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PUPIL ACCOUNTING TRAINING. September 30, 2013. 2013–2014 COUNT DATES. October 2, 2013 Materials to Auditors by November 6, 2013 February 12, 2014 Materials to Auditors by March 19, 2014. 2013-2014 Updates. Age changes for Kindergarten Audit changes Interviews Teacher certifications
2013–2014 COUNT DATES • October 2, 2013 • Materials to Auditors by November 6, 2013 • February 12, 2014 • Materials to Auditors by March 19, 2014
2013-2014 Updates • Age changes for Kindergarten • Audit changes • Interviews • Teacher certifications • Changes/additions to Section 5-O in Pupil Accounting Manual • 5-O-A – Virtual Learning, Distance Learning & Independent Study • 5-O-B – Seat Time Waiver • 5-O-C – Cyber Schools • 5-O-D – Expanded Online Learning • Section 25
KINDERGARTEN ENROLLMENT • 2013-2014 --- Age 5 Before November 1 • 2014-2015 --- Age 5 Before October 1 • 2015-2016 --- Age 5 Before September 1 • Waiver is available for parents • as long as child is 5 by December 1 • Notification cut-off dates no longer exist
Audit Interviews • Interviews are required as part of the field audit and will now include other staff members (not just teachers) • The purpose of the interview is to inquire whether they are aware of any inappropriate alterations of attendance records • The % of staff interviewed will be based upon the Population 1 sample
AUDITING TEACHER CERTIFICATION • As part of our audit process we must now verify teacher certifications with every desk audit • 10% sample • Loss of FTE • Loss of salary • Also includes mentor teachers • counselors • administrators
Requirements for Membership • Pupil must have enrolled in the district prior to or on the count date. The pupil must be present on the count date • If absent on the count day, the district must verify the pupil returned to school for all class periods for instruction • If the absence was excused – • Must attend within 30 calendar days • If the absence was unexcused – • Must have been enrolled and in attendance prior to count day and must attend within 10 school days
Required Documentation - Reminders • Building alpha list must be signed by the principal -- in INK • Attendance must be taken every day • Seat Time Waiver Documentation: • 2-way communication each week & 10 logins within the 30 day count period
Enrollment Reminders • Birth Certificate • Must not refuse to enroll a pupil because parent did not provide a birth certificate • Can use a Birth Affidavit --- with other reliable proof
Homeless Students • Children who lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence • Share housing of others (doubled-up) due to loss of housing, economic hardship or similar reason • Living in motels, campgrounds, etc. due to lack of alternative housing • Living in emergency/transitional shelters • Awaiting foster care placement (6 months or less) • Living in cars, parks, public spaces, substandard housing, abandoned buildings, etc. • Unaccompanied youth – not in the physical custody of a parent/guardian • These children have the right to enroll in school immediately, even if they do not possess the required documentation (school records, medical records, proof of residency)
Reasons for Homelessness • There can be many reasons for homelessness • Eviction • Foreclosure • No affordable housing • Substandard housing • Utility shut-off • Loss of Job • Underemployment EUPISD Homeless contact Lisa Jo Gagliardi lgaglardi@eup.k12.mi.us (906) 632-3373 ext. 132
Worksheet A/B • Worksheet A/B should be generated from your electronic reporting system • Total on worksheet be must be checked with MSDS and Alpha list • Must be printed on COUNT DAY or AS OF DAY = Count Day • Section 53 students --- please submit your MDE approval letter with the Worksheet A documentation
School of Choice • Requirements under 105 and 105C are identical, except for enrollment of special education students • 105C special ed students require cooperative agreement (even if student had been in district for years before they became special ed) --- no agreement, no FTE • No later than 2nd Friday in August, provide notice of: • Dates of application period • Grades, schools and special programs, if any, for which applications will be accepted • If limited number of positions, how many • Students must be enrolled by end of first week of school • Must complete School of Choice forms • Failure to follow 105/105C guidelines --- subject to forfeiture of 5% of state aid for the year in question
ISD Center-based Residency Change • If a student is a resident of one of your constituent local districts, report the student as a resident student using one of the resident codes (“09”, “11”, “12”, “13” or “14”.) If the student is a resident of a district that is not one of your constituent local districts, report the student as code “06” (Non-resident/all other non-resident students)
Days and Clock Hours • The new minimum amount of days is 170 --- or no less than the number of days offered in 2009-2010 • Will be changing to 175 days for 2014-2015 school year • The required number of hours is still 1,098 • PD hours remain at 38 and can only be counted towards the total amount of hours required (not days) • PD hours will no longer count towards hours of instruction (after 2013-2014 school year) • Forgiven days remain at 6 days and the equivalent hours • New this year --- bomb threats and funerals are allowed
Early Childhood 1754 Programs • The auditors now look at the calendar as a “schedule”. If the student is absent on a Thursday, the student must return to a Thursday within the 30 day count period.
