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COP2800 – Computer Programming Using JAVA. University of Florida Department of CISE Spring 2013 Lecture 37 –Java Web Programming with JApplets Webpage : www.cise.ufl.edu/~mssz/JavaNM/Top-Level.html. COP2800 – Programming in JAVA. Course Objectives
COP2800 – Computer Programming Using JAVA University of Florida Department of CISE Spring 2013 Lecture 37 –Java Web Programming with JApplets Webpage:www.cise.ufl.edu/~mssz/JavaNM/Top-Level.html
COP2800 – Programming in JAVA • Course Objectives • Basic Knowledge of Computers & Programming • Specific Knowledge of JAVA Programming • Practical Programming Projects Build Skills • Today’s Class • Java Programming for the Web • Java Design for a Simple JApplet • Importing and Extending the Classes • Integrating Components into a JApplet
Review: Java Program Structure • JAVA Units: • Packages • Classes • (Instances) • Methods • Instructions • Variables HIGH-LEVEL VIEW PICTURE CREDIT: http://www.webbasedprogramming.com/JAVA-Developers-Guide/ch4.htm
Review: Java Package Structure PICTURE CREDIT: http://users.soe.ucsc.edu/~charlie/book/notes/summary1-4/sld016.htm
How Does Java Work with Web? • Three Principal Technologies: • JavaScript • Java Servlet • Java Applet • A Java applet is a program delivered to users as Java bytecode (platform independent). Java applets can be executed by browsers for many platforms, including Microsoft Windows, Unix, OS X and Linux. Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_applet
Java Working with Web (cont’d) ARCHITECTURE OF AN APPLET APPLET Image Credit: sandriabudiendra.blogspot.com
Review: Hello World Applet Step 1. Create Java Code for “Hello World” Applet importjava.applet.Applet; importjava.awt.Graphics; public class HelloWorldextends Applet { public void paint(Graphics g){ g.drawString("Hello world!", 50, 25); } } Step 2. Compile the file HelloWorld.java Compiler creates HelloWorld.classin the same directory (folder) as the Java source file (HelloWorld.java). http://journals.ecs.soton.ac.uk/java/tutorial/getStarted/applet/
Rvw: Hello World Applet (cont’d) Step 3. Create HTML file named Hello.html with the following text, in the same directory that contains HelloWorld.class : <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> HelloWorld Program </TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> Here is the output of my program: <APPLET CODE="HelloWorld.class" WIDTH=150 HEIGHT=25></APPLET> </BODY> </HTML> http://journals.ecs.soton.ac.uk/java/tutorial/getStarted/applet/
Rvw: Hello World Applet (cont’d) • Step 4. Run the “Hello World” Applet: • Load Hello.html into an application that runs Java applets: • Java-compatible browser • URL = file:/home/username/HTML/Hello.html • Java applet viewing program • Applet Viewer in JDK • The browser window will show a message similar to this: • Here is the output of my program: Hello world! http://journals.ecs.soton.ac.uk/java/tutorial/getStarted/applet/
JApplets • What is a JApplet? • A JApplet is: • a Java Swing public class designed for developers - usually written in Java. • JApplet is generally in the form of Java bytecode • runs with the help of a Java virtual machine (JVM) or • runs with Applet viewing program Source: http://www.techopedia.com/definition/25252/japplet
Japplets(cont’d) • What does a Jappletdo? • With JApplets, you put swing Components into Containers just as you would do for a JFrame. • With Applets, you are responsible for painting a Graphics context yourself
Example of a JApplet Step 1 – Start with a basic applet class JAppletTutorial: public class JAppletTutorial{ publicJAppletTutorial() { } } Source: http://forum.codecall.net/topic/38297-java-japplet/
Example Japplet(cont’d) Step 2 – Import Java Swing and Extend JApplet class: import javax.swing.JApplet; public class JAppletTutorialextendsJapplet{ publicJAppletTutorial() { } public voidinit() { } } Note: Applets do not use as main method the construct public static void main(String args[]) Instead, applets use the initconstruct Source: http://forum.codecall.net/topic/38297-java-japplet/
Example Japplet(cont’d) Step 3 – Insert Components (in this case, a button): import javax.swing.JApplet; public class JAppletTutorialextendsJapplet{ publicJAppletTutorial() { } public voidinit() { button = newJButton("Click Me"); add(button); } } Insert Component(s) into the init() method Source: http://forum.codecall.net/topic/38297-java-japplet/
HelloWorldJapplet Our TA Bill wrote this JApplet for “Hello World!”: importjavax.swing.*;public class HelloWorldextendsJApplet{public void init() {JLabellabel = newJLabel("Hello World"); add(label); }}
How We will Use Applets • Assignment 6: • Given IntelligentTTT Game and GUI Code • (from Assignments 4 and 5 – work in groups) • Make a Java JApplet and compile it • Run the Java JAppleton a Web Browser • All the Features of Assignment 5 • We will help you with GUI and JApplet code • … and more …
Roadmap: JApplets, Exam Review • Friday 19 Apr 2013: • Assignment #6 Hands-On Experience w/ JApplet • Coding Examples (LAPTOPS) • Monday 22 Apr 2013: • A Few Miscellaneous Topics in Java • Questions about Assignment #6 • Wednesday 24 Apr 2013: • Final Exam Review