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Third International Seville Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA): Impacts and implications for policy and decision-making. 16th- 17th October 2008.
Third International Seville Conference onFuture-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA):Impacts and implications for policy and decision-making 16th- 17th October 2008 Exploring future-oriented Governance and Technological Innovation mechanisms in the Euro-Mediterranean Region: the case of Morocco Gianluca Misuraca College of Management of Technology, EPFL
Exploring future-oriented Governance and Technological Innovation mechanisms in the Euro-Mediterranean Region: the case of Morocco, Gianluca Misuraca, CSI-CDM-EPFL Outline • Introduction • The EU facing the challenge of the Global Knowledge Society • The rationale for innovative governance of RTD systems and the role of FTA • Objectives • Research Question • Methodology • Theoretical framework • Methodological approach • RTD&I Governance and Institutional Design in Morocco • EU-Morocco Cooperation in RTD • The Moroccan Vision RTD 2025 and the Plan of Action 2010 • Results and policy implications • The changing shape of Governance of RTD&I in Morocco • Practical application of FTA methodologies in development policies • Conclusions
Exploring future-oriented Governance and Technological Innovation mechanisms in the Euro-Mediterranean Region: the case of Morocco, Gianluca Misuraca, CSI-CDM-EPFL Introduction The EU facing the challenge of the Global Knowledge Society • EU Single European Act (1986): Need of Coordination of RTD-Policies at EC level (FP & ERA – EU Lisbon Treaty, 2000) • EU “5th Freedom” (2008) Free movement of knowledge, ideas & researchers • Stimulus for European competitiveness and transnational cooperation, especially with neighbouring countries and regions • Developing and emerging countries are confronted with new challenges: • high unpredictability of development policies oriented towards supporting local innovation and dependent on issues linked to appropriation of technologies • high number of failing –or at least not too positively impacting- approaches • Goal: Building an “open, integrated and competitive ERA” • need of identifying and implement innovative mechanisms for governance and coordination of RTD-policies at EU-wide level and development policies • need of better targeted actions and enhanced harmonization among various local, national and international stakeholders in RTD&I
Exploring future-oriented Governance and Technological Innovation mechanisms in the Euro-Mediterranean Region: the case of Morocco, Gianluca Misuraca, CSI-CDM-EPFL Introduction The rationale for innovative governance of RTD systems and… • Standard rationale for public RTD&I policies: readdress market failures in production and diffusion of knowledge and innovation due to: • the wedge between public and private returns on RTD investments • search for economies of scale/specialization/economies of scope (Henderson and Cockburn, 1986) • RTD&I Policy Decentralization • To better address eventual market failures and • To enhance diversity, resulting in knowledge creation and learning from different policy experience (Van der Horst, et al. 2006)
Exploring future-oriented Governance and Technological Innovation mechanisms in the Euro-Mediterranean Region: the case of Morocco, Gianluca Misuraca, CSI-CDM-EPFL Objectives … the role of FTA • Investigating what role FTA can have in supporting policy-makers and development actors in identifying priorities for RTD&I Policies: • Overcoming local barriers to innovation (i.e. cultural and human resources gaps) • Reinforcing cooperation among various stakeholders (local, national and international) often fragmented and not effective • Exploring the potential impact of participatory technology foresighting approaches aimed at: • reinforcing the governance system for RTD&I in EU neighbouring countries, and • envisioning its impact on EU Member States
Exploring future-oriented Governance and Technological Innovation mechanisms in the Euro-Mediterranean Region: the case of Morocco, Gianluca Misuraca, CSI-CDM-EPFL Research Question … the role of FTA • How FTA methods and processes can contribute to trigger RTD&I policies in developing and emerging countries? • taking into consideration • local state-of-the-art in this domain of activity, • the complex local governance structure and culture that supports it, and at the same time enables users’ participation or at least forms of technological appropriation
