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CODATA. Committee on Data for Science and Technology of the International Council for Science (ICSU). http://www.codata.org CEOS WGISS Meeting, Toulouse, 11-15, May 2009. History. CODATA is a non governmental organization Established in 1966 by the International Council for Science ICSU
CODATA Committee on Data for Science and Technology of the International Council for Science (ICSU) http://www.codata.org CEOS WGISS Meeting, Toulouse, 11-15, May 2009
History CODATA is a non governmental organization Established in 1966 by the International Council for Science ICSU http://www.icsu.org Is an independantly legally funded organization which works in close collaboration with ICSU and the ICSU family
Who Are We? 19 Countries (Scientific Academies/Research Institutions) 16 International Scientific Unions 2 Co-opted Scientific Organizations 13 Supporting Organizations (Industry, Academia)
Australia Brazil Canada Chinese Academy of Sciences Academy located in Taipei France Georgia Germany* India * Associate Member Israel Indonesia Ireland Japan Korea Poland Russia South Africa Ukraine USA Member Countries
International Astronomical Union (IAU) International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS) International Geographical Union (IGU) International Union of Crystallography(IUCr) International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB) International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) International Union of Psychological Science (IUPSyS) International Union of Pure and Applied Biophysics (IUPAB) International Union of Nutritional Sciences (IUNS) International Union of Pharmacology(IUPHAR) International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS) International Union of Microbiologocal Societies (IUMS) Internatioanl Union of Soil Scientists (IUSS) International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) Scientific Unions
Defense Technical Information Springer-Verlag All Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information Chemical Abstracts Services Fachinformationszentrum Chemie, Gmbh Japan Association for International Chemical Information National Library of Medicine Design institute for Physical Property Data (DIPPR) American Institute for Chemical Engineers Japan Society of Information and Knowledge Protein Data Bank Protein Information Resources Russian Research Centre for Standardization, Information and Certification of Materials (VNITS SMV) Supporting Organizations
Co-opted Organizations • International Council for Scientific and Technical Information • World Federation for Culture Collections
CODATA’s Mission To strengthen international science for the benefit of society by promoting improved scientific and technical data management and use
Objectives • The improvement of the quality and accessibility of data, as well as the methods by which data are acquired, managed, analysed and evaluated, with a particular emphasis on developing countries • The facilitation of international cooperation among those collecting, organizing and using data • The promotion of an increased awareness in the scientific and technical community of the importance of these activities • The consideration of data access and intellectual property issues
Tools used: • International Conference South Africa 2010 • Workshops Global Science and the Economics of Knowledge-Sharing Institutions • Data Science Journal • Newsletter • Project Specific Activities
Task Groups • Anthropometric Data and Engineering • Biodiversity: Observation and Specimen Records Task Group (formerly Access to Biological Collection Data) • Data on Natural Gas Hydrates • Data Sources for Sustainable Development in SADC Countries • eGY Earth and Space Science Data Interoperability • Exchangeable Materials Data Representation to Support Scientific Research and Education • Fundamental Physical Constants • Global Information Commons for Science Initiative-EU Activities • Polar Year Data Policy and Management • Preservation of and Access to Scientific and Technical Data in Developing Countries
Focus on Two Projects • Involvement with GEO Task DA-06-01-Global Earth Observation System of Systems, GEOSS, Data Sharing Principles • Polar Information Commons (PIC)
Global Earth Observing System of Systems (GEOSS) A Global, Coordinated, Comprehensive and Sustained System of Earth Observing Systems Address the need for timely, quality, long-term, global information as a basis for sound decision making.
