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Network Optimization. Lectures 15,16 - 1. Taxonomy of TC. 1. 1. 1. 1. Unit Disk Graph. Consisted of a set V of n nodes Distributed in a two-dimensional plane Equipped an omnidirectional antenna with the same P max Unit disk graph, UDG ( V ). V. 0.8. 0.8. 0.4. 0.4. 0.5. 0.5.
Network Optimization Lectures 15,16 - 1
1 1 1 1 Unit Disk Graph • Consisted of a set V of n nodes • Distributed in a two-dimensional plane • Equipped an omnidirectional antenna with the same Pmax • Unit disk graph, UDG(V) V
0.8 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 UDG( ) G’( ) 0.6 Minimum energy for unicasting a to b: 0.8 b to c: 1.0a to c: 0.5 b to d: 0.4a to d: 1.1 c to d: 0.6 Minimum energy for unicastinga to b: 0.8 b to c: 1.3a to c: 0.5 b to d: 0.4a to d: 1.2 c to d: 1.7 0.8 / 0.8 = 1 1.3 / 1.0 = 1.30.5 / 0.5 = 1 0.4 / 0.4 = 11.2 / 1.1 = 1.09 1.7 / 0.6 = 2.83 G’(V)(UDG(V)) = max {1, 1, 1.09, 1.3, 1, 2.83} = 2.83 Power Stretch Factor (1/2) b b a a V V d d c c
Power Stretch Factor (2/2) • Definition: • PG(u, v): least energy path of two nodes u and v in a graph G • Given a set V of n nodes, the power stretch factor of a subgraph S(V) with respect to UDG(V): Upper bound of size n
Proximity Graphs • Proximity graph G(V) of UDG(V) • Sparser, i.e. G(V) UDG(V) • Can be constructed locally, e.g. 1-hop locations • Well-known proximity graphs • Gabriel graph, GG(V) • Relative neighborhood graph, RNG(V) • Yao graph, YG(V)
Relative Neighborhood Graph • Definition: Given a set V of nodes, RNG(V) consists of all edges uv such that ||uv|| 1 and there is no wV such that ||uw|| < ||uv||, and ||wv|| < ||uv|| w w u v u v uv RNG(V) uv RNG(V)
Power Stretch Factor – RNG(1/2) • Theorem: RNG(n) = n – 1 • It was proved that EMST(V) RNG(V) • Any path between u and v in EMST(V) • contain at most (n - 1) edges • each edge has length at most ||uv|| • PRNG(u,v) PEMST(u,v) (n - 1)||u,v|| • RNG(n) n – 1 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 2 5 5 u v u v
Power Stretch Factor – RNG(2/2) • Theorem: RNG(n) = n – 1 (cont.) • = /3 + • = /3 – 2 • As 0, length of each edge ||v1v2|| • As 0, RNG(v1,v2)/ UDG(v1,v2) (n – 1) • RNG(n) > n – 1 – Asymptotic analysis n is even n is odd
Gabriel Graph • Definition: Given a set V of nodes, GG(V) consists of all edges uv such that ||uv|| 1 and the open disk using uv as diameter does not contain any wV. w w u v u v uv GG(V) uv GG(V)
Power Stretch Factor – GG • Theorem: GG(n) = 1 ( = 2, c = 0) i.e.GG(V) EG2,0(V) v u r
Yao Graph • Definition: Given a set V of nodes, and an integer parameter k 6, • At each u, any k equal-separated rays originated at u defined k cones. • In each cone, choose the closest nodevto u with distance at most one, if there is any, and add a directed link uv. • Ties are broken arbitrarily • YGk(V) is the undirected graph by ignoring the direction of each link. v v v u u u w w w
Power Stretch Factor – YGk (1/4) • Theorem: For any integer k 6, • Proof. • Let = 1/(1-(2sin/k)) • Construct a path u~v in YGk(V) • Prove by induction that P(u~v) < ||uv|| on the number of its edges • Initial: if uv YGk(V), p(u~v) = uv • Assumption: the claim is true for any path with l edges. • Induction: prove it is also true for any path wit l + 1 edges
