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Forum PA 2007 Il ciclo di Doha e i negoziati commerciali dell’Unione Europea. Roma, 25 maggio 2007. Forum PA 2007 La posizione italiana nel commercio internazionale di servizi. Roma, 25 maggio 2007. Evoluzione del ruolo dei servizi nel commercio mondiale.
Forum PA 2007Il ciclo di Doha e i negoziati commerciali dell’Unione Europea Roma, 25 maggio 2007
Forum PA 2007La posizione italiana nel commercio internazionale di servizi Roma, 25 maggio 2007
Evoluzione del ruolo dei servizi nel commercio mondiale • Alcuni servizi (trasporto internazionale) sono stati commercializzati internazionalmente da secoli • Alcuni servizi sono commercializzati in congiunzione con dei beni (distribuzione) • Il commerio dei servizi è aumentato negli ultimi anni in conseguenzadi: • progresso tecnologico (e-banking, tele-medicine, distance learning) • diminuzione prestazioni dirette da parte del settore pubblico • liberalizzazione mercati e riforme regolatorie Roma, 25 maggio 2007
Servizi: Importanza economica • Quota nella produzione e occupazione Superiore al 50%, con livelli diversi a seconda della struttura delle risorse e del livello di sviluppo • Quota nel commercio mondiale Circa 20 %
Servizi nell’Unione Europea • 77% del valore aggiunto lordo • 76% dell’occupazione UE
EU = Il più grande esportatore di servizi al mondo • Quota UE nel commercio mondiale di servizi25% (18% nei beni). • I Servizi rappresentano il 29% delle esportazionitransfrontaliere.
le liberalizzazioni nel movimento di lavoratori stranieri qualificati e le differenze con le politiche migratorie Roma, 16 gennaio 2007
DPR 18 ottobre 2004, n. 334art. 40 comma 5 General Agreement on Trade in Services Roma, 25 maggio 2007
Country A Country B i 4 modi di fornitura Mode 1 of supplying a service: cross border The service crosses the border costumer supplier Mode 2 of supplying a service: consumptionabroad The costumer crosses the border supplier costumer costumer supply the service Mode 3 of supplying a service: commercial presence The supplier crosses the border In the form of a juridical person costumer supplier supply Mode 4 of supplying a service: movement of natural person The supplier crosses the border In the form of a natural person costumer supplier supply
Intra-corporate transfers (ICT): Quali categorie? the natural person concerned must work within a juridical person other than a non-profit making organisation, established in the territory of a WTO Member and have been employed by it for at least the year immediately preceding the date of admission. the natural person is temporarily transferred in the context of the provision of a service through commercial presence in the territory of the Community Member State concerned. the transfer must be to a commercial presence of the aforementioned juridical person, constituted in and effectively providing like services in the territory of the Community Member State concerned. the natural person concerned must belong to one of the following categories: a) managers, b) specialists, c) graduatetrainees. Entry and stay is limited to a maximum of three years in the case of (a) and (b), and to twelve months in the case of (c). Roma, 16 gennaio 2007
Intra-corporate transfers (ICT): Quali categorie? Managers: Persons working in a senior position within a juridical person, who primarily direct the management of the establishment, receiving general supervision or direction principally from the board of directors or stockholders of the business or their equivalent Specialists: Persons working within a juridical person who possess uncommon knowledge essential to the establishment's service, research equipment, techniques or management. In assessing such knowledge, account will be taken not only of knowledge specific to the establishment, but also of whether the person has a high level of qualification referring to a type of work or trade requiring specific technical knowledge, including membership of an accredited profession. GraduateTrainees: Persons with a university degree who are transferring for career development purposes or to obtain training in business techniques or methods . The recipient company in the EC may be required to submit a training programme covering the duration of the stay for prior approval, demonstrating that the purpose of the stay is for training. Roma, 16 gennaio 2007
(ii) Business Visitors (BV): Quali categorie? Service sellers: persons not residing in the territory of a Member State to which the EC treaties apply, who are representatives of a service supplier and are seeking temporary entry for the purpose of negotiating for the sale of services or entering into agreements to sell services for that service provider, where those representatives will not be engaged in making direct sales to the general public or in supplying services themselves. Establishment of commercial presence: persons working in a senior position, as defined in (i) a) above,) within a juridical person, who are responsible for the setting up, in a Member State, of a commercial presence of a service provider of a Member Entry and temporary stay is permitted for a period of up to 90 days in any twelve month period Roma, 16 gennaio 2007
(iii) Contractual service suppliers (CSS): Quali categorie? The natural persons are engaged in the supply of a service on a temporary basis as employees of a juridical person (other than agencies as defined by CPC 872), which who has no commercial presence in any Member State of the European Community. The juridical person has obtained a service contract from a final consumer in the Member State concerned through a procedure which guarantees the bona fide character of the contract. The natural person seeking access should be offering such services as an employee of the juridical person supplying the service for at least the year immediately preceding such movement. The natural person must possess (a) a university degree or a technical qualification demonstrating knowledge of an equivalent level , (b) professional qualifications where this is required to exercise an activity pursuant to the laws, regulations or requirements of the EC or the Member State where the service is supplied and (c) at least three years professional experience in the sector. The temporary entry and stay within the Member State concerned shall be for a period of not more than six months in any 12 months period or for the duration of the contract, whatever is less Roma, 16 gennaio 2007
(iv) Independent professionals (IP): Quali categorie? The natural person is engaged in the supply of a service as a self-employed person established in the territory of a WTO Member other than that of a Member State of the European Community. The natural person has obtained a service contract other than through an agency for a period not exceeding 12 months from a final consumer in the Member State concerned, through a procedure which guarantees the bona fide character of the contract. The natural person must possess (a) a university degree which is relevant to the sector of activity concerned or a technical qualification demonstrating knowledge of an equivalent level , (b) professional qualifications where this is required to exercise an activity pursuant to the laws, regulations or requirements of the EC or the Member State where the service is supplied and (c) at least six years professional experience in the sector. Commitments are subject to the application of a numerical ceiling The temporary entry and stay within the Member State concerned shall be for a period of not more than six months in any 12 months period or for the duration of the contract, whatever is less Roma, 16 gennaio 2007
Le nuove relazioni commerciali bilaterali dell’Unione Europea Global Europe: Competing in the World, la Comunità è pronta ad inaugurare una nuova generazione di Accordi di Libero Scambio (FTAs), compatibili con le regole WTO, per migliorare le relazioni commerciali con alcune aeree economiche emergenti. • nuovi FTAs con • Paesi Asean, • India • Sud Corea Roma, 16 gennaio 2007