Exploring future-oriented Governance and Technological Innovation mechanisms in the Euro-Mediterranean Region: the case of Morocco, Gianluca Misuraca, CSI-CDM-EPFL Methodology Theoretical Framework • Shortcomings of the traditional arguments in the current debate about the creation of an effective ERA • Assumption that the EU market for the production and diffusion of knowledge and innovation is already well developed and only needs to te corrected for its natural market failures • Not recognition of the fact that correcting some market failures may results in other market failures (i.e. competition vs concentration) • Not recognition of the institutional efficiency role in policy implementation • Hypothesis • We claim that FTA can support policy-makers in identifying priorities for RTD&I policies that are linked to the socio-economic structure and cultural specificities of developing and emerging countries
Exploring future-oriented Governance and Technological Innovation mechanisms in the Euro-Mediterranean Region: the case of Morocco, Gianluca Misuraca, CSI-CDM-EPFL Methodology Methodological Approach • The paper is based upon a recent analysis conducted as part of a EC-funded activity, aimed at: • exploring the appropriate mechanisms and designing development instruments for supporting the reinforcement of the RTD and innovation governance structure in Morocco, and its integration in the ERA • Review of the RTD&I policy currently under development in Morocco • Explore scenarios for possible systemic effects within the Euro-Mediterranean partnership area looking also at selected technological applications in the ICT domain
Exploring future-oriented Governance and Technological Innovation mechanisms in the Euro-Mediterranean Region: the case of Morocco, Gianluca Misuraca, CSI-CDM-EPFL RTD&I Governance and Institutional Design in Morocco EU-Morocco Cooperation in RTD • European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) • beyond the current association, it offers the EU's neighbours a deepening of the political relationship and the prospect of a series of significant measures of economic integration through a gradual inclusion in the EU internal market • EU-rapprochement: fundamental foreign policy choice of Morocco • Barcelona Process (1995) • Status of “privileged partner” (2008) • Association Agreement (AA) (Art. 47) & Action Plan (Art. 75, 76, 77): • Speed up Morocco's integration in the European research area and the Community framework programmes • Develop research and technological development capacity for the benefit of the economy and society • Promote Morocco's integration in high-level scientific exchanges
Exploring future-oriented Governance and Technological Innovation mechanisms in the Euro-Mediterranean Region: the case of Morocco, Gianluca Misuraca, CSI-CDM-EPFL RTD&I Governance and Institutional Design in Morocco The Moroccan Vision RTD 2025 and the Plan of Action 2010 • New policy orientation and legal framework reform to strengthen RTD-policy intervention since 1998 • Structuring the RTD sector at national level • Identifying national priorities in RTD • Increasing funding for RTD&I (0.3% in 1998, 0.8% in 2005, 1% 2010) • Encouraging the collaboration between public sector, the academia and research community, and the industry • Reform of the high-education system (Law. 01.00, 2000) • Linking RTD to socio-economic development interventions (2005) • Assessment of National RTD System • Commission of national experts to propose a strategic vision 2025 • RTD-Action Plan 2006-2010
Exploring future-oriented Governance and Technological Innovation mechanisms in the Euro-Mediterranean Region: the case of Morocco, Gianluca Misuraca, CSI-CDM-EPFL RTD&I Governance and Institutional Design in Morocco The Moroccan Vision RTD 2025 and the Plan of Action 2010 • Strengths • High number of qualified researchers (3rd in Africa for scientific production) • International collaboration and integration of Moroccan researchers • Governmental support • Weaknesses • Reduction of scientific production • Dispersion of the scientific capital • Ageing of head-researchers • Lack of evaluation of the overall system • Lack of specific institutions devoted to valorisation of research results
Exploring future-oriented Governance and Technological Innovation mechanisms in the Euro-Mediterranean Region: the case of Morocco, Gianluca Misuraca, CSI-CDM-EPFL RTD&I Governance and Institutional Design in Morocco The Moroccan Vision RTD 2025 and the Plan of Action 2010 • Vision 2025 • applied research • perfect command and adaptation of technologies and • support to innovation • Action Plan 2010 • Identify priority sectors for the RTD policy • Develop a specific policy for human resources enhancement (training, continuing education, on-the job-learning, international cooperation and knowledge-sharing, etc) • Define a policy for the promotion of resources and competences, reinforcing the collaboration between public and private sector in RTD
