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United Nations Environment Programme A Partner In The Global Environment Facility. The Global Environment Facility. Funding the incremental costs of actions by developing countries and CEITs that provide global environmental benefits in six focal areas: Biological Diversity
United Nations Environment Programme A Partner In The Global Environment Facility
The Global Environment Facility Funding the incremental costs of actions by developing countries and CEITs that provideglobal environmental benefits in six focal areas: • Biological Diversity • Climate Change • International Waters • Protection of the Ozone Layer • Land Degradation • Persistent Organic Pollutants • Implementing Agencies: UNEP, UNDP, World Bank • Executing Agencies: ADB, AfDB, IDB, EBRD, FAO, UNIDO, IFAD
UNEP Role in GEF • catalyzing development of scientific and technical analysis and advancement of environmental management in GEF activities • guidance on relating GEF activities to environmental assessments, policy frameworks and plans, and to environmental agreements • Secretariat support to Scientific & Technical Advisory Panel (STAP)
UNEP - GEF Project Priorities Activities additional to but consistent with regular work programme, focusing on areas of comparative advantage: • Environmental Information and Assessments • Tools and Methodologies • Action Plans and Strategies • Trans-boundary issues, shared ecosystems • Capacity building
Over 140 countries participate in UNEP GEF Project Activities
UNEP-GEF Portfolio • Focal Area GEF Total • ($m) ($m) • Biodiversity 78.7 158.0 • Biosafety 33.7 49.3 • Climate Change 46.4 77.2 • International Waters 88.8 175.7 • Land Degradation 37.6 91.1 • Ozone 12.7 11.8 • POPs 38.3 55.9 • Multifocal 20.3 42.7 • Total 356.4 661.8
Project categorization • 56 Medium-size • 53 Full-size • 123 EAs • 26 PDFB • 43 PDFA
International Waters • Assessment • Global International Waters Assessment (GIWA) analyzing linkages between freshwater and marine systems • Analysis, management planning and demonstration • Trans-boundary Diagnostic Analyses (TDA) Leading todevelopment and implementationof, • Strategic Action Programmes (SAP) • South China Sea “Reversing Environmental Degradation Trends in the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand” (Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Malaysis, Thailand, Philippines, Viet Nam) • Integrated Management of the Amur-Heilong River Basin (China, Russian Federation, Mongolia) • also Latin America and Mediterranean and Red Seas
Persistent Organic Pollutants Assessment • Regionally Based Assessment of Persistent Toxic Substances Support to Implementation of Stockholm Convention • Development of National Implementation Plans for POPs • Full-size project assisting 12 pilot countries (including Malaysia, Micronesia and Papua New Guinea) • National enabling activities (14 approved including Sri Lanka and Fiji, and 30+ in pipeline) • Sub-regional workshops promoting awareness Demonstration projects: management of POPs & PTS • Alternatives to agripesticides • Phase-out of DDT for malaria vector control Potential for development in Asia/Pacific
Biodiversity • Information Management, Assessment, Analysis & Research • Millennium Ecosystem Assessment • FSP: “In-situ Conservation of Wild Crop Relatives through Enhanced Information Management and Field Application” including Sri Lanka Tools & Methodology • FSP: “Conservation and Sustainable Management of Below-Ground Biodiversity”, including India and Indonesia • In-Situ/On-Farm Conservation of Indigenous Fruit trees in Central Asia (PDF B) • Trans-boundary Conservation & Sustainable Use • FSP: “Development of a Wetland Site and Flyway Network for Conservation of the Siberian Crane and other Migratory Waterbirds in Asia”, including China
Biosafety Supporting implementationof theCartagena Protocol on Biosafety Pilot Project: 18 pilot countries develop National Biosafety Frameworks (including China and Pakistan) Development of National Biosafety Frameworks: Global Project, currently 106 countries including 26 from Asia/Pacific Demonstration Projects for the Implementation of National Biosafety Frameworks: Medium-sized projects in 8 countries (including China)
Land Degradation • Mainly Africa, but increasing attention to Asia • Assessment, Analysis & Research • Global Land Degradation Assessment in Drylands (LADA) - China one of the pilot countries in the PDF B phase Environmental Information • MSP: Promoting best practices for conserving biodiversity in arid ecosystems, including Mongolia and Pakistan Tools & Methodology Development • e.g. “Management of Indigenous Vegetation for Rehabilitation of Degraded Rangelands in the Arid Zone of Africa” Trans-boundary Ecosystem Management • Sustainable Land Management in the High Pamir and Pamir-Alai Mountains (PDF B) - Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan • Prevention and Control of Dust and Sand Storms in North East Asia -China, Mongolia, Korea, Japan (together with ADB)
Climate Change • Environmental Assessments and Analyses • Solar and Wind Resources Assessment (including Bangladesh, China, India, Sri Lanka, Nepal) • Assessment of Impact and Adaptation to Climate Change (including Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Laos, Mongolia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Viet Nam, Cook Islands and Fiji) • Environmental Information • Country Case Studies on Sources and Sinks of GHGs • Development of Tools and Methodologies • on greenhouse gas inventories • to assess Climate Change impacts and adaptation strategies • to analyze economic costs of greenhouse gas limitation
Support to MEAs • Building National Capacity: GEF Enabling Activities • Biodiversity(CBD) - China, Pakistan, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu • Biosafety(Cartagena Protocol) - China, Pakistan, and 26 countries from Asia/Pacific region developing national biosafet frameworks • Climate Change (UNFCCC) - Bangladesh, Mongolia, Nepal, Niue, Pakistan, Viet Nam • LDC NAPAs (Climate Change National Adaptation Programme of Action) - including Bangladesh and Nepal • POPs(Stockholm Convention) - Fiji, Sri Lanka • National Capacity Self-Assessments (NCSAs)
National Capacity Self-Assessment for the Global Environmental Management (NCSA) Objective: To assist countries in identifying their capacity development needs and priorities to manage the three Rio Conventions (UNFCCC, CBD & UNCCD) giving particular attention to synergies between the conventions Expected Results of the NCSA Initiative: An Action Plan of priorities following a detailed assessment A more integrated approach to dealing with the global environment issues (conventions) and enhanced awareness of their inter linkages An interim coordination mechanism that may lead to a more sustainable legal and institutional frameworks
Status Number Countries NCSAs being implemented 16 The Gambia, Uganda, Kenya, Bahamas, Estonia, Colombia, Eritrea, Mauritius, Antigua, Algeria, Cameroon, Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, NCSAs being developed 17 Bosnia, Argentina, Turkey, Russia, Sierra Leone, Dominica, Haiti, St Lucia, Panama, Mozambique, Trinidad and Tobago, Vanuatu, Cuba, Myanmar, Mongolia, Afghanistan, Liberia UNEP Total 33 UNEP/GEF Support to NCSAs • GEF funding up to $200,000 per eligible and requesting country • UNEP is supporting 33 countries in preparing their NCSAs:
Projects under Development Climate Change Developing a sustainable and environmentally sound transport system for three South Asian cities – Bangalore, Colombo, Dhaka Multi-focal Nature Conservation and Flood Control in the Yangzte River Basin National Performance Assessment and Subregional Strategic Environment Framework in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) (Cambodia, Lao, Myanmar, China, Thailand, and Vietnam Support to the Implementation of the Regional Environmental Action Plan for Central Asia
Contacts The Director Division of GEF Co-ordination The United Nations Environment Programme P.O. Box 30552, Nairobi, Kenya www.unep.org/gef gefinfo@unep.org