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Explore the powerful benefits of doTERRA essential oils for holistic healing, emotional well-being, and physical health. Understand the impact of emotions on dis-ease, and learn how changing thoughts can transform your life. Discover the quality and efficacy of pure essential oils and their connection to emotional healing processes.
Healing Emotions With Essential Oils
Did You Know? In ARecent Survey More than 60% of Physicians were open to Holistic Healing for health care issues. doTERRA products are used by: Vanderbilt Hospital Oral Surgeons Orthopedists Primary care physicians Physical Therapists
Essential Oils Are Effective 50 to 70 times more powerful than herbs Hundreds of compounds in a single oil- each one with a different benefit. Lipophilic and carbon based to work with your body’s own chemistry. Inhibit the growth of threats
Essential Oil Quality doTERRA is safe and 100% pure Plants are grown in their natural habitat 3rd party testing ensures oils are genuine, potent, and pure CPTG is beyond organic and verified pure, free of fillers, and foreign contaminants
The Point of Power is in the Present Moment Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life! “The thought we have repeatedly used have created our life and experiences up to this point. The point of power is right here right now in our own minds. It does not matter how long we have had negative patterns, an illness, a rotten relationship, a lack of finances, or self-hatred; we can begin to make a change today.” ~Louise Hay
What Causes “DIS-EASE” Louise Hay,authorof“YouCanHealYourLife”says,“Over the years,Ihavelearned that therearereallytwomentalpatterns that contributetodiseaseinourlives.FEAR&ANGER.” Angercanshowupasimpatience,irritation,frustration,criticism,resentment,jealousyor bitterness.Theseareallthoughtsthatpoisonthebody.Whenwereleasethisburden,all theorgansinourbodybegintofunctionproperly. Fearcouldbetension,anxiety,nervousness,worry,doubt,feelingnotgoodenoughor unworthiness.Doyourelatetoanyofthis?Wemustlearntosubstitutefaithforfearifwe’re to heal. Faith in what? Faith in Life!
Is It In Our Mind? How often have we said, “That’s the way I am,” or, That’s the way it is”? What we are really saying is that is what we “believe to be true for us.” Usually what we believe is only someone else's opinion we have accepted and incorporated into our own belief system; It fits in with other things we believe. If we were taught as children that the world is a frightening place, then everything we hear that fits in with that belief, we will accept as true for us. “Don’t trust strangers,” “Don’t go out at night,” “People cheat you,” etc. On the other hand if you were taught early that the world is a safe and joyous place, then we would believe other things: “Love is everywhere,” “People are so friendly,” “Money comes easily to me,” and so on Life experiences definitely mirror our beliefs.
Essential Oils are Ideal for Emotional Healing AllEssentialOilsHaveFrequencies This refersto the harmonicvalueof the oil Everything on earth sings a song Everythingincludinghumanshave vibrations or harmonies doTERRAoilsrelatesowellto the humanbodybecausetheyaredrawndirectlyfrom the plantandhavenotbeenheatedanddried doTERRAEssentialOilsareavehiclebywhichrepressedemotionscanbereleased
Physical Emotional Connection If we are not happy with how life seems to be treating us, then we simply need to change the way we treat life. ~Laura Jacobs • Our moods are a complex interplay of emotional and physical interplay • When we change the way we think, we actually change our life experience • The condition of our bodies as well as the qualities of our life experiences will always be a valuable tool for mirroring our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual state of health.
2 Step ProcessPutting a drop ofEssential Oil onyour hands andrubbingtogetherincreasesfrequencies.Beinggratefulandaffirmativeorprayingalsoincreases the frequencyofanoil.
Overview Of How Essential Oils Work Hundreds of Natural Compounds We Are Going To Discuss 3 Types
Overview Of How Essential Oils Work • Phenols-EssentialoilshighinPhenolsarelikeaCarWash • Phenolessentialoilspurposeistopurifyyourcells.Imaginethateachcellhasaphysicaldoor.Duetochemicals,toxins,andcellulardamagefromlifethedoorintoyourcellscanbecomeblocked.Whenthishappensyouseethedeclineofyourhealth.Cellsareoftendamagedbyman-madeproductsandmedicines. • TheseessentialoilscleansetheoutsideofthecellmembranesothatOTHERessentialoils,likemonoterpenes,canthenbegintodotheirjob. • Examplesofphenolessentialoils: • wintergreen • clove • basil • fennel • melaleuca • peppermint • cinnamon • oregano • Note: Phenolessentialoilshelpridthebodyofparasites.
Overview Of How Essential Oils Work • Sesquiterpenes-EssentialOils High inSesquiterpenesarelikethePolice Swat Team • Oncephenolshavedonetheirwork,nowthedoorintothecellwallisaccessible.Sesquiterpeneessentialoilsenterthroughthedoorwayandstoporerasegarbledor miswritteninformationinyourDNA. • Examplesofsesquiterpeneessentialoils: • cedarwood • patchouli • sandalwood • ginger • myrrh • vetiver • Romanchamomile • blackpepper • ylangylang • lemon
Overview Of How Essential Oils Work • Monoterpenes-EssentialOils High inMonoterpenesareliketheUltimateDoctor • Thankstothehardworkandmessyjobofthefirsttwocategoriesofessentialoils,alongcomethemonoterpenes.Theseoilsseektomendandrepairthedamagetoyourcells.theywillhelpto“resetyourDNAtofactorysetting.. Wewerecreatedintheimageofthe Creatorandthatimagehasalwaysbeeninthefieldofthecellfromourcreation.Itcanberevived&reinstalledandwhereverourhealingneedstobe,whetheritbephysical, emotionalorspiritual,itcanbeattained. • Examplesofmonoterpeneessentialoils: • grapefruit • orange • lemon • frankincense • cypress • marjoram • BalanceBlend • JuniperBerry You Are Freaking Amazing!!
Overview Of How Essential Oils Work Spiritually EMOTIONAL DISTRESS USUALLYCAN BETRACEDBACKTOBEINGHURTBYSOMEONEINOURLIVES DNAisdamaged Oils can Restore,ChangeDNA PurgativeStage-cleansinginpreparationforspiritualendeavor(Pphenols,keytones...cleansereceptorsites IlluminativeStage-wheredarknessisdispelledandclearedfromourconsciousness (SSesquiterpenes)caneraseerroneousdata UnitiveStage-WherewearereadytouniteandcommunicatewithourCreator(praying/ meditating)(Mmonoterpenes)assistinre-establishing the divineimageofGodthat wasplacedwithinusatourcreation.
Our moods and emotions out of balance interfere with our lives
New Thought Pattern • The world is safe and friendly. I am safe. I am at peace with life.
New Thought Pattern • I digest life with ease.
New Thought Pattern • I lovingly release the day and slip into peaceful sleep, knowing tomorrow will take care of itself.
New Thought Pattern • Back: I know that Life always supports me. • Lower: I trust the process of life. All I need is always taken care of. I am safe. • Middle: I release the past. I am free to move forward with love in my heart. • Upper:I love and approve of myself. Life supports and loves me.
New Thought Pattern • I love and approve of myself. I see myself and what I do with eyes of love. I am safe.
New Thought Pattern • I now go beyond other people’s fears and limitations. I create my life.
New Thought Pattern • I am at peace with my own feelings. I am safe where I am. I create my own security. I love and approve of myself.