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English for social workers I session 12, 20 jan 2014. Miljen Matijašević E-mail: miljen.matijasevic @ gmail.com Office: G10, room 6 (1st floor ) Tue , 11:30-12:30. Today’s session. Revision of the last session SOCIAL POLICY ( continued ) DEMOGRAPHICS
English for social workers Isession 12, 20 jan 2014 Miljen Matijašević E-mail: miljen.matijasevic@gmail.com Office: G10, room 6 (1st floor) Tue, 11:30-12:30
Today’s session • Revisionofthelastsession • SOCIAL POLICY (continued) • DEMOGRAPHICS • Revision for the end-of-term test
Revision of the last session Socialpolicy
Revision • Howcanwedefine ‘socialpolicy’? • Whatareasdoessocialpolicyrefer to inpractice? • Whatcanthetermwelfarerefer to? • What are some arguments for welfare? • What are some argumentsagainstwelfare? • What is socialexclusion?
Social Policy (continued)
Provision of Welfare • Welfare is provided in the: • public sector (state welfare) • private sector (provision for profit by commercial organisations – e.g. insurance companies) • voluntary (provision on a non-profit basis)
Provision of Welfare • public sector (state welfare) • universal standards • social control (protection of certain groups, compulsory education, punishment for criminals, etc.) • cost-effectiveness • residual provision (acts as a safety net for those not provided for in other ways) Do you see any disadvantages to the public provision of welfare? • Possibility of corruption, state deciding for the individual, no direct incentive to reduce costs
Provision of Welfare • private sector • consumer-driven – choice for users • better responsiveness to need On the other hand: • market-driven systems exclude people with extreme needs – usually more risk involved for the provider
Demographics v. demography DEMOGRAPHY – statistical study of human populations, especially with reference to size and density, distribution and vital statistics (births, marriages, deaths, etc.). DEMOGRAPHICS – the statistical characteristics of human populations (such as age or income)
Demography • contemporary demographic concerns include • population trends, • effects of population on economic development and vice versa, • effects of birth control, • urban congestion, • illegal immigration, • labour force statistics, etc.
Demography • the basis for most demographic studies is the population census and the registration of vital statistics • CENSUS – an enumeration of people, houses, dwellings (can also be of firms, agricultural holdings, etc.) • an expensive procedure, usually performed every 10 years (the census years)
History of census • Enumerations of the population were first recorded in ancient times • Early censuses were hardly comprehensive and were conducted mainly for the purpose of enumerating certain categories of people and identifying those who should be liable to taxation, military service or who should be made to work
History of census • Some oftheearliestcomprehensivepopulationcensuseswereconductedtowardstheendofthe Roman Empire andinEngland, afterthe Norman conquest • Thepurposeofthe1086 censusofEnglandandWaleswas to obtaininformation on thelandholdersandholdings to facilitatetheruleofWilliamtheConqueror
History of census • The United States of America, 1790 census • One of the first comprehensive nationwide enumerations of the population • It was a revolutionary step not only because it covered such an enormous area and population, but also for its purpose – to determine ratios for representation in Congress
History of census • Three lines of development of modern census: • The idea of nationwide enumeration of the population for administrative and scientific purposes • The improvement of administrative capacity, techniques and accuracy of enumeration, legal assurance of the confidentiality of information obtained • The depth and systematization of data obtained • All three developments result in greater accuracy and reliability of census information
Modern censuses • The United Nations encourages and sponsors the taking of censuses worldwide • Owing to these efforts, the world population is nowadays known to a far more accurate degree than ever before • This also refers to the socioeconomic characteristics and the understanding of the patterns of change in the population
Modern censuses • Censuses refer to a precisely determined territory and a precise time • Population allocated according to their legal residence, which may differ from the place where they work • This results in large cities seeming to have a smaller population than is actually the case (considering their working population), vice-versa for suburban areas
Modern censuses • Data usually collected over several days or weeks • Important to set the exact census time – people born or deceased after that time not counted, regardless of the time of the actual data collecting • Information may be supplied by members of the family
Modern censuses • Resulting data: direct data (obtained directly through questions) and derived data (obtained by processing the direct data) • Some topics suggested by the United Nations: • Direct data: place of residence, birthplace, marital status, occupation, education, sex, age, occupation, citizenship, religion, ethnicity, language, etc. • Derived data: total population, rural-urban distribution, family composition, etc. • Possible additional topics: prior place of residence, duration of marriage, previous marriages, income, etc.
