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Names, Functions and Modules

Names, Functions and Modules. Chapter 2. Names. A Python name consists of an arbitrary number of letters, underscores and digits, where the first character is not a digit Wouldn’t want Python to think you were trying to specify an integer!

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Names, Functions and Modules

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  1. Names, Functions and Modules Chapter 2

  2. Names • A Python name consists of an arbitrary number of letters, underscores and digits, where the first character is not a digit • Wouldn’t want Python to think you were trying to specify an integer! • Don’t start your name with two underscorse (_ _), which is used for special situations. • A name is used to refer to something – a primitive value, a function, … • Giving a name to a value is called a binding. • One value can have multiple names bound to it.

  3. Namespaces • The same name can be bound to different objects in different contexts • These contexts are called namespaces. • The names of the types and built-in functions we saw earlier belong to the global namespace. • A separate namespace is associated with each type, e.g., str. • The binding of a methodname is determined by the type of the object through which it is called.

  4. Types and Classes type class valueobject Every value has a typeEvery object is an instance of a class

  5. Assigning Names • Python program is a sequence of statements • Statements do not produce values and are not expressions • An assignment statement binds a name to an object • Notation: name = value • Only names a value. Does not • change the value • change any of the value’s other names • Assignment names may be chained together to bind several names to the same value: >>> a = b = c = 0 >>> a 0 >>> b 0 >>> c 0 >>>

  6. Assigning Names • Examples: >>> one_name = 'John Doe' >>> another_name = 'Dylan Thomas' >>> one_name 'John Doe' >>> len(another_name) 12 >>> third_name Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#4>", line 1, in <module> third_name NameError: name 'third_name' is not defined >>> third_name = one_name >>> third_name 'John Doe' >>>

  7. Assignment Statements • There is another variation on the basic assignment statement:the augmented assignment statement • Such statements are shorthand forms for when you are carrying out an operation and the result is being assigned to its first argument • The following two statements do the same thing (on different variables!) >>> a = a + 1 >>> b += 1 >>> a 1 >>> b 1 >>> Other versions: -= *= /= //= %=

  8. Assigning Names • You have seen before how we use built-in functions by calling them. • Now we consider definingyour own functions. • Overall form: def name(parameter_list): body where • body is one or more statements, each indented relative to def • parameter list is a (possibly empty) comma separated list of names • The body of a function may include a call to a second function • In response, Python records the call and passes control to the second function which itself may call a third function • The record of a call includes the location of the function call in the calling function so that its execution may properly continue after the call completes.

  9. Return Statements • Some functions are supposed to return values while others may simply perform needed actions. • A return statement is used to return a value from a function. • Overall form: return value • The body of a function may include a call to a second function • In response, Python records the call and passes control to the second function which itself may call a third function • The record of a call includes the location of the function call in the calling function so that its execution may properly continue after the call completes.

  10. Return Statements

  11. Return Statements

  12. Function Body • How to defer function body implementation? • A function definition must have a nonempty body • Solution: the “do nothing” statement pass • defmyfunc(): pass • If you were to call this function, it would return None • Note: None prints as the empty string

  13. Function Parameters • To call a function that was defined with parameters, arguments must be supplied for the parameters. • For each parameter in turn, Python assigns the parameter name to the corresponding argument’s value. • Once all parameter names have been assigned, the function body is executed. • defrecognition_site(base_seq,recognition_seq): return base_seq.find(recognition_seq) • Each function has a separate namespace and its parameters go in that namespace. • Within the function body, assignments create bindings in that namespace. • Thus a name bound in the interpreter (or a calling function) and a name with the same spelling bound in a function definition have nothing to do with each other. • They are in different namespaces.

  14. Function Parameters >>> def validate_base_sequence(base_sequence): seq = base_sequence.upper() return len(seq) == (seq.count('T') + seq.count('C') + seq.count('A') + seq.count('G')) >>> seq = 'AAAT‘ >>> validate_base_sequence('tattatat') True >>> seq 'AAAT' >>> line splitting allowed within parentheses in interpreter namespace seq names ‘AAAT’ in function namespace seq names ‘tattatat’ in interpreter namespace seq still names ‘AAAT’

  15. Line Splitting • Another way that you can continue a statement on a new line is to end the line with \ >>> defvalidate_base_sequence(base_sequence): seq = base_sequence.upper() return len(seq) == seq.count('T') + \seq.count('C') + \seq.count('A') + \ seq.count('G') • The end of a block (like the body of the function above) is indicated by a line at the same indentation level as the block header (def). • In the above, there is a blank line that starts at the same indentation level as def.

  16. Comments • If Python encounters the # character, it treats the rest of the line as a comment and thus does not process it as part of the script • Well chosen comments are essential for writing understandable scripts • But don’t overdo it!

  17. Docstrings • You can provide documentation for your functions by placing a string immediately after the def line • Since you normally use more than one line, triple quotes are used. • These “docstrings” are then produced when a user enters help(fcn_name)

  18. Asssert Statments • Typically, when you define a function you expect the parameters to be of a specific type or class. • Unlike C, C++ and many other languages, a Python parameter does not have a declared type • Any name can refer to an arbitrary value or object • It is a good idea to specify your assumptions about parameters in a docstring • But a docstring will not provide protection in cases where the assumptions do not hold. They are not statements and are not executed. • Python assertstatements may be used instead. • Such a statement “asserts” that a given expression evaluates to True. • If it evaluates to False, you get an AssertionError • The general form of an assert statement is: assertexpression

  19. Asssert Statments • A failed assert statement: • You can add a more informative message for assert failure assertexpression, msg

  20. Default Parameter Values • It frequently happens that most calls to a function receive the same value for one of its parameters. • Python provides a way for you to indicate a default value for a parameter which will be used unless an actual value appears in its place. • This mechanism is often used for optional parameters. • There can be any number of default parameters, but all default parameters must follow all non-default parameters. • It is often the case that an optional parameter specifies a True/False value. • Such parameters are called flags.

