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Louisiana CAREWare Access Network User Training #1: LaCAN & CAREWare Basics. November 2011. Today’s Topics. LaCAN Overview LaCAN data policies & standards Accessing & navigating CAREWare Entering data. Housekeeping. Mute your phones We will have designated times to take questions
Louisiana CAREWare Access Network User Training #1:LaCAN & CAREWare Basics November 2011
Today’s Topics LaCAN Overview LaCAN data policies & standards Accessing & navigating CAREWare Entering data
Housekeeping Mute your phones We will have designated times to take questions Feel free to use chat for questions at any time A recording of the webinar will be available online
What is LaCAN? HIV services data partnership between: Louisiana STD/HIV Program (aka Part B) City of New Orleans Office of Health Policy & AIDS Funding (aka NOLA Part A) City of Baton Rouge Division of Human Development & Services (aka BR Part A) NO/AIDS Task Force
What is LaCAN? One CAREWare system for LA Ryan White Part A, Part B, & NO/AIDS Fully networked, all providers see real-time information Housed at Louisiana STD/HIV Program Uniform trainings & standards
How big is LaCAN? Including inactive clients and agencies that are no longer funded, the LaCAN system will start at approximately 30,000 client records.
Current LaCAN Timeline November 2011 User Trainings: Week of Nov 8: LaCAN Policies & CW Data Entry Week of Nov 18: HIPAA & Data Sharing in CW Week of Nov 29: CW Referrals & Custom Reports Provide user documents and CAREWare manual December 2011: Begin importing of active domains on rolling schedule Approximate 2 week downtime per imported agency
Current LaCAN Timeline January/February 2012: Complete imports Enact services and clinical data sharing in CAREWare Start attaching scanned client documents in CW February/March 2012: All LaCAN agencies and users online
LaCAN User Resources Documents you are getting today: LaCAN User Manual & Policies New User Forms LaCAN Partner Designations (who to contact first) Resources being developed: LaCAN website with all documents & web trainings LaCAN Data Quality Management Manual Online HIPAA & data security training for new users
LaCAN Policies & Standards Minimum requirements for all LaCAN sites Follow HRSA and grantee requirements Provide framework for agencies to develop internal policies
LaCAN Policies & Standards Data Security & Confidentiality (2nd training) Data Sharing in CAREWare (2nd training) Hardware Requirements Required Fields & Data Entry Timelines Entering Client Identifiers & Addresses
Policy: Hardware Requirements Windows XP or higher Broadband connection Color screen Laptops by special approval only
Policy: Required Fields & Data Entry Timelines Providers are responsible for ensuring their CAREWare data is complete, accurate, & entered in timely manner. These are minimum requirements – each agency can implement additional requirements for their staff. Required fields (see handout): Ryan White Services Report (RSR) fields Client Information tab Emergency Contacts tab Additional fields as required by the LaCAN Partner funding each agency
Policy: Required Fields & Data Entry Timelines Data Entry Timelines: Enter new clients within 5 business days of enrollment Enter services by 5th business day of the following month Enter referrals & referral updates within 5 business days of activity Enter client information changes within 5 business days of receipt of new information (e.g. new insurance, address change) Extensions may be granted with prior written notice to grantee
Policy: Entering Client Identifiers & Addresses Provides specific guidance on how to enter identifiers required for the client URN and address Intended to decrease number of duplicate client records in CAREWare Providers are responsible for reviewing procedure for entering client names, DOBs, gender, and address
Your homework after today Review the LaCAN CAREWare Manual – it will provide more in-depth information than today’s training Discuss the policies, procedures, & requirements within your agency – make sure you have a plan to meet the minimum requirements Contact your Designated LaCAN Partner with questions or requests for additional technical assistance Come back on the 18th for the next training: Data Confidentiality, Security, HIPAA, & Sharing in CAREWare
To Follow Today’s Training in CAREWare If you have access to LaCAN CAREWare (formerly the Part B system): Log in with your usual CW username/password Select the “LaCAN Demo” domain
Basics in CAREWare Daniel Anderson, MPH Services Data Management Coordinator Louisiana HIV/AIDS Program
Starts on Page 23 of LaCAN Manual Logging In • Click the CAREWare icon
Selecting Domain • Select Domain
Changing Passwords • From the main menu click “My Settings” then “Change My Password”
CAREWare Passwords Must be: • 8-16 characters • Include letters and 2+ non-letters • Case sensitive • Changed every 30 days Must not be: • User or agency name • Loved one’s name • Same as other passwords
-Legal first, middle and last name -Legal DOB – don’t estimate -Legal gender unless client identifies as transgender Starts on Page 30 of LaCAN Manual Creating Client Records Select “Add Client” from main menu Legal-information from an identification card, driver’s license, birth certificate, social security card, passport, or some other official document.
See policy on p7 of LaCAN Manual Naming • First Name Examples: • Last Name Examples:
Transgender Clients • Follow Ryan White Services Report (RSR) guidance for entering client gender • If a client is transgender but has not legally changed their name, put their preferred first name in parentheses after their legal first name (e.g., client legally named William but goes by Tanya would be “William (Tanya)”). • Gender- if a client identifies as transgender or has transitioned to a different sex, select either “Transgender Male-to-Female” or “Transgender Female-to-Male”.
