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Do Now

Do Now. Upon death the Hindus believe you will be reincarnated into a different form. What would you like to be reincarnated as?. Early Civilization in India. New Empires in India.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Do Now • Upon death the Hindus believe you will be reincarnated into a different form. What would you like to be reincarnated as?

  2. Early Civilization in India New Empires in India Monsoon, Sanskrit, raja, caste system, caste, Hinduism, reincarnation, karma, dharma, yoga, Buddhism, ascetic, nirvana

  3. The Land of India • Located on the Indian subcontinent. • Major land reions. • Himalayas • Ganges River: Cradle of Indian Civilization • Deccan: A hilly and dry plateau from Ganges to southern tip of India.

  4. India’s First Civilization 3,000 to 1,500 BCE Indus River Valley -Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro

  5. Major centers of Population Harappa Mohenjo-Daro Streets in grid formation. Houses built around central courtyard. Garbage Collection Traded w/ Mesopotamia through Persian Gulf • Planned-City • Public wells • Sewer Systems • Monarchy/Theocracy • Farming thanks to Indus River flooding

  6. Aryans (Indo-Europeans) • 1500 BCE • Warrior/Farmers • Iron Plow 1000 BCE Develop the writen language Sanskrit. -Legends, Religion 1500-400 BCE India ran by small rulers called Rajas.

  7. Caste System

  8. Indian Religions Hinduism Buddhism (563 BCE) Ascetics: Practice of self-denial. Principles of Buddhism: No material world World cares = Pain Nirvana (Ultimate Reality) • An ultimate force (God) • Reincarnation: Soul reborn in new form (good & bad • Karma: Force of your actions. • Dharma: Divine Law • Yoga: Gaining oneness with God (Monism)

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