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The demographic shift - challenges and opportunities-. Bernd Keil , European Commission Employment and Social Affairs. “The Aging Society” -Opportunities and challenges for strengthening Europe’s competitiveness-. The demographic shift -challenges and opportunities
The demographic shift- challenges and opportunities- Bernd Keil, European Commission Employment and Social Affairs
“The Aging Society”-Opportunities and challenges for strengthening Europe’s competitiveness- The demographic shift -challenges and opportunities 1. Introduction-a personal approach 2. The three components- choices before us 3. The European approach to ageing 4. Conclusions Conference of the Ministry for Health, Social Affairs, Women an Family, NRW, Germany, Brussels, 9th December 2003
Challenges • Preparing for greater expenditures; • Adjusting to an ageing and shrinking workforce; • Ensuring adequate and sustainable pensions; • Achieving access to high quality health and long term care.
Opportunities • Achieve high quality health and long term care • Raise growth, productivity and employment • Maintain social welfare systems • Promote active aging
2. Components-choices before us:Demographic trends • Rapid population ageing 2010-2020; • Ageing intensifies 2020-2040; • Wave subsides after 2040; • Leaner but balanced age pyramid as a future trend.
2. Components-choices before us:Fertility rates • the weak birth rate of recent decades
2. Components-choices before us: Fertility rates • Question: Do EU-fertility rates stabilize? • Baseline Scenario (Eurostat) says EU-15 population increases until 2022 because of immigration and decreases until 2055 by 3% under today’s level • Explain patterns in the Mediterranean, Nordic, German-Austrian and Acceding Countries different policies?
2. Components-choices before us: Immigration • Immigration into the US as an explanation for past long term period and economic growth of 3 % per year; • Past economic stagnation in Japan is partly caused by declining size of working-age population and policy of zero-immigration. • Traditional models of immigration are to be questioned: Effective integration is needed.
2. Components-choices before us: Mortality rates • life expectancy continues to rise
Increase in age cohort 65+ Increase by 30 million older people shifts old age dependency rate from 4.13 to 2.49 with main part in 2015-2030 Increase in age cohort 80+ Increase by 15 million older people shows a relative increase of 50% in 2000-2015 and 31% in 2015-2030 2. Components-choices before us:Mortality rates
2. Components-choices before us: Mortality rates • Extension of life expectancy • General increase of longevity of 8.2 years in the last 40 years, • Increase of longevity at age 65 by 5 years to an additional average of 15.5, • has been the result of improved living conditions and medical progress of particular importance for older persons.
2. Components-choices before us :workforce • the baby-boom generation will reach retirement age within the next ten to fifteen years
2.Components-choices before us: Impacts of labour market • EU (-25) working age population reaches largest size of 308 million in 2011, but • shrinks from 303 million in 2000 to 275 million in 2030. • By 2030 40 million unmet demand for workers (baseline scenario) implies increase of productivity by 2.5 - 3 % per year compared to past rates of 1.7.
3. The European approach to ageing: • Mobilising the full potential of people of all ages - beyond attention to the presently old and including a life course/cycle approach. • Core active aging practices include: life long learning, working longer, retiring later, being active and engaging in health. • The agenda includes economic, employ-ment and social implications of aging.
3. The European approach to ageing: • Open Coordination regarding ageing related challenges in health and long time care and balance the objectives: • Acessability, • Quality and • Sustainability.
4. Conclusions • Intensify the mobilisation and effective use of resources, • support immigration and integration, • support proactive policies to development human capital • Working together.
The demographic shift-challenges and opportunities • Further informations, see “Social Report 2003” • Internet: europe.int. • Thank you for your attention !