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Thank you!. PD Team: Robert Baroz David Diaz Amika Kemmler-Ernst Waverly Kidd Caitlyn Gable Charity Murphy Carolyn Norton Sara Silverstein Linda Solomon-Key. Moving Forward with Technology…. Please! Put phones on vibrate/silence No texting No Facebook. Overall Theme for 2011-12.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Thank you! • PD Team: • Robert Baroz • David Diaz • Amika Kemmler-Ernst • Waverly Kidd • Caitlyn Gable • Charity Murphy • Carolyn Norton • Sara Silverstein • Linda Solomon-Key

  2. Moving Forward with Technology… • Please! • Put phones on vibrate/silence • No texting • No Facebook

  3. Overall Theme for 2011-12 • Using data to build common expectations around classroom instruction and student support.

  4. Strengths • Talented staff • Climate/Culture that is growing/developing • Pockets of excellence • Developing professional learning communities • Time to meet as grade/content teams • Developing use of data

  5. Areas for Growth • K-8 Alignment • Ongoing work around climate/culture • Building on our professional strengths and talents • Using data in a more meaningful way • Progress monitoring

  6. Two New Supports for 2011-12 • The Academic Achievement Framework • The Achievement Network

  7. Student Growth: ELA • #9 out of 24 K-8 schools in BPS

  8. Student Growth: Math • #11 out of 24 K-8 schools in BPS

  9. Highlights of Day 1 Feedback • I'm excited to see a clear school wide plan for using data. • I feel like I am part of a larger school community… • I am excited to see a common theme to frame our work • I enjoyed learning more about my colleagues!

  10. Highlights of Day 1 Feedback • I'm looking forward to seeing our progress this year. I think we're on the path to success. • That we're a community and that we all have a voice and that my voice counts. • I began to think about how I will need to step out of thinking about just my classroom to take ownership of all the students in the school.

  11. Highlights of Day 1 Feedback • I think these will enrich the discussions at our grade level meetings. • I am looking forward to signing up for a team and become a more active Curley team member. • How do we bring this to light and share it with our students?

  12. Highlights of Day 1 Feedback • This will only work if each and every staff member is held accountable. • I heard several behind me commenting how well the AAF aligns with their current practice and beliefs. • I love when our own staff presents. It makes it more real because the teachers are from the Curley and so we know what we are talking about.

  13. Actions Based on Feedback • Updated Feedback Form • Curley K8 Connect Page will have specific pages dedicated to AAF and ANet to share ideas and post questions. • Yesterday’s presentation was the beginning of the process. The conversation and implementation will continue at grade and content level meetings.

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