Starts on Page 31 of LaCAN Manual Creating Client Records If your client is already in CAREWare
Return to possible matches w/o creating record Confirm match & create record If your client does not match this one Creating Client Records
Search by full name or partial name Agency-defined ID, full or partial HRSA-established ID, full or partial Uncheck to include inactive clients Finding Clients
Wildcard (*) Search The wildcard feature allows you to increase the breadth of a search by using the symbol ‘*’ to replace individual letters, or sequences of letters. • For example, M*cDonald will find both McDonald and MacDonald. • s*t will find'secret', 'serpent', 'sailing boat'and 'sign over document', etc
Client URN • CAREWare creates for you • Formula: • 1st & 3rd characters of first name • 1st & 3rd characters of last name • Birth date • Gender code Example John Doe 01/01/1980 TransMTF = JHDE0101804U
Finding Clients Results matching your criteria appear To open the client’s record, select the client and double click on the client’s name or click the “Details” button. If you want to find someone else, click the “New Search” button.
Starts on Page 36 of LaCAN Manual The Client Record
Starts on Page 36 of LaCAN Manual The Client Record Continued
Starts on Page 36 of LaCAN Manual Demographics Tab Client ID: This field is provider specific. Address, City, State, Zip Code, County, and Phone Number: Enter the client’s address, city, state, and zip code here. Enter the parish name of the client under the county field. Note: Only use ‘Include label on report’ checkbox if mail can be sent to the client’s address reported. Ethnicity & Race: is based on the client’s self-identification. Note: For Part A New Orleans, enter the UIN number in the client field.
Starts on Page 36 of LaCAN Manual Demographics Tab Select one of the following options for HIV Status: HIV StatusHIV Positive (not AIDS)HIV Positive (AIDS status unknown)CDC-defined AIDS) HIV Negative (affected)HIV IndeterminateUnknown
Starts on Page 36 of LaCAN Manual Demographics Tab HIV Risk Factors: select all that apply
Demographics Tab Starts on Page 36 of LaCAN Manual Notes Fields Three different types of notes fields in CW: Common Notes, Provider Notes, & Case Notes. Common Notes: shared across all providers that serve the client so should only include information that all providers need to know.
Demographics Tab Starts on Page 36 of LaCAN Manual Note: Changes to a client’s address require a common note.Note: When entering a new common note, begin the note with the date, the name of your agency, and your first and last initials.Ex: 11/1/11 ABC Agency-TW: Updated client’s address.If a common note already exists, a new note should be added above the existing one. Provider Notes: can only be viewed and entered by CAREWare users within your provider domain. Each agency can establish its own protocol for the formatting and use of Provider Notes. To enter a Provider Note, just click on the Provider Notes tab and type in the note.
Demographics Tab Starts on Page 67of LaCAN Manual CASE NOTES Case Notes can only be viewed and entered by case managers and clinical staff within your provider domain.Users who have permissions to enter case notes will not be able to edit or delete them. - To enter a case note, click on the ‘Case Notes’ tab and the following screen will display. - Click Add.
The Case Notes (Rapid Entry) screen will activate. Enter the Date that corresponds to the case note. Note: the default will be today’s date. - From the Author pull down menu, select your name. - Type in the case note in the Note field. - Click Save to save the case note. The saved case note will appear in the list of case notes at the bottom of the screen. - Click Cancel if you realize you’ve made mistake and do not want the note to be saved. Remember, you will not be able to edit or delete a case note after it’s been saved. - If you would like to add information about a service(s) the client received at your agency, check the box next to Add Service and you will be taken to the Services tab after saving the case note.
Annual Review Tab Starts on page 47 of LaCAN Manual Purpose: To enter annual information about the client’s insurance, housing situation and income
Annual review fields are common or cross provider. • Values changed by one provider will be viewed-and can also be edited-by the next provider, if the same client receives services at two or more providers within the network. • You will not be able to enter any information on the Annual Review tab until you’ve entered at least oneservice record for a given client in the current calendar year. Note: This is to ensure that the information you enter in the Annual Review screen will only be tallied in the RSR for clients who have received at least one service in that year.
Insurance types are defined on page 48 Annual Review Tab Primary Insurance Select the client’s primary source of health insurance at the end of the current six-month reporting period: Medicaid Medicare No Insurance Other Other Public (e.g. VA) Private Unknown
Annual Review Tab Primary HIV Medical Care: Select which setting the client receives their primary HIV medical care. • Publicly-funded clinic or health department • Private practice • Hospital outpatient center • Emergency Room • No primary source of care • Other • Unknown
Living arrangements are defined on page 49 Annual Review Tab Housing /Living Arrangement: Select the response that best describes the client’s housing situation at the end of the six-month reporting period. Stable/Permanent Non-permanently Housed Institution Other Unknown/Unreported Unstable
Annual Review Tab Page 51 of LaCAN Manual Household Income: Enter the anticipated annual Household Income for the current year. • A family income refers only to the income on which this individual can legally rely on; e.g., includes income of spouse or minor children. Remember that family income is based on the legal definition of family; e.g., if married and both people work, use both incomes. However, if two people live together and share expenses but are not legally married, do not use both incomes. • If the household has an intermittent or uncertain income, have the client estimate their current monthly house hold income and multiply by twelve. • If the household has no income, put a 0.