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Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care

Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care. What is E-Accreditation? Introducing CoARC’s New Annual Reporting Tool. Tom Smalling, PhD, RRT, RPFT, RPSGT, FAARC Executive Director. Objectives. Background What is e-Accreditation? Features of the New Annual Reporting Tool

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Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care

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  1. Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care What is E-Accreditation? Introducing CoARC’s New Annual Reporting Tool Tom Smalling, PhD, RRT, RPFT, RPSGT, FAARC Executive Director

  2. Objectives • Background • What is e-Accreditation? • Features of the New Annual Reporting Tool • Reporting Requirements • Implementation Plan • Future Capabilities • Questions and Answers www.coarc.com

  3. Background • CAAHEP contracted with Desert Rose to provide annual reporting tool to its CoAs; • Limitations in customizing and editing the former annual reporting tool to fit CoARC’s purposes; • Management of reporting data handled by CoARC, CAAHEP and Desert Rose; lack of data entry checks – greater likelihood of reporting errors; • Previous system lacked ability to expand web-based accreditation services. www.coarc.com

  4. What is e-Accreditation? • A state-of-the-art, customizable, web-based accreditation management system with the capability of organizing, documenting and managing the entire accreditation process- from an on-line accreditation application to a self study to a virtual site visit. www.coarc.com

  5. Features of the new AR Tool • The ability for programs to record outcomes data and track the progress towards compliance with CoARC Standards on a yearly basis; • Centralized housing of programmatic outcomes data; • Required fields and verification of data entry to prevent incomplete self-study responses; • Rapid compilation, analysis, and publishing of reports. www.coarc.com

  6. Features of the new AR Tool • All changes will be logged as a footnote at the bottom of each page, and a separate tab will list “all” changes applied by a program. • Sample for a possible change on the “Enrollment & Retention” page: • (“# of grads attempting exam” changed from 12 to 16 by Jane Smith 4/14/10 9:28AM) • (“# passing – 1st attempt” changed from 55 to 65 by Jane Smith 4/14/10 9:32AM) www.coarc.com

  7. Features of the new AR Tool • Preservation of data for Key Personnel changes for purposes of tracking the frequency of change: • Any position (Program Director, Director of Clinical Education, etc.) can be edited at any time; • A running archive of all individuals who previously held a given key personnel position will be kept in the Annual Report database along with the date the new individual was entered. • The complete history of all such entries can be viewed (as a footnote log) at any time by either the Program Director or his/her Designee, as well as CoARC staff. www.coarc.com

  8. Features of the new AR Tool • Integration of the Resource Assessment Matrix (RAM) with ability to be completed and submitted separately; • Addition of full address for each clinical affiliate (precursor to development of clinical affiliate database); • Programs can submit program profile and personnel changes at any time during the year; • Outcomes page and display options will better reflect numerator, denominator, resultant percentages, and comparison to thresholds. www.coarc.com

  9. Features of the new AR Tool • The application currently consists of two portals: • Program Director (and Designated Staff) Portal • Program Profile Management (Personnel and Affiliates) • Annual Report Management (Enrollment & Retention; Outcomes; Survey Worksheets; RAM) • CoARC Administrative Portal(CoARC Staff access only) www.coarc.com

  10. Features of the new AR Tool • The Program Director (PD) Portal consists of a Profile Management site that can be accessed 24/7/365 for the purpose of providing CoARC with updates to all program personnel information and clinical affiliates; • Data from the previous annual reporting tool was imported into the new AR database; The PD and designated staff needs only to verify existing information and provide any missing data; • Edits to Program Profile can be made at any time but will require approval of the CoARC Executive Office before the change is made permanent. www.coarc.com

  11. Features of the new AR Tool The new annual reporting tool allows a Program Director to perform the following activities: • Program Director Custom Login • Create and Assign new staff members (Program Director or Designee only) • Edit personal information (change username and password, telephone number, etc.) • Edit Program and Personnel Profile • Complete the Annual Report and RAM • Generate and print reports www.coarc.com