Power Stretch Factor – YGk (2/4) • Proof. (cont.) • If uv YGk(V), p(u~v) = uv • Otherwise, exist a node w in the same cone of v, which is a neighbor of u in YGk(V) such that p(u~v) = p(uw)p(w~v) uwv is not acute uwv is acute
The claim Power Stretch Factor – YGk (3/4) • Proof. (Case 1: uwv is not acute) • ||uw||2 + ||wv||2 ||uv||2 • k 6 /3 • ||uw|| < ||uv|| ||uw||/||uv|| 1 • ||wv|| < ||uv|| ||wv||/||uv|| 1 • So, ||uw|| + ||wv|| ||uv||, for any 2 • P(u~v) = ||uw|| + P(w~v) = ||uw|| + ||wv|| ||uv||
Power Stretch Factor – YGk (4/4) • Proof. (Case 2: uwv is acute) • We know ||uw|| ||uv|| • Max length of vw is achieved when ||uw|| = ||uv|| • wuv< = 2/k • ||wv|| 2sin(/2)||uv|| = 2sin(/k)||uv|| • P(u~v) ||uw|| + ||wv|| • P(u~v) ||uw|| + (2sin(/k)||uv||) • P(u~v) ||uv||
Comparison (1/3) Node degree of RNG is bound by 6 if no two neighbors having the same distance to a node u v Unbound case of RNG
Comparison (2/3) • YGk has bounded out degree, but some nodes may have a very large in-degree. v w v w u u
Comparison (3/3) • Property (relationships) • EMST(V) RNG(V) • RNG(V) GG(V) • RNG(V) YGk(V), for any k 6 • Property (sparseness) • |RNG(V)| 3n – 10 • |GG(V)| 3n – 8 • |YGk(V)| nk • Average node degrees are all bounded by a constant
Some Variations • GYGk(V): First Yao then Gabriel graph • YGGk(V): First Gabriel then Yao graph • Second phase can further improve the sparseness • Power stretch factors remains the same of YGk(V) • Out in-degrees are still unbounded
Yao and Sink (YG*k) • In each cone of a node u, recursively construct a spanning towards node u
Yao and Sink (YG*k) w x z v u
Yao and Sink (YG*k) w x z v u
Yao and Sink (YG*k) • Node z w x z v u
Yao and Sink (YG*k) w x z v u
Yao and Sink (YG*k) • Replace the directed star consisting of all links towards a node u by a directed tree T(u) as the sink
Yao and Sink (YG*k) YGk YG*k
Ordered Yao Graphs General idea: apply YGk on GG according to some ordering on nodes
OrderYaoGG • Consist of three phases • Construct GG • Compute local ordering of nodes in GG • Construct YGk on GG according to the local ordering
OrderYaoGG • Phase 1: each node self-constructs its neighbors in GG n messages
OrderYaoGG • Phase 2: Each node compute its local ordering in GG Initially, the order is set 0, i.e. unordered.
OrderYaoGG • Phase 2: Each node compute its local ordering in GG
OrderYaoGG • Phase 2: Each node compute its local ordering in GG
OrderYaoGG • Phase 2: Each node compute its local ordering in GG
OrderYaoGG • Phase 2: Each node compute its local ordering in GG
OrderYaoGG • Phase 2: Each node compute its local ordering in GG
OrderYaoGG • Phase 2: Each node compute its local ordering in GG
OrderYaoGG • Phase 2: Each node compute its local ordering in GG
OrderYaoGG • Phase 2: Each node compute its local ordering in GG
OrderYaoGG • Phase 3: Construct YGk on GG according to the local ordering
OrderYaoGG • Phase 3: Construct YGk on GG according to the local ordering
OrderYaoGG • Phase 3: Construct YGk on GG according to the local ordering
OrderYaoGG • Phase 3: Construct YGk on GG according to the local ordering