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This presentation is about five popular games which were played in Spain when we were a bit younger . The colours have been chosen represents to girls and boys ( pink and blue ) since them represented them by excelen in those days .
Thispresentationisaboutfive popular gameswhichwereplayed in Spainwhenwewere a bit younger. • Thecolourshavebeenchosenrepresentstogirls and boys (pink and blue) sincethemrepresentedthembyexcelen in thosedays. • Todaysome of them are rarelyplayed in theplaygrounds at schools and othershavebeenalmostdisappeared. • Well, all of youknowthatwe are students of English and it´sdifficultforustospeakthislanguage so bepatientplease and have a nice time withus. • THE SHOW IS ABOUT TO START
LikeChildrenby Carmen Alonso Juan Manuel Berrocal Diana Camelo Felipe Casas Carmen Herranz Jose María López Manuel Martín Montse Villarreal
Thewinnerwaswhomadeallthestepswithouttrowingoutthestone. HOPSCOTCHEL TRUEQUEGirls and boysplayedthisgame in thestreetduringalltheyear.Agerelatedthisgame: 8,9,10…Theyhadtopaint a particular designwith a piece of chalkonthefloor.Byturnstheythrewthestoneinsidethedesign. Ifthestonewentout, youlostyourturn. Afterputtingthestoneinside, youhadtojumpwithanonlyfootottwo: reachingthe top in ordertorest, coming back tothefirst position.
The target of thegameistoget “seven and a half”. SEVEN AND A HALF SIETE Y MEDIA • Weneed 3 coins and wehavetopaint a designonthefloor. • Byturnsthecoinisthrownintothedesign. • Ifthecoinsgooutyou lose yourturn.
SPINNING TOPTROMPO o PEONZA Thecordiswoundonthe spin and throwonthefloor, startingto dance. Playersperformeachrun and theneachplayermaneuverstowinthegame.
THE TOPSLAS CHAPAS Thewinneriswhogetthefinishing line firstly Boysusedtopaintthe tops withfootballplayersorcyclistfamous´faces. • Thisis a cheapgameindeedsinceyouonlyneed tops fromthebottlestoplayit. • Youhavetodesign a circuitonthepavimentwith a piece of chalk. Themostimportantthingistodesignitwith a lot of bends, narrowing, straightlines and obstaclestojump. • Theplayers place their tops in thestarting line and eachplayer has tothrowthe top withtheirfingers. • If a top leavesthecircuityoumust back tothepoint of throwing. • When a top pushawaytooheronetheplayeristhrownout.
JUMPING THE ROPE • LA COMBA • Thisgameisveryeasy. • Wejustneed a group of friends and a rope. • Everybodyispreparedtojump in a line. Twopeoplehangtherope in theirsidesmovingtherope in circles. • Therest of thepeoplejumpintotheropesinging a song.
MAKING STRING FIGURES • Weneed a stringoranelastic band. Thisgameisplayed in couples. • Wemake a knotwiththestring. Thegameconsists of makingstring figures. • Thecouplewhomakeallthe figures in theshortestperiod of time, winthegame. • Every figure has itsname. Thefirstoneiscalled: te cat´scradle; thesecondone ; thediamond; thethirdone: thecandles and so on and so forth
THE CHINESESLOS CHINOS Thegameconsists of guessingthe total number of coinsthatsomeplayers –at leasttwo- keep in theirclosedhand. Everyplayer uses threecoins. Thisgame, a partsfrom a gamblinggame; isused as a formula to decide whopays 2the drinks” in a bar orthingslikethat. Childrenitissupposedtobetonlymarblesorsomepicturecard.
MARBLESLAS CANICAS Ifthey are successfultryingtoputthemarbleintothehole, theytakeforthemtherest of themarblesontheground and they can shootagain. • Weneed a group of friends and of course, marbles. Weneedalso a flat place toplay, thenwemake a holeonthegroundabout 10 x10cms. It´simportanttoagreeonthe rules beforestarting. We can playforkeepingmarblesthatyouwinorforfriends. Youkeepall of yourmarbles back at theend of thegame. Playerstaketurnsshootingmarblespinchingthem un theirindexfingers and flickingthemwiththeirthumbs.