Home-Based Students • Students that have been suspended or expelled as a result of disciplinary action (Section 5C) • If expelled under local district policy: • Pro-rata FTE based on service provided • Must provided at least 2 non-consecutive hours of pupil instruction per week by a certified teacher • Expelled under Mandatory Expulsion: • Eligible for full FTE • Must provided at least 2 non-consecutive hours of pupil instruction per week by a certified teacher
Homebound/Hospitalized • Must have a note from the Doctor certifying the student has a medical condition that requires that the pupil be confined to the home or hospitalized during regular school hours • Pupils who are able to attend school part-time are expected to do so and do not qualify for homebound/hospitalized service • Once notified by parent with note, the district must make arrangements for homebound service within 3 days. The services must begin within 5 days • 2 – 45 minute sessions per week • 2 - 1 hour sessions per week if special ed
Homebound/Hospitalized • FTE calculations • To claim a full FTE, the minimum amount of instruction must be provided during each of the 4 weeks of the count period • If pupil doesn’t meet requirements under H/H, they become a part-time pupil and the FTE must be prorated based on the 4 weeks of count • Special education students are still all or nothing --- there are no partial FTE’s
Reduced Schedule Students • For students in grades 9-12 • Parents must sign form stating it is in the student’s best interest • Must be enrolled in not less than 80% of the minimum hours required • May not grant a reduced schedule for the following: • The local school district collectively enrolled an entire class or category of pupils on a reduced schedule basis. Reduced schedules must be considered on a case-by-case basis. • The local school district granted a reduced schedule because the pupil needed less than the minimum hours to earn enough credits to graduate. • The local school district established an alternative education program where each pupil in the program was separately judged to need a reduced schedule. Each program must offer the minimum required hours, except an alternative education program may apply to the Department for a waiver of the days and/or hours requirement. • A reduced schedule cannot be granted, by a district, because there was an insufficient number of classrooms or certificated teachers to enroll a group of pupils in a class.
Dual Enrollment • Dual enrollment is now for grades 9-12 • Total number capped at 10, unless written agreement with school and postsecondary • Grade 9 = 2+2+2+4 • Grade 10 = 2+2+4 • Grade 11 or 12 = no more than 6/year --- up to max of 10 • Dual enrollment expanded to nonpublic schools students that meet the same requirements as public school students
Dual Enrollment • A dual enrolled student must be enrolled and attending at least one high school course at the district • As of May 15, 2012 - Senate Bill 710: • Qualifying scores for each subject area component of a readiness assessment that indicate readiness to enroll in a postsecondary course in that subject area under this act • The school district shall pay to the eligible postsecondary institution on behalf of the eligible student an amount equal to the lesser of the amount of the eligible charges or the prorated percentage of the statewide pupil-weighted average foundation allowance, as calculated under section 20 of the state school aid act • At the time an eligible student who is enrolled in a school district enrolls in a postsecondary course under this act, he/she shall designate whether the course is for high school or postsecondary credit (or both) and shall notify both his/her high school and the eligible postsecondary institution of that designation
Virtual Learning, Distance Learning & Independent Study (5-O-A) • Virtual Learning – computer-based internet-connected learning • grades K-12 • on-site • with teacher – unlimited courses • self-scheduled – 2 course limit • Distance Learning – 2-way communication between teacher of record & a group of pupils (eg. ITV) • grades K-12 • unlimited courses • Independent Study – self-directed learning • grades 9-12 • 2 course limit
Virtual Classes • All students K-12 are allowed to take 2 virtual classes per year • Must appear on the Virtual Enrollment form (LL) • Computer or internet courses provided at the school during the school day as part of the pupil’s class schedule, while the pupil is in attendance in the building, poses no problem for pupil accounting because the pupil is in regular daily attendance • A certificated teacher employed by the school district must be present in the classroom • The number of courses taken, through the computer or the internet, at the school with the certificated teacher present are unlimited • The course is counted in the same manner as any other in-district course
Self-Scheduled Virtual Class • Must assign an onsite mentor • Must be enrolled in at least one course offered by the district where regular daily attendance is required • Proof of logins no longer required --- student is considered in attendance if they attend any of their seated classes that day • Limited to two courses per semester • District is required to pay any tuition charges or fees
