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Thinking Prof. Dr . Ramez . Bedwani. psychology (MLPs-201). Concept formation is related to thinking, which is either simple, compound and/or insight. Outcomes.
Thinking Prof. Dr. Ramez. Bedwani psychology (MLPs-201)
Concept formation is related to thinking, which is either simple, compound and/or insight Outcomes
THINKINGthinking is one the psychological functions which means mental activity for problem solving and certain behavior in problematic situation. It is not dependent directly upon motor or sensory contact with the present situation.The tools of thinking are the symbols which may be verbal (language) symbol, diagram, or objects, it may be also the concepts which are ideas that refer to object event, qualities, etc. A concept is the idea about and meaning of symbol.
1. Generalization It means the beginning of formation of formation of concept by gathering 2.Differentiation It means finding the differences between the groups of items And objects and discriminating between them. 3. A abstraction Means selection and picking up one characteristic that is common in all objects or situation Concept formation
It is the combination of interrelated concepts like the arithmetic system which includes different numbering processes, and the conceptual system related to political Rules social rules, laws of nature…etc Conceptual system
1. simple thinking (reflexive) This type depends simply on perception, interpretation, And giving meaning to the perceived stimuli with consequent Appropriate response. 2. Compound thinking (trial and error): This type depends on trial and error method in problem solving Types of Thinking
3. Insight thinking (hypothetic-deductive) It depends on using the hindsight, foresight, and the present information in solving the problem. It is an elaborate type of thinking and can be considered as trial and error methods but on mental level. It is more manifest in the process of reasoning
Subjective thinking (egocentric type). Arises from and is related to the self. It does not consider any other objective data or external factors more than the benefit and attitude of the thinker himself. Objective thinking is logical, not biased, not self-centered and deals with realistic external reasonable data, not following personal attitude or benefit. Objective Versus Subjective Thinking
Autistic thinking is imaginative, fantastic, unrealism-tic, wish-fulfilling, and not directed towards any goal. Realistic thinking is controlled, rational purposeful, directed and conforming with real facts. Autistic Versus Realistic Thinking
Abstraction means giving the meaning that stands be hind the words or sentences. It also means giving the particular characteristics of meaning to be compared excluding the others. Concrete thinking means giving the literal meaning of the words or sentences and dose not go further be-yond that level in explaining it. The ability for abstraction is usually lost in schizophrenic illness and it is detected clinically by asking the patient to explain any famous proverb (proverb test). Abstract Versus Concrete Thinking
Imagination is a process of mental play manipulation Type of imagination 1. Free of imagination It is not directed, not goal-seeking, purposeless, and uncontrollable type of thinking. It occurs mainly in: Imagination
A) Imaginative play: it is well manifest and starts early in childhood period. The child manipulates the objects or dolls according to the meaning he attaches to them (make believe) and he thinks of this manipulation in a story (story telling) B) Day dreaming : it is free imagination practiced by all people in every day life, specially during relaxation it is usually self motivating and wish- fulfilling.
C) Dreams: it could be considered as some sort of free imagination that occurs during sleep. However, it is more out of control and beyond conscious awareness and less directed than day dreams. D) Autistic thinking: it is unrealistic, mal- directed, and incompatible type of thinking that goes beyond normal Logical understanding.
2. Controlled imagination it is directed, goal- seeking, purposeful, and controlled Type of thinking it usually happens in creative, inventive and artistic production.
Phases of inventive production a) Preparatory Phase: the individual prepares, collects, examines, and studies all materials and information about the problem under research. B) incubation phase: the individual waits and stops any attention or mental activity to the problem, but there is unconscious mental work going on this period.
C) inspiration phase: the individual finds that the solution of the problem suddenly arises in his head. D) Verification phase: theindividual verifies the scientific hypothesis by application or experimental work
1- Steps Of Concept Formation Are ……… A- generalization B- differentiation C- abstraction D- symbolization 2- Types Of Imagination Are ……….. A- free imagination B- controlled imagination C- abstraction All correct Except: