pavement condition along the project • 100 – Pavement Condition Rating • Based on 2018 Pavement Condition Survey • Higher scores indicate poorer pavement condition
P6.0 Highway Scoring: Area-Specific Criteria Weights • Available for Regional Impact and Division Needs scoring • Requirements: • Unanimous agreement between all MPOs/RPOs/Division Engineers • Action required for disagreement • Alternate Weights do not rollover from P5.0 • Within respective Paired Funding Region(s) or Division(s) • Memo to SPOT by end of submittal window from each MPO/RPO/Division Engineer – reference TAC Chair(s) agreement
Remove P5.0 system plan goal requirement (for eligibility as a capital project) Expand eligibility to include projects that increase the capacity of the airport and/or modernize the airport Prescreening process – Division of Aviation to assist in screening and vetting projects prior to Prioritization submittal to ensure a better chance of meeting FAA approval of purpose and need New to P6.0
P5.0 Specific Improvement Types 0500 - Runway Length/Width 0535 - Runway Length: Taxiway Extension 0540 - Runway Widening 0605 - Pavement Strength - Runway 0610 - Pavement Strength - Taxiway 0615 - Pavement Strength - Apron 1100 - Taxiway Requirements 1200 - Aircraft Apron / Helipad Requirements 1240 - Corporate and T-hangar Taxiway: Construction 1305 - General Aviation Terminal Building: New Construction 1315 - General Aviation Terminal Building: Construct Addition to Existing 1320 - General Aviation Terminal Building: Construct Terminal Access Road 1325 - General Aviation Terminal Building: Construct non-revenue terminal public parking 1900 - Hangars 2200 - Fuel Facilities 3005 - Other: Not otherwise defined in system plan objectives *Additional SITs for P6.0 – see next slide
P6.0 Specific Improvement Types 105 - Runway Approach: Land 110 - Runway Approach: Obstruction 205 - Runway Safety Area: Land 210 - Runway Safety Area: Construction 305 - Runway Protection Zones: Land/Obstruction 505 - Runway Length: Benefit Cost Analysis 510 - Runway Length: Environmental Assessment 515 - Runway Length: Land 520 - Runway Length: Preliminary Engineering 525 - Runway Length: Design 528 - Road/Infrastructure Relocation 530 - Runway Length: Construction 535 - Runway Length: Taxiway Extension 540 - Runway Widening 605 - Pavement Strength: Runway 610 - Pavement Strength: Taxiway 615 - Pavement Strength: Apron 805 - Runway Edge Lighting: Install System 810 - Runway Edge Lighting: Electrical Vault 815 - Runway Edge Lighting: Pilot Control Lighting 825 - Runway Edge Lighting: Relocate 1005 - SIAP: Feasibility Study 1010 - SIAP: Land 1015 - SIAP: Clearing/Survey 1020 - SIAP: Site Development 1025 - ILS Localizer / Glideslope 1030 - Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) 1035 - Non-Directional Beacon (NDB) 1040 - SIAP: Install Approach Lighting 1105 - Taxiway: Environmental Assessment 1110 - Taxiway: Design 1115 - Taxiway: Land 1120 - Taxiway: Preliminary Engineering 1125 - Taxiway: Construction 1205 - Apron / Helipad: Environmental Assessment 1210 - Apron / Helipad: Design 1215 - Apron / Helipad: Land 1220 - Apron / Helipad: Preliminary Engineering 1225 - Apron / Helipad: Construction 1230 - Apron / Helipad: Security Lighting 1235 - Apron / Helipad: Security Fencing 1240 - Corporate And T-Hangar Taxiway: Construction 1305 - GA Terminal Bldg: New Construction 1310 - GA Terminal Bldg: Upgrade Existing 1315 - GA Terminal Bldg: Addition To Existing 1320 - GA Terminal Bldg: Terminal Access Road 1325 - GA Terminal Bldg: Non-Revenue Terminal Public Parking 1330 - GA Terminal Bldg: Water/Sewer Utilities Construction 1405 - Lighting: Install Taxiway Edge Lighting, Vault 1410 - Lighting: Install Apron Edge Lighting 1415 - Lighting: Relocate Taxiway Edge Lighting 1420 - Lighting: Relocate Apron Edge Lighting 1505 - Airfield Signage: Install 1510 - Airfield Signage: Install (Lighted) 1705 - Approach Lighting: Install MALS/MALSF/MALSR 1710 - Approach Lighting: Rehab/Replace MALS/MALSF/MALSR 1715 - Approach Lighting: Install ODALS 1805 - ARFF: Eligible Fire Suppression Equipment 1810 - ARFF: Personnel Fire Protection Turn Out Gear 1905 - Hangars: Construction 1920 - Hangars: Access Road 2105 - Perimeter Fencing: Construction 2205 - Fuel Facilities: Construction 3005 - Other: Not Defined In System Plan Objectives