Seat Time Waiver (5-O-B) Grades 6-12 Teacher-facilitated Instruction: The district shall select online courses or other credit-bearing activities that are facilitated by a highly qualified certificated teacher The course(s) shall be approved by the district’s local board and must generate credit toward the pupil’s high school diploma or grade progression in order to count toward the pupil’s membership The course content must be aligned with the Michigan Grade Level Content Expectations or Michigan Merit Curriculum
Seat Time Waiver • Student must log in on count day and 9 additional times during the 30 day count period • The school district claiming a pupil under a seat time waiver must produce to the pupil accounting auditor log-in records for count day and login records during the 30 calendar day window period • Must have two-way communication weekly with mentor teacher --- thecommunication must be educational in nature • This documentation needs to be sent with desk audit packet: • Copies of email correspondence • Phone log and detailed summary of communication • Skype- detailed summary of communication • Face to Face- detailed summary of communication • The on-site mentor shall be a certificated Michigan teacher employed by the district • Seat time waiver students must have a schedule and it must be submitted with the desk audit packet
Expanded Online Learning (5-O-D)Section 21f • Grades 5-12 • No more than 2 courses per count --- with consent of the pupil’s parent or legal guardian • Provided in an interactive internet-connected learning environment where students are separated from their teachers by time/location or both • Courses must be selected from the educating district online catalog or the MIVU statewide catalog and must generate credit/grade • District shall use foundation allowance to pay for online courses (80% at enrollment – 20% at completion) --- can be no greater than 1/12 per semester of the district’s foundation allowance • A Michigan certified teacher of record must be identified and assigned to the course • If course will be taken in self-scheduled format, an on-site mentor teacher must be assigned
Expanded Online Learning (5-O-D)Section 21f • A district may deny a pupil enrollment in an online course for any of the following reasons: • Pupil has previously gained the credits provided from the completion of the online course • Online course is not capable of generating academic credit • Online course is inconsistent with the remaining graduation requirements or career interests of the pupil • Pupil does not possess the prerequisite knowledge and skills to be successful in the online course or has demonstrated failure in previous online coursework in the same subject • Online course is of insufficient quality or rigor. A district than denies a pupil enrollment for this reason shall make a reasonable effort to assist the pupil to find an alternative course in the same or a similar subject that is of acceptable rigor and quality • A Pupil denied enrollment may appeal to the ISD superintendent in writing
WBL Paid & Unpaid Non-CTE Requirements of Paid and Unpaid Non-CTE WBL Programs: *A violation will result in a deduction of the WBL portion of the FTE for that pupil 1. Training Agreement * = A written contract that clarifies the specific responsibilities of the student learner, the employer, the parents, the teacher/coordinator, and the school district a) Student learner’s personal information: name, home address, telephone number, date of birth and emergency contact information b) Employer’s name, address, telephone and contact person c) Employer, school and student learner’s responsibilities* d) Dates of Safety Instruction*
WBL Paid & Unpaid Non-CTE Training Agreement continued: e) Beginning and end dates of agreement* f) Daily hours to be worked, including beginning and ending times* g) Verification of workers disability compensation and general liability insurance* h) Signatures of the principal/or designee, certificated coordinator, student learner, parent/guardian, and employer* i) In place on count day* j) Statement of assurance signed by employer that pupil will not be discriminated against k) Statement of assurance that district complies with federal laws relating to discrimination
WBL Paid & Unpaid Non-CTE Training Plan: In Place for Count Day a) Verification by certificated teacher that placement relates to career or education goals as outlined in EDP. b) For unpaid learners, differing specific skills need to be listed for each 45-hour placement.* c) Identification of related academic course(s) instruction (non-CTE and General Education only) where pupil was previously or is currently enrolled. * http://www.onetonline.org/ d) Signatures of the principal/or designee, certificated coordinator, student learner, parent/guardian, and employer. If the training plan and training agreement are combined, one set of signatures is sufficient
WBL Paid & Unpaid Non-CTE Training Plan continued: e) Grades 9 – 12 f) Monitored by district-employed certified teacher* g) Student eligible to receive credit for WBL h) Site visits every 9 weeks (30 days SE)* i) Safety Instruction* j) Attendance records at work site* k) Hours worked must not exceed district maximum and can be no more than 24 per week when school is in session l) Credit towards diploma/certificate m) WBL cannot generate > 50% of student’s FTE (not the day)* n) Work experience must occur during scheduled classroom time unless a special exception is documented and certificated teacher must be available to monitor this experience during the pupils training hours.