Modern censuses • Data processing used to be the bottle-neck stage of demographic analysis • With the advent of computerized data processing, the process of entering data into computers has become the slowest part of the process • Owing to computer data analysis, statistics are nowadays quickly produced and made available
Demographics in Croatia • Read the texts on p. 35 and identify the specific problems for years 1991 and 2001. • What changed over the ten-year period? • What are the main problems of the Croatian population? • Do the exercises!
Demographics in Britain • Read the texts on p. 39 • Do the exercises
joint – summary – contractual – elective – empowerment – benefit – notice – deduction – living • Serious breach of duty leads to _______ dismissal. • Apart from statutory or compulsory subjects, pupils can choose from a number of _______ subjects. • In employment, _______ provisions include details about the salary, leave, working hours, _______ from the salary, _______ period, etc. • The work of labour unions has resulted in improved working conditions and numerous _______ that workers worldwide enjoy nowadays. • One of the aims of social policy is the _______ of disadvantaged groups so that they may achieve independent _______. • Owing to the ECTS system, students can take courses at various educational institutions and thus earn _______ degrees.
joint – summary – contractual – elective – empowerment – benefit – notice – deduction – living • Serious breach of duty leads to SUMMARY dismissal. • Apart from statutory or compulsory subjects, pupils can choose from a number of ELECTIVE subjects. • In employment, CONTRACTUAL provisions include details about the salary, leave, working hours, DEDUCTIONS from the salary, NOTICE period, etc. • The work of labour unions has resulted in improved working conditions and numerous BENEFITS that workers worldwide enjoy nowadays. • One of the aims of social policy is the EMPOWERMENT of disadvantaged groups so that they may achieve independent LIVING. • Owing to the ECTS system, students can take courses at various educational institutions and thus earn JOINT degrees.
Translate the following paragraph Equalopportunities for womenandmeninemployment is notjust a matterofsocialjustice, it is aneconomicnecessity. Equalpay, properrecognitionofwomen’s skillsandabilities, andpoliciesthatenableemployees to combine work andfamily life: all helpdraw more womenontothelabourmarketandgivetheeconomy a productiveboost. Theincreasingeconomicactivity rate amongwomenhasbeen a significantfactorin Europe’s economicgrowth. For the EU as a whole, it is estimatedthatalmost a fifth oftheannual GDP growthof 2.3 % canbeexplainedbywomen’s increasedlabour-forceparticipation.
Translation (example) Jednake mogućnosti za žene i muškarce nisu stvar samo socijalne pravde, već su nužne za gospodarstvo. Jednake plaće, prepoznavanje vještina i sposobnosti žena i politika koja omogućava radnom stanovništvu da uz rad ima i obiteljski život – sve to pomaže privući veći broj žena na tržište rada i potiče gospodarski razvoj. Sve veća stopa gospodarske aktivnosti u ženskoj populaciji važan je čimbenik gospodarskog rasta Europe. Za Europsku uniju procjenjuje se da se gotovo petina godišnjeg rasta BDP-a od 2,3 % može pripisati povećanoj prisutnosti žena na tržištu rada.
Explain the following terms • Lifelongeducation • Boardingschool • Collectivebargaining • Notice period • Wrongfuldismissal • Associatedegree • Socialinclusion • Disadvantaged groups • Indirectdiscrimination
Explain the following abbreviations • EHEA • ECTS • GDP • GCSE • GNVQ
Complete the text with appropriate words • There are three main types of secondary schools in Croatia: __________, __________ , and __________ schools. • In the USA, the advanced professional degree is awarded in the fields of law, __________, _________ , theology, etc. • The two main types of employment contracts are __________ and __________ contracts. • Under special circumstances, workers are entitled to __________ and _______ leave.
Complete the text with appropriate words • There are three main types of secondary schools in Croatia: GRAMMAR, VOCATIONAL, and CRAFTSMANSHIP schools. • In the USA, the advanced professional degree is awarded in the fields of law, MEDICINE, DENTISTRY, theology, etc. • The two main types of employment contracts are PERMANENT and FIXED-TERM contracts. • Under special circumstances, workers are entitled to PARENTAL and SICK leave.