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=4R kosR •mu`>tisr mu³it kosR– k>urAan AOr nmaj> ko smzna =u” kIijye Aasan trIk>e se tAa”f> ÃÓ understand

=4R kosR •mu`>tisr mu³it kosR– k>urAan AOr nmaj> ko smzna =u” kIijye Aasan trIk>e se tAa”f> ÃÓ www.understandquran.com. Make sure you download the fonts sent with the email or visit the website and download them. جَزَاكُمُ اللهُ خَيْرًا. ;Ntj>am krne valO& ke ilye. www.understandquran.com.

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=4R kosR •mu`>tisr mu³it kosR– k>urAan AOr nmaj> ko smzna =u” kIijye Aasan trIk>e se tAa”f> ÃÓ understand

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  1. =4R kosR •mu`>tisr mu³it kosR– k>urAan AOr nmaj> ko smzna =u” kIijye Aasan trIk>e se tAa”f> ÃÓ www.understandquran.com Make sure you download the fonts sent with the email or visit the website and download them.

  2. جَزَاكُمُ اللهُ خَيْرًا ;Ntj>am krne valO& ke ilye www.understandquran.com

  3. مُبَارَ ك Aane valO& ke ilye www.understandquran.com

  4. @k Ahm vj>aht علماء merI paej>I=n عوام الناس www.understandquran.com

  5. Style This short course is based on modern teaching techniques taken from: • Brain (Tony Buzan etc.) • Lateral thinking (De Bono) • Positive thinking • Effective living (Stephen Covey, etc.) • Time and Resource Management • NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) • Second Language learning (Latest style of teaching English to foreigners); Word power; etc. • Review of books published in India, Pak, UK, USA • Teaching models (interactive, lecturing, …) www.understandquran.com

  6. mk>aisd Ó. k>urAan ko smzna Aasan lge Ô. k>urAan smzkr bar bar itlavt krne ka =Ok> pEda hae Õ. k>urAan se tAaMmul )Interaction(smz me& Aaye Ö. 4Im vkR ya ;jitma:yt kI sip/4 pEda hae www.understandquran.com

  7. Kya p7>e&ge? • sUrh Al f>aitha Ø sUrte& • nmaj> ke Aj>kar • AOr cNd duAa@% vg>Erh • sa9 hI sa9 Ahm igramr •k>va;d– www.understandquran.com

  8. kEse p7>e&ge? • ÔÙ Asbak> me&, hr sbk> tk>rIbn15 imN4 ka • Hr sbk> me& hE • k>urAanyahdIs • k>va;d • nukattalIm, =Ok>, `<Of>, ;brt www.understandquran.com

  9. trIk>a kar S4^4ejI ;n kI mdd se 100 tk>rIbn @ehm Alf>aj> ko smze& AOr yad r`e&ge jo k>urAan me& tk>rIbn 4000 bar Aaye hE& kul tk>rIbn 78000 me& se yanI k>urAan 50% ke Alf>aj> www.understandquran.com

  10. k>urAan f>ehmI bmuk>aibl j>ubansI`na4 Ahm f>kR> www.understandquran.com

  11. f>kR nMbr 1 nmaj> se ;bitda Agr mE& Aapko f>>/&c is`ana cahta hU&, AOr Agr muze pta ho ik Aap f>/e&c me& @k 3N4a ... hr musLman mdR, AOrt, bUD>e AOr jvan pr AOr yha& tk ke ilye bCcO& ke ilye munaisb www.understandquran.com

  12. f>kR nMbr 2isf>R suNne AOr pD>ne pr tvJjh www.understandquran.com

  13. f>kR nMbr 3 Alf>aj> manI pr ij>yada tvJjh • Alf>aj> main (Vocab) pr J>yada j>aer •if>trI, jEsa bCce is`te hE– • k>va;d pr km j>Or vrna lOgO& me& Dr غائب، جمع، مذكر، مهموز، باب إفعال يُؤمِنُون فعل مضارع مرفوع بثبوت النون لأنه من الأفعال الخمسة، والواؤ ضمير متصل في محل رفع فاعل www.understandquran.com

  14. f>kR nMbr 4srf> pr ij>yada j>aer, nhU pr km KyO&? • k>urAan ke mj>amIn •tOhId, irsalat, Ai`>rt, k>ss– vgerh se hm manUs hE& • k: traijm mOjUd hEE& ijn kI mdd se hm sI` rhe hE • trjuma krna nhI& biLk trjuma dohrana sI` rhe hE. www.understandquran.com

  15. =4R kosR ke k>va;d www.understandquran.com

  16. halt? mk>sd?? iks halt me& hE& Aap? iks ilye Aaye hE&? 4Icr ko de`ne? iklas ko de`ne? `>ud ke ilye • ik mE& Kya sI` rha hU&?–

