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Develop a comprehensive Capacity Building Strategy to enhance knowledge and skills in designing, operating, and maintaining monitoring systems for effective program decision-making. The strategy aligns with the IM Sustainability Plan and offers various training opportunities.
INFORMATION MANAGEMENT - Capacity Building Strategy OVERVIEW (2015-2016) CORE PROFILES (IM Strategy) Information Management Officer, IMOs New IMOs Continuous Development SUB PROFILES: Protection IM Shelter IM CCCM IM Needs Assessment Profiling / Population Statistics GIS / Mapping Data Visualization BACKGROUND: Information Management (IM) has been identified as a core responsibility of the organization and Clusters, we need a comprehensive Capacity Building Strategy that supports field operations in fully assuming the organization's responsibilities for leading and coordinating information management in various contexts. OBJECTIVE: The principle goal of the Capacity Building Strategy is to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to design, operate and maintain monitoring systems, and to interpret the resulting information in order to support good programme decisions. The Capacity Building Strategy supports the IM Sustainability Plan. IM TRAINING AVAILABLE WITHIN UNHCR: Operational Data Management Learning Programme, ODMLP Training on Information Management in Emergencies, TIME Workshop in Emergencies, WEM Joint Information Management Training (Response Monitoring) Profiling Coordination Training, PCT (JIPs) Needs Assessment e-learning IMO Retreat (conference format) IM TRAINING IN DEVELOPMENT: Strengthening the Use of Data (Analysis) Data Visualization GIS/ArcGIS TABLE OF CONTENTS: Capacity Building Strategy Overview Core Competency Domains Roadmap to IM Learning Work Plan Activities / Budget (proposed) Monitoring & Evaluation Framework (to be developed) Useful Links and Training Resources
INFORMATION MANAGEMENT - Capacity Building Strategy Road Map to IM Learning TIME Workshop (Emergency Focus) PCT Workshop & Scenario (Profiling Training) ODMLP Certificate Programme (application) Profiling process Coordination platform Developing methodology Survey sampling Data collection techniques Field organization Training Processing Analysis Coordination structures Developing an IM Strategy Population Estimation Techniques Needs Assessments GPS, GIS, ODK Secondary data reviews Data cleaning Roster deployment Data visualization ODMLP E-learning (data basics) = Roster – IMO = Roster - Profiling Survey methodology Mapping Assessments Population statistics Excel / Access Protecting personal data Data collection ASR, proGres, web portals Joint IM Inter-agency Workshop & Simulation (IM in Strategic planning and response monitoring) Soft Skills (team work) Humanitarian System (history) Needs Assessment Indicators Analysis Reporting Monitoring Data Collection 3W Other training to consider: WEM Co-Lead Needs Assessment E-learning Protection IM Training Protection Learning Programme CCCM Training Shelter Assessment
Currently 8 categories of Protection Information Management Protection Monitoring - protection Risks Protection Needs Assessment - problems, capacities, vulnerabilities Case Management - service provision Population Data - who, how many, where Protection Programme M&E - activity Status , funding, evaluation Communicating with Affected Populations – account. & evaluation Security/Access/Safety - situation analysis Sectoral Systems – specific systems to feed sector data needs
INFORMATION MANAGEMENT - Capacity Building Strategy Useful Links and Training Resources (please add) NOTES and links to other training material: TIME:TIME master document 20142014 preparation material ODMLP: available on Learn & Connect https://unhcr.csod.com/client/unhcr/default.aspx Needs Assessment e-learning: TBD Joint-UN IM Induction:https://www.dropbox.com/sh/dn1cdlxhb5dq4yp/AABABNpuQ0flyiSggGBmqAVxa?dl=0 WEM: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dZNLruibMQg9u2BDx0WzwoeOuEPJXLdEOSad97IAU0o/edit?usp=sharing https://prezi.com/_eninwmbjugk/hq-intro-to-im-july-28-2013/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy FAO - Strategic Approaches to Information (methods and tools for developing and implementing an information management strategy in the digital age). www.imarkgroup.org/#/imark/en/registration/toCourse/D2 WFP: https://www.wfp.org/content/monitoring-food-security-technical-guidance-sheet UNICEF M&E Training:http://www.ceecis.org/remf/Service3/unicef_eng/index.html Sampling: http://www.acaps.org/en/resources /http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DD5npelwh80 / http://www.sens.unhcr.org/page.asp?content_id=33621 Excel: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/xspemxxdoyzy0gg/AACQoGOnAFJAF2MvQKAJ--gya?dl=0 Edouard Legoupil - UNHCR JOR -IM: Courtesy from ACAPS / Patrice:https://www.dropbox.com/sh/xspemxxdoyzy0gg/AACQoGOnAFJAF2MvQKAJ--gya?dl=0 Edouard Legoupil - UNHCR JOR -IM:http://excelwhatelse.blogspot.com/ https://cwebbbi.wordpress.com/2013/10/18/implementing-common-calculations-in-power-query/ Free online course: https://www.coursera.org/