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CBS Admissions Officer Simona Nicola and Anne Mette Hou

CBS Admissions Officer Simona Nicola and Anne Mette Hou. How to get accepted at a graduate programme :. Formalia – deadlines. Group B - Applicants with an international degree Application deadline: 1 March 2013 at 12 noon (Danish time…)

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CBS Admissions Officer Simona Nicola and Anne Mette Hou

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  1. CBS Admissions Officer Simona Nicola and Anne Mette Hou

  2. How to getaccepted at a graduateprogramme:

  3. Formalia – deadlines Group B - Applicantswith an international degree Application deadline: 1 March 2013 at 12 noon (Danish time…) Admission Flow is alreadyopened for applications at cbs.dk/graduateadmission

  4. Formalia – Admission Flow • Apply via Admission Flow – and only via Admission Flow! • All communicationtakesplace via Admission Flow, including the letter of acceptance/rejection • Check your e-mail for notifications – also the spam folder! • If accepted confirmyourplace of study in Admission Flow!

  5. Formalia – documentation • Bachelor diplomaincl. grade transcript (ifalreadygraduated) • Preliminary grade transcript + list of current AND future courses • Language requirement (TOEFL test – original scoresheet from ETS ONLY) • Coursedescriptions for all relevant courses • Self-assessment • Motivational essay (for dispensees) • Full list available at www.cbs.dk

  6. Formalia – documentation • Remember: • Documentall current and plannedcourseenrollmentby application deadline! • Indicatewhich bachelor programmeyouareenrolled at (Norwegiantitle is fine)

  7. How to getaccepted at a graduateprogramme:

  8. Entryrequirements Three types of entryrequirements: The general entryrequirement: an academic, research-based bachelor degreewithin a specificarea – youapply as a dispensee, ifyou do not have one The languagerequirement: Dansk A orEnglish A or English B Specificentryrequirements: a certainnumber of ECTS-pointswithinspecificfields of study

  9. Language requirement Danish A: Three years of Norwegian in your ”Vitnemål” or bachelor degree in Norwegian (except for the cand.ling.merc. programme, where Dansk A passedwith min. 2.0 is required) English A: After the reform in the ”Vitnemål” – threeyears of English Before the reform – 15 ”ugetimer” in the ”Vitnemål” English B: Afterthe reform in the ”Vitnemål” – twoyears of English Before the reform – 8”ugetimer” in the ”Vitnemål”

  10. Entryrequirements – standard assessments Standard assessment: an evaluation of the obligatory courses included in the standard curriculum of a bachelor degree. It indicates to what extent the obligatory courses fulfill the specific entry requirements - it doesn’t take into account electives or projects! We make them whenever we experience that a great number of applicants with the same bachelor degree tend to apply for the same graduate programme. Primarily for the MSc in EBA/ cand.merc.

  11. Entryrequirements – self-assessment Not obligatory, but veryusefulexercisewhenapplying! Make a list of all yourcourses and comparethemwith the specificentryrequirements – detailedinstructionsoncbs.dk/graduateadmission.

  12. Entryrequirements – supplementarycourses • Can be done anywhere in the world, at academic undergraduate level • Document enrollment before the application deadline  Conditionalacceptance (finish courses by study start) • Supplement for free… ifcertainconditionsaremet

  13. Entry requirements – individual course assessment • For CBS ISUP: • Availableoncbs.dk • For othercourses: • E-mail ”Individualcourseassessment” to graduateadmission@cbs.dk • Include: coursetitle, coursedescription, level, ECTS-points/credits/hours, offering institution, entryrequirement to cover • Only for applicantswhoalready have an appraisal, standard assessmentor letter of acceptance/rejection from Admissions Office

  14. How to getaccepted at a graduateprogramme:

  15. Selectioncriteria • There is a limit on the number of placesavailable at: • MSc EBA/Cand.merc.: both at the programme as a whole (Quotas 1-5) and at the individualconcentrations • MSocSc/Cand.soc.: the number of areascoveredwithin the specificentryrequirements; dispensees = overall assessment • MSc in Business Administration and Bioentrepreneurship: overall assessment • Cand.merc.aud.: quotas 1-5 grades/general grade level • Cand.oecon.: overall assessment of undergraduatebackgroundwithfocusonspecificareas • Cand.merc.(pol.): overall assessment of undergraduatebackgroundwithfocusonspecificareas • Otherprogrammes: applicantsareacceptedifentryrequirementsarefulfilled

  16. Selection Criteria MSc in EBA / cand.merc. • Selection criteria for the programme as a whole • Selection criteria for each concentration

  17. Selection Criteria For the programme as a whole: • Dispensee (Quota 2) • If you: • do not have an academic bachelor degree OR • do not have a bachelor degreewithin the social sciences • Youwillundergo an individualassessment.

  18. For the programme as a whole: • Otherapplicantswithout a Danish GPA (Quota 5) • Youwillbeselectedaccording to your overall bachelor degree and yourqualificationswithin the field of business administration.

  19. Selection Criteria For a specific concentration • an overall assessment of the applicant’s educational background (at bachelor level), taking different factors into consideration • these factors aredifferent for eachconcentration

  20. MSc in EBA / cand.merc. • English concentrations: • Finance and Strategic Management • International Business • International Marketing and Management • Management of Innovation and Business Development • StrategicMarketCreation • Strategy, Organisation and Leadership • Accounting, Strategy and Control • AppliedEconomics and Finance • Brand and Communications Management • SupplyChain Management • Danish concentrations: • Finansiering og Regnskab • Human Ressource Management • Økonomisk Markedsføring • Red = selectioncriteria have beenused • Orange = selectioncriteriamightbeused • Black = selectioncriteriaunlikely to beused

  21. After 15/6 – Conditionallyaccepted • Possibleconditions: • You must finish your bachelor degree – uploadyourdiplomaor official confirmation from university • You must fulfil the languagerequirement (last accepted tests in August) • Have indicatedthatyouarecurrentlytakingor INTEND to takesupplementary/additionalcourses but ONLY ifyouclearlyspecifiedwhichcoursesyouaretaking BEFORE the application deadline • The conditionalacceptance is annulledif the conditionsare not fulfilled by study start

  22. After 15/6 – saying YES on time • One week to confirmyourplace of study • If you miss the deadline – youlose the offeredplace of study

  23. Questions?

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