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Fishing Lure and Forum, Soft Plastic, Bream and Bass

Lure HQ, designing and distributing for madeye lures and vennon hooks. Aims to deliver and distribute the most effective lure products that are designed for Australian Species. Whether its bream lure, bass lure, fishing soft plastics , flathead lure, madeye lures has covered.

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Fishing Lure and Forum, Soft Plastic, Bream and Bass

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  1. Fishing Lure and Forum,Soft Plastic, Bream and Bass Information inAustralia A fishing life changes and everydayoffersthe promise ofa new experience. To the dedicatedangler, fishing is not sport or recreation. Itisdiscipline,seriousand everchanging. Sure,there are basicrules to follow,but understanding and developing the necessary skills isn't dependent on strict adherence to convention.Fish aremoving feast,ashimmering smorgasbord oflife trying toeat ina harsh environment that is bothdifferent and thesame. The madeye lures was made froma flat, ratherthick piece ofbrass sheet metaland then formed and stamped in tothe shape ofa specialkindofminnow. It's madeto simulate a memberfrom agroup of minnows that would dart aboutand make aseries ofrapid wiggling motions andthensettle down to the bottomofthe streamorbody ofwaterthey inhabited. Folded-Up sides forming a semi-hollow body channelthat flared out to a 1-3/8" width at the eyes and then narrowedagainto thenose. From a top view, it had the shape ofaswimming seal and from aside view,a bird-like head.Themadeye lure were made by stampingorpressing from the inside,out,forming aconvex irispainted yellow anda concave centerpupilpainted black. A ring-rivet held a circular-shaped dive lip on the nose that was concaved towards the front and thenbentstraight down. Two tabs were pressed outward from the inside to form the loopsforboth the bellyand tailtreble vennon hooks. The lure is pictured with the patent,along with two separate picturesofthe lure from both belly and side views. Light tackle is necessaryto cast the very light lures that work best. No bait is needed. Smallspinners, plugs orsoft plastic lureare the most productive lures. Go with asmall,pocket sized plasticbox filled with hooks,smalljigs,tiny Slug-Go's andFin-SFish.Rig the Slug-Gowith a size 1TexposerHook, exposed forshallows and riffles anduse a2.5inch Fin-Sfish on a1/16 or1/32ounce jighead forfishingthe deeperpools,which may onlybe 2to 5 feetdeep. Ifpossible,bring two rods, rigged with different set ups. Bringalong apailto keep the softplasticlure box and spare rod out ofthe dirt.By making quick switches from sinking to shallow,running lures you can coverpools and rifflesefficiently and without constantly tying oruntying knots. They killthe action ofthe light lures required in these environments. Ifyou want aserious light tackle challenge then try bream fishing.It isn't like any otherform ofangling, just ask abreamlurespecialist. Cunning,finicky, contrary and greatbattlers, it is forallofthese attributes that bream rate so highly among southern anglers. Southern black bream lure is the mainstay ofestuary fishing in Victoria. In NewSouthWales,yellow-fin bream is the popularspecies,and as you work up the coast,you find othermembersofthe bream family like pikey bream. Allthebream lure are similarbut different. (ForExp:-Even though both black and yellow-fin bream fight well,theblackbream is more difficult to catch and less likely tobe caught on lure orfly). There'ssomething mysticalaboutbass lure. Deepwithin every anglersprings theeternalhope that his next lure willslay bass like nothing before.We snap upthe latest creations that hit the market,or

  2. whateverthe pros have the used in winning recent tournaments,orperhapssomething a fishing buddy has whispered tous. Fiddling with new lures is part ofthe fun ofbass lure fishing,but it's easy to let things get out ofhand. The Fishing Forum Soft Plastics and Bream,Bass,Flathead, Lures forsale inAustralia,getthe more information about fishing @ http://lurehq.com.au/ The bar-tailflathead lure is acommon species in Western Australianestuaries.It is curiouslyvery common in the Swan Riverat the southern end ofits range and can be readily identified by the tailfin which has black and white horizontalstripes on the tailwith a yellow blotch at the topofthe fin. The similarnorthern sandflathead which grows to 45 cmhas similartail colorations but noyellow blotch. The bar-tailflathead lure is found on sand,gravel,light rock andsiltbottoms and is reportedas reaching 1m in length,butin the Swan estuary whereit is particularly targeted,any fish above 55cm is noteworthy and most fish are between 30 and45 centimeters. In addition to commercial rights,the settlementprovided forrightswhich were to be furtherarticulated, such as in the development ofpolices and regulationsto provide forcustomary non-commercialfishing forum.Stemming from obligation, regulations were developed to strengthen some ofthe Tanagra whoa fisheries managementrights forcustomary fishing forumin a way that best fitstheir localpractices. Whenfishing soft plastics rigged Texas-style,use a medium to heavy powerbait-castingoutfit with 10- 12 pound line.You need afairly stiffrod to drive the vennon hooks through thesoft plasticand into the fish's mouth. Amedium-powerspinning outfitwith 6to 8 pound line worksbetter when using fishing soft plastics with exposed vennon hooks. The numberofindividuals thatare interested in collecting vintage fishing lures forsale is steadly growing and expanding to all countries where fishing isawell-loved hobby and sport. Collecting,trading andselling vintage fishing lures forsale is apopularhobby in the United States,Japan,Canada,UK,and South America and in theScandinavian countries to name justa few areas of interest. Fishing is an evolutionary ratherthan revolutionary activity. While technologyhas come intoplay with new lines andspace age rod materials the basicpursuitremains the same, getting afish on the end of the line. About the Author Explore:- AFishingForumSoftPlasticsandBream,Bass,Flathead,Luresforsale|Madeyelures| Vennon Hooks

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