Exploring future-oriented Governance and Technological Innovation mechanisms in the Euro-Mediterranean Region: the case of Morocco, Gianluca Misuraca, CSI-CDM-EPFL Results and policy implications The changing shape of Governance of RTD&I in Morocco • EU-Morocco Action Plan: Institutional “Twinning” on RTD&I (2008) • Goal: improving the performance and governance of the NRS • Objectives • Accelerate the integration of Morocco into the ERA and its participation in the EU-FP; and • Enhance the capacities of Moroccan institutions in RTD to better serve the socio-economic development of the country • Actions • Harmonizing the Moroccan RTD legal and regulatory framework with the acquis communautaire; • Enhancing the organizational capacity of the RTD institutional system • Ensuring know-how transfer related to best practices and methodological tools linked to RTD&I
Exploring future-oriented Governance and Technological Innovation mechanisms in the Euro-Mediterranean Region: the case of Morocco, Gianluca Misuraca, CSI-CDM-EPFL Results and policy implications Practical application of FTA methodologies in development policies • Limited evidence of FTA’s impact on institutions and society at large • Limited knowledge of the value FTA could have for business, government, education and research, especially with regard to effective planning and decision-making • Describing the insights and practical experience of a visioning and strategic planning exercise in a sensitive and complex sector as the RTD&I policy in Morocco, can represent a useful example in order to explore how applying these methodologies could drive to desirable changes in the socio-economic development of a country • The participatory process that the design and implementation of the Twinning instrument where the funding institution and the beneficiary country are equal partners and their relations is based on a “peer to peer” approach, may open new ways of development and cooperation
Exploring future-oriented Governance and Technological Innovation mechanisms in the Euro-Mediterranean Region: the case of Morocco, Gianluca Misuraca, CSI-CDM-EPFL Results and policy implications Practical application of FTA methodologies in development policies • The trend to involve all relevant stakeholders in the RTD governance is intended at making research efforts more accountable with regard to their capacity to address social and economic needs • The involvement of all relevant stakeholders in the analysis about the future of RTD&I is the reflection of a more general tendency to change the shape and overall aims of RTD&I interventions, from an isolated sector to an integrated area of policy in support of the national development path • The request of a strong integration of activities and processes beyond mere collaboration, is a sign of the political understanding of the need of establishing ties that are not only opportunistic, but that look at the future of the Euro-Mediterranean region as ineluctably linked to face together the challenges of the Global Knowledge Society
Exploring future-oriented Governance and Technological Innovation mechanisms in the Euro-Mediterranean Region: the case of Morocco, Gianluca Misuraca, CSI-CDM-EPFL Results and policy implications Practical application of FTA methodologies in development policies • The focus on enhancing collaboration at regional level, aiming at the creation of a Euro-Mediterranean Knowledge Society, needs therefore to be defined as a “strategic intelligence partnership”, where FTA methodologies can play a crucial role • The high degree of heterogeneity among countries and specialization competences require longer time horizons in order to identify the priorities and competences and build “knowledge and innovation hubs”, which would be able to interact at regional level and contribute to a dual transfer of knowledge, developing local communities and benefiting in returns other regions connected to the network • The trade-off between the increasing complexity of managing RTD&I policies and the greater autonomy in defining how the funds should be allocated and used, poses a series of challenges on how the governance of innovation systems should be organized
Exploring future-oriented Governance and Technological Innovation mechanisms in the Euro-Mediterranean Region: the case of Morocco, Gianluca Misuraca, CSI-CDM-EPFL Results and policy implications Special focus: wireless and mobile technologies • Great prospective that may, in many cases, overcome the existing research patterns (and eventually even interests) of EU organizations • Priority area for research (as it is the case in Morocco), due to the potential impact in socio-economic terms of technological breakthroughs in this domain • The simple knowledge or technology transfer is not the appropriate mechanism for effective collaboration • The perceived value of these activities, especially in emerging technologies, is in most cases very low, as a result: • many organizations hardly engage in setting up effective collaborations • for universities and research centres the collaboration with businesses is seen solely as a means for acquiring additional resources, while businesses hardly benefit from the potential knowledge generated by universities and research centres