WBL State-Approved CTE Requirements All CTE-WBL Programs: 1. Training Agreement *– same requirements as Non-CTE program 2. Training Plan*: Verification by vocationally (CTE) certified teacher coordinator that placement relates to pupil’s career or education goals in EDP List of performance elements (CTE Standards) used to assess student progress and established by the Office of Career and Technical Education Mi CTE Navigator = http://ctenavigator.org/ Signatures of CTE certified teacher, pupil, parent/guardian 3. Employer or vocationally (CTE) certificated teacher/coordinator shall maintain and verify records of pupil attendance*
WBL State-Approved CTE Requirements All CTE-WBL Programs continued: 4. CTE certified teacher shall develop a regular visitation plan, after first visiting employer to establish training site, that includes visits every 9 weeks* 5. Monitored by a vocationally (career and technical education/CTE) certified teacher coordinator employed by the district.* 6. Enrolled in a state-approved CTE program and in grades 11 or 12.* 7. Pupil eligible to receive credit for the WBL experience*
Training Plan • The district must have a written training plan in place by count day • A list of performance elements that contribute to the pupil’s progress toward a career objective. The performance elements/job skills shall be used to assess the pupil’s progress. New goals each 9 weeks • Identification of the academic course(s) that generate credit toward a high school diploma in which the pupil is currently enrolled or was previously enrolled in that relates to and prepares the pupil for job placement
WBL In-District Placements In District Placements (placed within school district) Must Be: 1. Directly related to postsecondary career and employment goals in pupil’s Spec. Ed Transition Services Plan OR 2. Placement for related State-Approved CTE Program (Must identify PSN for the CTE program) In-District placement for all others is not allowed
Visitation Plan • Every 9 weeks a visitation by a certified teacher must be made. At the visitation: • Monitor the progress of the pupil’s skills • Verify the pupil’s attendance • Evaluate the site in terms of health, safety, and welfare of the pupil.
Work Based Learning • A training agreement must be in place by Count Day Verification of Worker’s Disability Compensation and General Liability Insurance • An important requirement of the training agreement for both paid and unpaid students is that there must be verification from the employer that they carry both worker’s compensation insurance and general liability insurance. To verify workers’ compensation • Call the Michigan Department of Energy, Labor and Economic Growth, Workers’ Compensation Agency at 1-888-396-5041 or access the web site at www.michigan.gov/wca and click on “insurance coverage look up”. • The above website does not provide general liability insurance, this information must be verified directly with the employer.
Experiential Learning (6-A) • The pupil must be enrolled in grades 9-12 • The course must be supervised by a certified teacher • Must be board approved • The teacher shall not be concurrently teaching another course • A grade and credit must be given based upon assessment • Attendance must be taken and documented
Experiential Learning (6-B) • The Peer to Peer (formerly Links) program is available for all pupils with an IEP - not just for pupils with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) • It is a support elective course/credit program that incorporates applied (experiential) learning in a non-traditional manner • There are 4 models • Curriculum is approved by board, instructional objectives must be established, course syllabus is provided, daily attendance is taken, assessment & grading is completed by teacher of record
GAD • Dropout - Verify all dropouts. If incorrect, change the exit code in SRM (Student Record Maintenance Collection) • Exempt = Deceased - Moved out of State – Non Public- Home-schooled • District may make changes to the current cohort
GAD • Submit any necessary Primary Education Providing Entity (PEPE) change requests, cohort year or status change requests and exit status corrections in the MSDS • Please note that there must be corresponding submission records to support the request (i.e. PEPE changes cannot be approved for entities that have never reported the student) • If you reported a student with an incorrect exit status during the 2012-2013 school year or the student is a summer graduate, then you MUST report the student in the SRM Collection. Once you certify the SRM Collection, each student’s PEPE and cohort status will update automatically • Only your intermediate school district (ISD) auditor can make exit status updates for students who exited prior to the 2012-2013 school year, as these data have been previously audited. Submit proper documentation to your auditor and s/he will submit an audit finding during the exit status audit window
GAD Determine whether the cyber/virtual school is in state or out-of-state by searching for the school in the Educational Entity Master (EEM) at http://www.michigan.gov/eem. If the school does not exist in the EEM, it is considered an out-of-state school... report the student with District Exit Status code “14” (enrolled in home school) If the cyber/virtual school does exist in the EEM, it is considered an in-state school, and it will be listed as either a public or nonpublic school. Exit the student with code “08” for public school or “15” for non public When you receive a ‘Request for Records’ for a student that you have reported as a dropout, submit an SRM record revising that dropout
Section 25 • New School Aid Bill allows all districts and PSA’s to claim funding on a daily basis (funding follows student) • After Fall count day, districts may claim FTE for the days they educate the student (from October 3 through February 11) • FTE will be pro rated based on 105 days (time between Fall and Spring counts). Effective date is the date the pupil becomes enrolled and is in attendance (not just enrollment)
Section 25 • Identify students new to district (October 3 through February 11) • Within 30 days, districts must submit & certify SRM record • Submit required paperwork to ISD auditor for review/approval • verifies date of enrollment • verifies membership eligibility (residency, etc.) • proof of attendance • If approved, adjustment will appear on following month state aid payment • If denied, it will be sent back with instructions in the comment section to fix and re-submit Details regarding specific procedures are to be provided by the State prior to November 1 There will be roll-out trainings provided