Agreed GEO Data Sharing Principles • There will be full and open exchange of data, metadata, and products shared within GEOSS, recognizing relevant international instruments and national policies and legislation. • All shared data, metadata, and products will be made available with minimum time delay and at minimum cost. • All shared data, metadata, and products being free of charge or no more than cost of reproduction will be encouraged for research and education. • GEOSS 10-Year Implementation Plan, adopted 16 February 2005)
Overview of Activities 2006-2007 • 2006: CODATA agreed to lead GEO Task DA-06-01 • Held initial expert meeting at the CODATA Conference in Beijing in October 2006 to solicit inputs • 2007: Developed initial White Paper • Established international core author team and set of reviewers • Reviewed past experience with data sharing principles & policies • Drafted specific guidelines for implementing the Data Sharing Principles • Held discussions with GEO committees • Participated in November 2007 Plenary & Ministerial in Cape Town The 2007 GEO Ministerial Summit noted: "We support the establishment of a process with the objective to reach a consensus on the implementation of the Data Sharing Principles for GEOSS to be presented to the next GEO Ministerial Summit "
Core Author Group Paul F. Uhlir, Chair of Core Author Group Robert Chen, DA-06-01 lead Joanne Irene Gabrynowicz Katleen Janssen Charles Barton Jack Hill Review Group Santiago Borrero Dora Ann Lange Canhos V.P. Dimri Yukiko Fukasaku Huadong Guo Alexei Gvishiani Bernard Minster Steve Rossouw Fraser Taylor DA-06-01 Authors and Reviewers
Proposed Guidelines in 8 Areas • Promoting implementation of the principle of full and open exchange of data in accordance with the GEOSS Data Sharing Principles • Encouraging GEOSS users to reuse and re-disseminate shared data, metadata, and products • Ensuring consistency in the implementation of the GEOSS Data Sharing Principles with relevant international instruments and national policies and legislation • Implementing pricing policies consistent with the GEOSS Data Sharing Principles • Reducing the time delays for making data available through GEOSS • Promoting research and education uses of GEOSS data • Developing metrics and indicators for GEOSS data sharing activities • Developing effective coordination and outreach mechanisms for implementing the GEOSS Data Sharing Principles
Why is This Important for Geoscience? • GEOSS will likely be the foundation for internationally coordinated Earth observations from both remote sensing and in situ platforms for the next decade and beyond • Improving data access and interoperability requires not only significant technical progress but also major policy & institutional commitments • Strong implementation guidelines will help set the standard for such commitments and for future Earth Observation data access regimes • GEOSS also represents a major effort to ensure that scientific observations and research benefit society • It is in the interest of the geoscience community and society as a whole to maximize these benefits • Geoscientists have a unique role—and responsibility—to help ensure the accessibility, quality, and appropriate use of GEOSS data in applied research and decision making
Products to date • White paper http://www.earthobservations.org/documents/dsp/Draft%20White%20Paper%20for%20GEOSS%20Data%20Sharing%20Policies_27Sept08.pdf • Implementation Guidelines for the GEOSS Data Sharing Principles http://www.earthobservations.org/documents/dsp/GEOSS%20Data%20Sharing%20Implementation%20Guidelines%20alone%2027Sept08draft_redline.pdf • Response to Review and Comments http://www.earthobservations.org/documents/dsp/DSP_Annex1.pdf
2009 continued GEO-V Plenary , Bucharest 2008: “Establishment of a Data sharing task force to include the current task team and additional GEO Members” First meeting of Task Force, Geneva May 2009
Polar Information Commons for Science The International Polar Year 2007-2008 (IPY) came to an end in April 2009 It is critical to ensure that the data generated by IPY projects are accessible and preserved for future generations to benefit from CODATA, has just commenced a new initiative to establish a framework for long term stewardship of polar information and data (PIC)-Launched May 2009. Thanks to ICSU support
IPY Project Data Management Plan Status Jan 2009 Approx. 128 funded science projects
IPY Space Projects • IceCube Neutrino Observatory • STELLA ANTARCTICA: Towards an international astronomical observatory at Dome C in Antarctica • Polar View: The Polar Information Centre • SPARC-IPY: Polar Stratosphere & Mesosphere • AstroPoles: Astronomy from the Polar Plateaus • GIIPSY: Global Interagency IPY Polar Snapshot Year • International Space Station Synchronized Observations • ICESTAR/IHY • SLAP: Solar Variability Linkages to Atmospheric Processes
Supporting Partners The International Arctic Science Council (IASC); The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR); The International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG); The World Meteorological Organization (WMO); The IPY International Program Office (IPY IPO); The World Data System Transition Team and The Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences
What it Aims to Achieve: To establish a sustainable long-term framework for the preservation and access of polar data, building on recent "commons" approaches developed in other scientific fields and entraining new stakeholders and participants into polar data management.
First Meeting, Cambridge, UK, 29-30 April • Identifying norms/guidelines/best practices to put this in place • What elements have to be in place to be recognized as “PIC Labelled Data” • Commitment from Data Centres/Institutions to buy into the process • Technology/infrastructure needs to be in place
IPY: 2007-2008 Petermann Island. The GOULD is one of two research vessels operated by the National Science Foundation.
An aerial view of the Dome at Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station. The red building in the bottom center is the old Skylab physical science building. Both Skylab and the Dome are awaiting demolition.
Scientists at the Antarctic Gamburtsev Province (AGAP) field camp analyze data. The combined projects under the AGAP partnership are multi-national and multi-disciplinary and include aerogeophysics, traverse programs, passive seismic experiments and ice core and bedrock drilling.
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton At The Joint Session of the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting And the Arctic Council, 50th Anniversary of the Antarctic TreatyApril 6, 2009 “…….in light of the incredible discoveries that took place during the International Polar Year, let us resolve to keep making progress with sharp research and bold action on both ends of our planet, in the south and the north, for the good of our nations and for the people, but mostly for this beautiful planet we currently share and the succeeding generations that should have the same opportunity to enjoy its bounty and its beauty” Thank You
CODATA For more information, please contact the CODATA Executive Director:Ms Kathleen CassCODATA Secretariat 51 Bld du Montmorency, 75016 ParisTel:+ 33 1 45 25 04 96Fax: + 33 1 42 88 14 66E-mail: codata@dial.oleane.comhttp://www.codata.orgThe CODATA Mailing List :http://www.codata.org/instr.html