Exploring future-oriented Governance and Technological Innovation mechanisms in the Euro-Mediterranean Region: the case of Morocco, Gianluca Misuraca, CSI-CDM-EPFL Results and policy implications Governance perspective • Value added of cooperation instruments, such as the “Institutional Twinnings”, in promoting incentives for national organizations to reform as to make them more competitive and to undertake more ambitious RTD&I programmes, more complex, larger and longer lasting, than simply participating in individual research projects • Indirect benefit to the EU as increasing the capacity of neighbouring countries, and associating them in the ERA development, represent a strategic asset for the future • Transforming” the RTD&I system in a specific country should not be done following a simple transfer of “best practices” from the North to the South, or promotion of “off-shoring” of low-quality, with limited –if any- added value in terms of RTD&I. • This “transformation” not only would create misallocation of priorities and distortion of incentives, but would also produce a departure of talents and in the long term a decrease of the scientific capital and research and innovation potential of the country, thus affecting the overall socio-economic development of the region
Exploring future-oriented Governance and Technological Innovation mechanisms in the Euro-Mediterranean Region: the case of Morocco, Gianluca Misuraca, CSI-CDM-EPFL Conclusions New approaches and scenarios for emerging countries • Emerging countries such as Morocco, should identify their own road to development, building local capacities and selecting priority areas of technological development • Differently from traditional theoretical approaches, such as the NSI, in reality there are not only several distinct forms of innovationbut also discontinuities and “loose-only” relationships between different parts and actors of a nation that may significantly modify the performance of the national configuration shaped by innovation-related actors and economic forces • As different scenarios may arise, different approaches are needed for different domains and technologies, and finally different indicators to assess impacts
Exploring future-oriented Governance and Technological Innovation mechanisms in the Euro-Mediterranean Region: the case of Morocco, Gianluca Misuraca, CSI-CDM-EPFL Conclusions Building an Euro-Mediterranean Knowledge Society • Building on the political impetus that the EU is giving on Euro-Mediterranean cooperation • Designing “participatory FTA methodologies” as a practice for reinforcing collaboration and designing a common future for the Euro-Mediterranean region • Participatory FTA approaches should be adapted to the specificities that each domain encompasses • paying attention to the time cycles and other intricacies and • whether we are dealing with a mainstream research area in transport, telecom or health, or instead we are facing an open domain (such as Biotechnology, Nanotechnology or even to some extent Environment or ICTs, for example)
Exploring future-oriented Governance and Technological Innovation mechanisms in the Euro-Mediterranean Region: the case of Morocco, Gianluca Misuraca, CSI-CDM-EPFL Conclusions Future-RTD&I Governance System in Morocco • Designing a future-oriented governance mechanism • capable of adapting to changes • respond in a dynamic way to the challenges of tomorrow • open to a series of alternatives as perceived by the various stakeholders • Considering, at least, four different sources of RTD&I • Public research (national and supported by international cooperation) • Private research (national and international) • Research performed by Transnational Corporations (TNCs) • Local innovation usages and uptake (especially by SMEs)
Exploring future-oriented Governance and Technological Innovation mechanisms in the Euro-Mediterranean Region: the case of Morocco, Gianluca Misuraca, CSI-CDM-EPFL Conclusions Future Research • Considering the specificities of emerging countries, exploring through which technological paths can socio-economic development be reached more effectively and how the capacities of institutions can be enhanced to better serve the socio-economic development of a country? • Or, in other words, which are the most promising technologies that not only will generate local innovation and development, but will also contribute to the integration of Mediterranean countries in the European Space, and as a possible consequence reinforcing citizens’ participation in democratic processes and international cooperation, as standard forms of uptakes but also as open-ended learning experiments?
Exploring future-oriented Governance and Technological Innovation mechanisms in the Euro-Mediterranean Region: the case of Morocco, Gianluca Misuraca, CSI-CDM-EPFL Thank You / Gracias gianluca.misuraca@epfl.ch Networking