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Models & Frameworks

Models & Frameworks. Quadernity. Triangularity. U-Process. Circularity. Systemic. ADAP 2. What’s The Difference Between:. A Model and a Framework ?. Adopt A Structured Approach. PURPOSE Where are we going and why?. PROCESS How will we get there?. PERSPECTIVES What will inform

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Models & Frameworks

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  1. Models & Frameworks Quadernity Triangularity U-Process Circularity Systemic ADAP 2

  2. What’s The Difference Between: A Model and a Framework ?

  3. Adopt A Structured Approach PURPOSE Where are we going and why? PROCESS How will we get there? PERSPECTIVES What will inform our journey? David Lane 2006

  4. 3 Levels of Coaching Intervention WHAT Accomplishing Tasks & GoalsDOINGHOW Developing CompetenceLEARNINGWHO Alleviating SufferingWAY OF BEING An Appropriate Response, Pam Weiss, ‘Levels of Coaching’ 2004 ADAP 2

  5. David Kolb Experiential Learning Learning is not just an active, self- directed process, but it is also a process whereby: “knowledge is created through the transformation of experience”.

  6. Models & Frameworks Quadernity and Circularity ADAP 2

  7. Hippocrates 500 BC • The Four ‘Humours’ Melancholic Choleric Phlegmatic Sanguine Insights South Africa COLS 1

  8. The Eight Primary Insights Types Insights South Africa TYPE 1

  9. KOLB Adult Learning Cycle AE Action/ExperimentWhat can we change?What can we do? AC AE AC CE Conclude/ConceptualiseWhat did it mean?How do we think / feel now? Concrete ExperienceSomething happens We experience it RO Review/ReflectionWhat happenedand why?(2nd-hand learning) RO CE

  10. KOLB AC AE Think Do Observe Feel RO CE

  11. Kolb’s Learning Cycle AE Practice/Experiment/ Try Out (extension) Converger Accommodator AC Knowledge/Models/ Concepts (comprehension) CE Implement/Do/Action (apprehension) Assimilator Diverger RO Reflect/Review/ Evaluate (intention)

  12. Hudson’s Renewal Cycle Phase I “Go for It” Phase II “The Doldrums” Bored, restless, or feeling stuck, reactive, in denial, angry, sad, pessimistic, low in energy, loner, resistant to change Purposive, active, busy, committed, optimistic energised, team player Phase III “Cocooning” Phase IV “Getting Ready” Turned inward, meditative, experimenting, exploring, disorientated, healing, quiet, deconstructing and reconstructing the self, tapping core values, tapping resilient emotions, spiritual, inner work Sensing new purpose, searching, networking, creative, free and uncommitted, naively optimistic, inner child at work

  13. Models & Frameworks Triangularity ADAP 2

  14. Domains of Competence (Habermas) Facts & Events (The ‘It’ Domain) Relationships With Others (The ‘We’ Domain) Self Management (The ‘I’ Domain) From ‘Evoking Excellence in Others’ (James Flaherty)

  15. Domains of Competence I Domain We Domain Self management Relationships It Domain Facts & Events Habermas, Domains of Competence

  16. AFRICAN SPIRIT HIERARCHY VALUES Morality Performance Truth Power Survival Innovative Powerless Cynic Rainmaker Hunter Divination War Clan/Family Wandering Avenging Witch Lovemore Mbigi

  17. EVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS IS HIERARCHICAL Exterior Interior spirit Individual soul mind life matter physics biology psychology Collective theology Lloyd Chapman (2002) mysticism Jan Smuts / Ken Wilber

  18. Integral TheoryKen Wilber Me Egocentric Us Ethnocentric I IT World centered All of us Integrated Integral WE ITS Lloyd Chapman, 2002

  19. Ken Wilber HOLISTICTHINKING Interior Exterior intentional behavioural Individual (why) (what) Communal or Collective cultural social (world space) (system) Lloyd Chapman, 2002

  20. Ken Wilber’s Integral Model Internal External Intentional (Self or I) Behavioural (IT) Values Self esteem Beliefs Limiting assumptions Internal drivers Attitude Behaviour Performance Appearance Goals/Results Skills Individual Social Cultural (WE) (ITS) Systems Policies Procedures Rules Roles & responsibilities Best practices Values Vision Purpose Culture Norms Collective Paddy Pampallis, 2005

  21. Intangible Subjective Interior Tangible Objective Exterior Individual Performance Behaviour, job, task, Management by objective, What’s visible (outside individual) Individual People Values, goals, feelings thoughts, perceptions, Intrinsic drivers (inside individual) Individual I It We Its Systems Policies, procedures, measurable output from the system and Systems Mgmt (outside collective) Culture Shared values, perceptions, goals, meaning, cultural norms (inside collective) Collective Paddy Pampallis, 2005

  22. The Four QuadrantsJames Flaherty (JF Model) • III. Culture & Relationships • Language • Ritual & customer • Morals • Individual Experience • & Consciousness • Thoughts & feelings • Emotions & mood • Body sensations • II. Body & Behaviours • Body chemistry • Neuromuscular system • Genetic inheritance • IV. Environment • Natural • Human-made • Technology & tools • New Ventures West 2004

  23. The Four QuadrantsJames Flaherty (Adapted) • II. Body & Behaviours • Body chemistry • Neuromuscular system • Genetic inheritance • Individual Experience • & Consciousness • Thoughts & feelings • Emotions & mood • Body sensations • III. Culture & Relationships • Language • Ritual & customer • Morals • IV. Environment • Natural • Human-made • Technology & tools

  24. Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Self-awareness Self-management Social management Social awareness I E Individual Collective Daniel Goleman

  25. Models & Frameworks Transition U-Process ADAP 2


  27. Models & Frameworks Systemic ADAP 2

  28. Existential Time-Limited Therapy Model Concepts Alison & Freddie Strasser (2002)

  29. Existential Time-Limited Therapy Model Methods and Skills Alison & Freddie Strasser (2002)

  30. MODELS & FRAMEWORKS 1. Redesign your model 2. Identify Purpose, Perspectives, Process 2. Where is the 'coach' and the 'client'? 3. Where is the coaching conversation? 4. Your theoretical underpinnings? ADAP 2

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