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Leo Lionni. Author of infamous books. Created by Jodi Klimas. We live in Newington, Connecticut. Click below to see where Leo Lionni lived and find other interesting facts. http://www.ci. shrewsbury .ma.us/Sps/Schools/Beal/Curriculum/media/Lionni/meetleo.html. Works of creativity.
Leo Lionni Author of infamous books Created by Jodi Klimas
We live in Newington, Connecticut. Click below to see where Leo Lionni lived and find other interesting facts. http://www.ci.shrewsbury.ma.us/Sps/Schools/Beal/Curriculum/media/Lionni/meetleo.html
Little blue and Little yellow are friends. When they got together they turned colors. What a journey they had together! Sometimes it’s hard to think of what to write. How did Leo Lionni come up with the idea to write this story? Click below to find out… http://www.carolhurst.com/titles/littleblue.html Click below to explore colors! http://www.harcourtschool.com/activity/color/color.html
In the sea, animals need to stick together to stay alive, especially if they are very tiny. In our classroom, we need to work together, just like Swimmy to achieve great things. See if you can get the school of fish back together again. http://www.fi.edu/fellows/fellow8/dec98/games/slidepuzzle/swimpuzzle.html
The letters on an alphabet tree, torn and tossed by the wind, find strength in banding together to form words. Then a clever caterpillar teaches the letters to become even stronger by forming sentences. Click below to explore letters! http://www.sesameworkshop.org/sesamestreet/?scrollerId=games
This fanciful and colorful book is about a fish and tadpole who become friends while living in the same pond. Tadpole soon grows legs and leaves the pond. Fish is lonely without him and tries to follow. Disaster! What tool did Leo Lionni use to illustrate this story? Click on the link below to explore the answer. http://www.ci.shrewsbury.ma.us/Sps/Schools/Beal/Curriculum/media/Lionni/lionniillustrationtechni.html Did you ever want to change into something else? Click below to find more about the changing animal! http://web.ukonline.co.uk/conker/pond-dip/tadpoles.htm
Sometimes we want everything to ourselves. We say to our friends, “It’s Mine!”. Sharing can help us feel better about our things. These three friends learn to share the hard way. Click below to find out what are the title, setting character, problem, outcome, and message of a fourth grade class. http://www.waiau.k12.hi.us/Class/Gr4/LeoLionni/mine/itmine.htm Click below to play fish games! http://www.fishlinkcentral.com/games/index.htm
Did you ever want to be something different? Well, this character does. Click below to find out what are the title, setting character, problem, outcome, and message of a fourth grade class. http://www.waiau.k12.hi.us/Class/Gr4/LeoLionni/color/color.htm
Leo Lionni has inspired many authors and illustrators. Read one of the four books written by Leo Lionni with a partner. Then, write and illustrate your own book using a similar character. Have fun! Visit the works of a second grade classroom for ideas. Just click below! http://www.ci.shrewsbury.ma.us/Sps/Schools/Beal/Curriculum/media/Lionni/lionnistories.html