  21. Default Parameter Values def validate_base_sequence(base_sequence, RNAflag=False): """Return True if the string base_sequence contains only upper- or lowercase T (or U, if RNAflag), C, A, and G characters, otherwise False""" seq = base_sequence.upper() return len(seq) == (seq.count('U' if RNAflag else 'T') + seq.count('C') + seq.count('A') + seq.count('G')) >>> validate_base_sequence('ATCG',False) True >>> validate_base_sequence('ATCG',True) False >>> validate_base_sequence('AUCG',True) True >>> validate_base_sequence('AUCG') False Second argument omitted Default value (False) used

  22. Keyword Parameters • We have so far been using positional parameters. • That is, when we call the function, we pass the arguments in the order in which the parameters appear in the function definition • When we have default parameters, we may specify the argument by using the parameter name • These arguments are called keyword arguments • See the example on the next slide

  23. Keyword Parameters >>> def divisions(numerator=1,denominator=1): print(numerator/denominator,numerator//denominator) >>> divisions(10,4) 2.5 2 >>> divisions(denominator=4,numerator=10) 2.5 2 >>> divisions(5) #denominator defaults to 1 5.0 5 >>> divisions(denominator=5) #numerator defaults to 1 0.2 0 >>> divisions() #both arguments default to 1 1.0 1 Remember that all non-default parameters are positional and must precede all default parameters

  24. Modules • Python provides a large number of optional types, functions and methods. • These are defined by modulefiles kept in a librarydirectory as part of Python’s distribution. • Throughout the course, we will describe a number of these modules that are generally useful. • There are also a wealth of other modules supplied by the Python community. • A module file contains Python statements (mostly defs). • Normally, there is a docstring at the beginning of the file describing the components supplied by the module. • For now, we concentrate on the use of modules.

  25. Importing a Module • To make a module’s contents available, you must specify it in an importstatement. • This will result in the module being loaded into the Python environment and its name becoming available in the containing namespace. importname • name does not contain a path or extension (but the file must have extension .py) • Python maintains a list of directories where modules may be found • It also keeps track of the modules that have been imported so far • When a module is imported the first time, Python searches the directories in the list until the module file is found. • It then executes the statements in the module and creates an object to represent the module and its contents. • If the module is imported again, all this is skipped (unless the module has been modified).

  26. Importing a Module • Each module has a distinct namespace • Python includes quite a few modules during its build process • But their names are not available until they are imported. • For example, consider the os module, which provides an interface to the operating system. • All the contents of the os module are already in Python, but the name os has no meaning until the module is imported. • Importing assigns the name to the object representing the module. • Each module has a separate namespace distinct from the interpreter namespace and any other module’s namespace • Module components are accessed using the dot notation

  27. Importing a Module • A module may also have sub-modules • For example, os.path is a submodule of os • Examples >>> import os >>> os <module 'os' from 'C:\Python32\lib\os.py'> >>> os.getcwd() 'C:\\Python32' >>> os.getlogin() 'rtindell' >>> os.path.exists('C:\\Users\\rtindell') True >>> os.path.exists('C:\Users\rtindell') SyntaxError: (unicode error) 'unicodeescape' codec can't decode bytes in position 2-4: truncated \UXXXXXXXX escape

  28. Variations on Import >>> sys Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#18>", line 1, in <module> sys NameError: name 'sys' is not defined >>> version Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#19>", line 1, in <module> version NameError: name 'version' is not defined >>> from sys import version >>> version '3.2.3 (default, Apr 11 2012, 07:12:16) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)]' >>> sys Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#22>", line 1, in <module> sys NameError: name 'sys' is not defined >>> import sys >>> sys.path ['', 'C:\\Python32\\Lib\\idlelib', 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\python32.zip', 'C:\\Python32\\DLLs', 'C:\\Python32\\lib', 'C:\\Python32', 'C:\\Python32\\lib\\site-packages'] Version of Python Module search path

  29. The random Module • Various methods for random number generation • random.randint takes two integer arguments and returns a random integer in the range of the first to the second, inclusive. • random.randint(1,4) will return one of the integers 1, 2, 3, 4. • Useful for simulations of systems • Also useful for generating examples and “test cases” for your code.

  30. The random Module

  31. Python Files • A file you import becomes a module just as for the built-in modules • Each python file must import any modules it uses. • However, the import action is not transitive (ah, bit of discrete math) • That is, if module A imports module B and module B imports C, module C is not visible in A. It must directly import C if it wants to use it. • A module file will often include statements to test its other components. • Such statements will be executed whether the module file is imported or executed.

  32. Example Script # Example Python Script def switch(s,p1,p2): ''' Returns a string equal to s with all occurrences of p1 replaced by p2 and all occurrences of p2 replaced by p1 Assumes that '!!!' is not a substring of any of the strings ''' s = s.replace(p1,p1+'!!!') s = s.replace(p2,p1) s = s.replace(p1+'!!!',p2) return s t = input('String to be altered: ') q1 = input('First string for the switch: ') q1 = input('Second string for the switch: ') t = switch(t,q1,q2) print('String after switch\n',t)

  33. Example Script Executed

  34. Assignment • You are to create a file named repeater.py • Your file should contain a script that prompts for two strings and prints “Yes” if the first string contains at least two non-overlapping substrings equal to the second string, otherwise prints “No”. • VARIATION: do the same, but allow overlapping of the substrings.

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