  12. Features of the new AR Tool • A Profile (including a login username and password) will be created for a new Program Director by CoARC Staff. • The Program Director (or their Designee) can add staff members to the portal who can help with the Annual Report. • Due to the historical nature of the data, once a new member is created, their account can only be disabled, not deleted. • Only the Program Director or his/her designee is able to edit the Program or Personnel Profiles. www.coarc.com

  13. Features of the new AR Tool • Cohort Management Portal (under development)– • Cohort management by student name and data; • Cohorts will be added with a complete list of student names; • Programs, instead of entering data that is based on numbers, will manage the progress of each student; • Data will then in turn populate all the required fields on the enrollment and retention tab, as well as the other pages, where a tally of numbers return analytic data (on-time graduation rate, etc.). www.coarc.com

  14. Reporting Requirements • Outcome assessment thresholds are established by CoARC and are related to expectations for graduate success. The program must, at a minimum, meet the assessment thresholds established by CoARC for the following program outcomes, regardless of location and instructional methodology used:   a) Graduate performance on the national credentialing examination for entry into practice; b) Programmatic retention/attrition; c) Graduate satisfaction with program; d) Employer satisfaction with program; and e) Job placement (Standard3.13). www.coarc.com

  15. Reporting Requirements • CoARC has established minimum performance criteria (thresholds) for each of the outcomes assessments. The program must meet the outcomes assessment thresholds, as documented in its Annual Report of Current Status (RCS).  The RCS shows the program’s outcomes results in relation to the thresholds.  Programs not meeting the established CoARC outcomes assessment thresholds must begin a dialogue with CoARC to develop an appropriate plan of action for program improvement that includes addressing the identified shortcomings (Standard3.14). www.coarc.com

  16. Reporting Requirements • CRT Credentialing Success • 80% of total number of graduates obtaining NBRC CRT credential (3-year average); • RRT Credentialing Success • No threshold; Programs will still be required to provide RRT outcomes data on annual reports, However, no accreditation actions will be taken based on RRT credentialing success; • Comprehensive Written RRT Self-Assessment Exam (CWRRT SAE) • No threshold; No reporting with new annual report. www.coarc.com

  17. Reporting Requirements • Programmatic Attrition: • Students formally enrolled in a respiratory care program that began fundamental (non-survey) respiratory care core coursework and have left for academic or non-academic reasons. Students who leave the program with a full tuition refund, and those students transferring to satellites are not included in program attrition; • 40% attrition of the total number of students in the enrollment cohort (3-year average) www.coarc.com

  18. Reporting Requirements • Job Placement: • A graduate who within ten (10) months after graduation is: • a. employed full- or part-time in  respiratory care, or • b. enrolled full- or part-time in another degree program, or   c. serving in the military, or • d. employed full- or part-time in the polysomnography field (for graduates of the polysomnography option of programs offering the same). • 70% positive placement (3-year average) www.coarc.com

  19. Reporting Requirements • Graduate and Employer Survey – Satisfaction : • Rating of 3 or higher on a 5-point Likert scale for each item/statement on the survey; • Each item/statement has at least 80% of the responses rated 3 or higher. • Graduate and Employer Survey – Participation: • The total number of program graduates who return their graduate survey; • 50% of the graduates have returned surveys (3-year average). www.coarc.com

  20. Reporting Requirements • On-Time Graduation Rate: • Calculated as the number of students who graduate with their enrollment cohort (i.e. by their expected graduation date) - the number who attrited from that cohort divided by the total number of students enrolled in that cohort;   • The enrollment date and the expected graduation date of each cohort are specified by the program; • No threshold established; Data gathering will occur over several reporting periods prior to any Board action. www.coarc.com

  21. Implementation Plan • Sept/Oct 2010 – Beta testing for new site by selected Board members and site visitors; • Jan 2011- Go Live; • April 15, 2011 - Deadline for submission of 2011 Annual Reports. • Webinar training sessions will be scheduled prior to as well as after the Go Live date. www.coarc.com

  22. Future Capabilities • Survey Module – • Graduate, Employer, Student and Faculty Resource Survey Administration and Analysis • Self-Study Module – All new program self studies • Current Programs - Optional or upon next cycle (10 years) • Virtual Site Visit Module • Board Review Module • Competency Assessment www.coarc.com

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