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Games W ithout F rontiers. HISTORY:. Jeux Sans Frontières (English: Games Without Frontiers or Games Without Borders) was a Europe-wide television game show .
HISTORY: Jeux Sans Frontières (English: Games Without Frontiers or Games Without Borders) was a Europe-wide television game show. In its original conception, it was broadcast from 1965 to 1999 and consisted of teams from different European countries in strange costumes (often large latex suits) competing to complete bizarre tasks in funny games. The idea of the show came from French President Charles de Gaulle, whose wish was that French and German youth would meet in a series of funny games to reinforce the friendship between France and Germany. In 1965, three French men spread the idea of the games to other European countries. Teams representing France, Germany, Belgium, and Italy took part in the first edition of the show called Inter Nations Games. Each participating country hosted one round of the games, presented by the host broadcaster. Every game was umpired by one or two "international" judges.
instructions • Allplayers are dividedinto 6 teams composed of a mix of Dutch, Italianand Germanstudents (names are inthe booklet). • Every team chooses a color and a name and tellsthem to the organizers of the games. • Every game will be played by 2 teams. Whenthe organizersstop the time, teams move to another game. • Every team has a jolly whichwill double its score. Teams have to choosewhichone of the game theywant to use the jolly for. • The winnerwill be announced at the comenius party and willreceive a prize.
The human table soccer Players: every team chooses 11 players. How to play: Playersarrangein raws, following the traditionalformation of a tablesoccerand holding theirteammates’ hands. • Every team has to try to score a goal in the otherteam’s goal WITHOUT LEAVING theirteammates’ hands.
The clock • Playersform a around a judge. The judgehas a ropewith a tennis ball at its end. • The judjestarts to spin and playershave to jump to avoid the ball. • Playerswhosefeet are hit by the ball are eliminated. The game goes on untilonlyone player is left.
The eggs race • Every team forms a long raw. • An egg is given to every team and playershave to pass the egg to the teammate in front of themas fast aspossible. The aim is to take the egg to the finish line before the other team does, butit must beintact!
The military Playershave to go through an «assault» course made of obstacles and difficulties, butallthiscrawling on theirbelly.
The web Playershave to go through a web made of ropesasquicklyaspossible.
Spinning top • A stick is placed in a cone. • Playershaveto laytheir front on the stick and start spinning untiltheyfeelsick. • Thenthey stop and theyfollowa routetrying to be fasterthan the other team. • Once one player hascompletedthe route, the nextplayer starts.
Mr. «chair»- man • Every team forms a raw. • Twoplayers of every team cross theirarms so as to form a chair. Every team chooses 3 people to be carried. • The carriershave to carrytheirteammatesone by onetothe end of the course. The first team thatbringsall of them to the finish line is the winner. • Twoothercarriers and threeotherteammates are chosen and anoher round begins.
The equilibrist • A long bench is set on the ground. • Team A lines up at one side ofthe bench while team B isdividedintotwogroups, onetothe right of the bench, the otheroneto the left. • Players from team A have to walk on the bench tryingnot to fallwhileplayersfom team B throwballsat them.
Bag race • Every team forms a raw. • A bag is given to each team. • Playershave to «wear» the bag and jumptothe end of the coursetrying to reach the finish line before the other team does.