Dr. Anand J. Puppala, P.E. AvarindPedarlaNagareenivasuTalluri Sherry Wright (RET Teacher) Distinguished Teaching Professor Research Ass. Research Ass. Integrated Physics & Chemistry University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) UTA UTA Duncanville High School anad@UTA.edu Objective: The objective of this research was to use test data to design and implement soil enhancement techniques to prevent foundation failure in roads, homes, and other structures. The teacher will learn to test soil properties to determine the interventions required for various soil types. Methods and Experiments Beginning Soil Sample Atterburg Limits Testing Swell Test Grain Particle Distribution Analysis The RET teachers completed the following tests to determine soil properties: grain size distribution analysis, Atterburglimits tests, and swell tests. These tests helped RET teachers to determine if lime or others soil modifying treatments would be required to chemically and physically modify the soil to achieve optimal soil mechanics. ___Incorporation of Engineering Concepts into Classroom Setting___ Students will measure the density of a soil sample to determine the soil’s suitable for foundation purposes. Ranking of Soil for foundations: (from best to unsuitable): Sand & Gravel – Best Medium & Hard Clays – Good Silts & Soft Clays – Poor Organic Silt and Clays – Undesirable Density of Sand – 1.3 – 1.7 g/cm3 Soil Mass Determination Soil Volume Determination