  17. suNne ke ANdaj> bg>Er tvJjh ke •jEse baj>ar me&– =k ke sa9 •hm sI`e&ge -I ya nhI&– dmag> ih nhI& biLke idl •muhBbt v Ak>Idt AOr yk>In ke sa9– ik Allah hme& j>”r is`ayega (الرحمن علم القرآن)

  18. ye tAaimlI (interactive) =a4R kosR hE • jo ij>yada p/eiK4s krega voh wtnahI ij>yada sI`ega • ye sunehrI k>ayda yad ri`ye • I listen, I forget. • I see, I remember. • I practice, I learn. • I teach, I master(more later)

  19. Alf>aj> kI k>urAan me& tkrar كِتَابٌ أَنزَلْنَاهُ إِلَيْكَ f>el ke sIg>e ;Sm •vaihd v jma– k>urAan me& tkrar 261* www.understandquran.com

  20. ;s sbk> me& • @ek Aayt k>urAan se • kosR ka tAa’f> • k>urAan se hmara taALluk> • k>urAan ko ApnI ij>NdgI me& lane ka trIk>a www.understandquran.com

  21. DPPR Ask Propagate Understand I+G Evaluate Plan Check mk>sd njUl 261* كِتَابٌ أَنزَلْنَاهُ إِلَيْكَمُبَارَكٌ لِّيَدَّبَّرُوا آيَاتِهِ وَلِيَتَذَكَّرَ أُوْلُوا الْأَلْبَابِ (ص: 29) 382* www.understandquran.com

  22. DPPR Ask Propagate Understand I+G Evaluate Plan Check mk>sd njUl 261* www.understandquran.com

  23. DPPR Ask Propagate Understand I+G Evaluate Plan Check mk>sd njUl 382* www.understandquran.com

  24. tdBbur Kya AOr kEse? • imsal ke tOr pr A`bar bmuk>ibl sa:Ns kI iktab • g>Or ws vK>t kr skega jb vo smze www.understandquran.com

  25. tdBbur se phlek>urAan se tAaLluk> • raSt Direct • =~>sIPersonal • tE =udaPlanned • mutaiLlk>Relevant DPPR www.understandquran.com

  26. tdBbur AOr tj>Kkur @ek trIk>a 1. k>urAan kI hr Aayt hm se ku2 cahtI hE. ;se krne ke ilye duAa se =u” kIijye. 2. @ehitsab guj>re huye idn ya hf>te ka 3. Plan Agle idn ya hf>te ke ilye 4. tblIg> pEg>am kI www.understandquran.com

  27. DPPR دعاء تبليغ سمجهو ا+ا احتساب پلان Check tdBbur AOr tj>Kkur ka @ek Aasan trIk>a In the next slide www.understandquran.com

  28. Check • ;jitma: mamlat hae&, fk>hI k>va;d ho& ya k: nya A:iDya Aaye to wlmayekram se ;sko cek krlIijye ifr ASl kam hm jEse Aam Aadimyo& ke ilye Kya hE? • tALluk> ibl Allah. ;Tteba rsUl, if>k/ Aai`rt, ij>k/, ;badt, ;`lak>, mamlat, AOr davt, tblIg, امر بالمعروف و نھی عن المنكر،4Im vkR, ;jitmayt vgErh

  29. DPPR Ask Propagate Understand I+G Evaluate Plan Check tdBbur AOr tj>Kkur @ek imsal isrf> duAa kaf>I nhI& Kya Aap smzte hE& ik @k tailb ;Lm kaimyab ho sKta hE jo isrf> Allah se mdd ma&gta ho mgr ApnI p7>a: pr tvJjh n deta ho? kosR ka Asl mk>sd tdBbur AOr tj>Kkur www.understandquran.com

  30. k>urAan ke hk>Uk> • :man r`na • p7>na • smzna • tdBbur krna • Aml krna • fElana www.understandquran.com

  31. Aaj hm ne Kya sI~aa mNdrj j>El Alf>aj> k>urAan me& bhut bar Aaye hE& • k>urAan se : كتاب، آيات، لِ Our relationship with Qur’an and an interaction model. www.understandquran.com

  32. Agle sbk> me& hm sI`e&ge... 1. tAa’f> 2. Aaj ka sbk> 3. 4eKs4 6 imN4 4. g/amr 6 imN4 • Educational / motivational tip. - 2 Alhamdulillah, you have started! Don’t give up!! www.understandquran.com

  33. MashaAllah you have started! Don’t give up!! • Ramadan is the month of Qur’an – Each day we should get closer to it. • Don’t fail yourself! Don’t say you don’t have time! Snatch those 15 minutes from your day anyway! • Don’t forget to become the ‘student’ of the Prophet pbuh! سُبْحَانَ اللهِ وَبِحَمْدِهِ سُبْحَانَكَ اللهُمَّ وَبِحَمْدِكَ نَشْهَدُ أَن لاَّ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ أَنْتَ أَسْتَغْفِرُكَ وَأَتُوبُ إِلَيْكَ www.understandquran.com

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