Safety Risk Analysis based on all bicycle and pedestrian crashes to identify scores per risk factor, weighted to calculate total score per roadway segment Geoprocessed in SPOT On!ine Higher exposure = higher risk = higher score
Accessibility/Connectivity • Purpose: Identify projects that: • Provide access to nearby points of interest • Improve connectivity between destinations • Improve connectivity of bicycle/pedestrian network • Improve access and continuity of designated bicycle routes • Measure: POI # total + Connection # total + Route # total • (no cap) (no cap/average)
Utilizes ATLAS data and other data layers to measure number of points of interest within project buffer • Buffer = 1.5 miles for bicycle (SITs 1-5), 0.5 miles for pedestrian (SITs 6-9) POI categories automatically measured within SPOT On!ine: POI categories manually added by project submitters: • Employment centers • Tourist destinations (museums, theaters, auditoriums, historic landmarks) • Shelters Points of Interest (POI) • Government buildings • Fire/EMS • Transit routes • Schools (K-12, public/private), universities, colleges • Parks (national, state, local) • Tourist destinations (historic districts, major sports) • Medical (hospitals and public/private clinics) • Places of worship • Adult education centers
Points totaled for connections made by project to various degrees of bicycle/pedestrian infrastructure/projects • Connections allowed at either end of project or anywhere along project • Not required to have connection at endpoints • 1 point per each connection to Existing bike/ped infrastructure or Committed bike/ped projects • Committed = in STIP or with local funds • 1 point (max) for any connections to bike/ped projects in a plan Connections to be entered manually by project submitters ATLAS PBIN (Pedestrian Bicycle Infrastructure Network) to be utilized as reference layer • Displays existing and planned infrastructure Connectivity
Points assigned if project is improving National/State/Regional bike route or designated state/federal trails • 2 points if project is on/improves a designated route • 1 point if project connects to a designated route Designated Routes
Specific Improvement Types 1 - Grade-Separated Bicycle Facility (Bicycle) 2 - Off-Road/Separated Linear Bicycle Facility (Bicycle) 3 - On-Road; Designated Bicycle Facility (Bicycle) 4 - On-Road Bicycle Facility (Bicycle) 5 - Multi-Site Bicycle Facility (Bicycle) 6 - Grade-Separated Pedestrian Facility (Pedestrian) 7 - Protected Linear Pedestrian Facility (Pedestrian) 8 - Multi-Site Pedestrian Facility (Pedestrian) 9 - Improved Pedestrian Facility (Pedestrian)
Bundling Projects Allow across geographies and across varying project types • Does not have to be contiguous/related • Can be multiple SITs (SIT used for submittal must be majority by cost) • Can be within a single municipality, or across multiple governments (multiple governments will need to provide documentation of agreement on bundling, local matches, and project management – further requirements documentation will be created by SPOT) Bundling will be limited by project management requirements rather than geographic limitations • Any bundled project must be expected to be under one project manager/ administrative unit (must be a TAP-eligible entity) Makes projects more attractive for LIPs and easier to manage/let
*Only Class I Freight projects eligible in Statewide Mobility Passenger Rail only eligible for Regional Impact and Division Needs Rail Scoring
Specific Improvement Types 1 - Freight rail infrastructure improvement or construction (line) 2 - Freight rail infrastructure improvement or construction (point) 3 - Highway-rail crossing improvement (point) 4 - Passenger rail station improvement or construction (point) 5 - Passenger rail service (line) 6 - Other passenger rail improvements (point)
Public Transportation Scoring:Mobility • Project Types: • Route-specific vehicles (new or expansion only) • Fixed guideway vehicles, fixed route vehicles, deviated fixed route vehicles • Corridors • Fixed guideway (commuter rail, intercity rail, light rail) • Bundle of vehicle + other (ex. stops / shelters, park and rides, bus pullouts) • Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) • Bus on Shoulder System (BOSS) / Busway
Public Transportation Scoring:Demand Response • Project Types: • Demand Response vehicles (expansion only) • No facilities – either submit Demand Response facilities under Facility category or under Mobility category if bundled with a vehicle