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Parents, Please understand tonight is about sharing the curriculum, routines, and procedures with you.Out of respect, we ask you to PLEASE refrain from asking questions that pertain to your individual student. We respect the privacy of our students and can set up a conference to discuss concerns privately. We will be completing academic testing and will share your child’s progress with you during our conference in October. If we have concerns or questions about your child that need to be addressed before our conference, we will contact you. Thank you, The Fourth Grade Teachers
This year your child will have the opportunity to learn from more than one teacher. • Each child has been assigned a homeroom teacher, however that does not mean your child will be with that teacher for the entire day. • Please pick up a copy of your child’s schedule on the table in the hallway. This schedule will help you understand your child’s day and help you know who to contact if you have a question.
MATH • All fourth grade students have Ms. Plasket for math. • The math curriculum we use is Investigations and Every Day Calendar Math. • Students will learn there is more than one way to find an answer and be encourage to share their discoveries and thoughts with each other. • It is very important for students to be fluent in multiplication tables to 12x12. • Please refer to your handout to register for Pearson Success Net. You will find valuable information on this site.
LANGUAGE ARTS • Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Beissel are the Language Arts teachers. • Language Arts encompasses reading, writing, word work and spelling. • Students should read at home a minimum of 20 minutes each night but are strongly encouraged to read more. • Writing traits will be taught throughout the first semester. School journals will be sent home periodically for homework however encouraging your child to write at home for many purposes other than homework will benefit them in many ways. • Students will have spelling homework every night. Please refer to the spelling handout for expectations.
Science • Each fourth grade teacher will teach one session of science. • All students will be able to participate in the science fair but it is not mandatory unless they are in the GT program. Social Studies Mrs. Beissel will be teaching all fourth grade students Texas History.
STUDENT EXPECTATIONS • Students should pay attention, follow directions, and use time wisely. • Students should come prepared for class daily and complete assignments neatly and on time. • Students should always try their best. PARENT EXPECTATONS • Make sure students are at school every day unless they are ill. Please do not schedule vacations during academic time. If necessary, please try to schedule doctor and dental appointments after school or between 10:20-12:10. Students who miss school can not make up the missed learning. • Have student at school on time. They should be inthe gym no later than 7:30. Waking a few minutes earlier to be on time will start their day off in a relaxed manner. • Provide a time and place for homework each night • Check planners and sign all paperwork • Have your student pack their backpack so they know what is in there and where it is • Provide a good diet and sleep habits • Join PTA • Volunteer at school
DISCIPLINE PLAN • Students will record a number 1,2,3 or 4 in their planner in the subject row in the class where the issue occurred. (see discipline codes in front of student planner) Each number is considered a strike. • Planner will be check by an accountability partner at the end of the school day. Partners will check for correctly written homework assignments and materials. Partners will also put a smiley face in the parent initial box if no behavior issues occurred. Students with recorded behavior numbers will need their parents to initial the parent box the same night. REWARDS • If students have zero strikes at the end of the week they will be issued a “free homework pass” or other small reward. • If students have 3 strikes or less at the end of the month they will be able to participate in a monthly reward activity. CONSEQUENCES • Students with 1 strike will have quiet recess reflection for 5 minutes the following day • Students with 2 strikes will have quiet recess reflection followed by completion of SIP (self-improvement plan), • Students will attend Recess Detention/Study Hall if they have 3 strikes or any unfinished work . Fourth Grade Rules
ACADEMIC TESTING STARR TESTING DATES • Writing: April 2nd and 3rd • Math: April 23rd • Reading: April 24th MAP TESTING (Measure of Academic Progress) • A computerized assessment that adapts to the students level as they are taking it. It is untimed. It measures individual growth. This data will help us to develop student-focused instructional strategies. • Students will take the MAP testing in the fall, winter and spring for reading, math and science.
PARENT /TEACHER/SCHOOL COMMUNICATION E-Mail: This is a great way for you to contact us- Beisselb@cfbisd.edu Plasketv@cfbisd.edu Wilsonj@cfbisd.edu • We try to check our email before school, during our planning time, and after school. Please be mindful that conferences, staff development, tutoring, and school duties might keep us from being able to checking every day at those times. We do not check email during our teaching time or right before dismissal so please do not send us important information and expect us to have it read before then. We will try to be in contact with you the same day but allow us the courtesy of replying by the next working day. • Be aware that teachers may not be able to access their computers due to absences, connectivity issues etc. If you have a change of plans for your child’s dismissal or health concerns please stop by the office in the morning to complete the appropriate paperwork. We are not trying to be difficult. Please understand we care greatly for your child and this is for your their safety and well-being. • Student planners and PTA folders • School Websites