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the four stones...

the four stones. Part 2: Wait………. Decidedly Different Battles. Last week’s battle was swift and decisive. 1 Samuel 17 This week… 1 Samuel 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 2 Samuel 1, 2. A King and His Kingdom. Saul: Unprepared king, deficient in character

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  1. the four stones...

  2. Part 2: Wait………..

  3. Decidedly Different Battles • Last week’s battle was swift and decisive. • 1 Samuel 17 • This week… • 1 Samuel 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 • 2 Samuel 1, 2

  4. A King and His Kingdom • Saul: • Unprepared king, deficient in character • Doesn’t deal well with suspense • Not the poster child for patience • David: • God’s radical new approach to preparing a king for his job…

  5. The First Stone • Preparing a King • Summary of Events in 1 & 2 Samuel: • Saul demands David never leave his side (18:2) • David achieves high rank through additional deeds (18:5) • People praise thousands vs. tens of thousands (18:7) • Saul demon possessed (18:10)

  6. The First Stone • Attempts to kill David twice (18:11) • This is one day after they return from the Goliath battle. • Obvious God was with David (18:12) • Backfire! David’s banishment = more success! (18:16) • Michal bait for Philistine ambush (18:21) • Humble: “poor man and little known” (18:23) • Saul an enemy the rest of his days (18:29) • Jonathan credits the LORD for the Goliath victory (19:5)

  7. The First Stone • Temporary reconciliation (19:7) • Third spear attempt (19:10) • David flees house and wife, refined in wilderness (19:13) • Meets Samuel (19:18) • Saul caught in the “prophecy” bear trap (19:18-24) • David’s peril: “There is only a step between me and death” (20:3) • David is dishonest with a priest (21:2-3)

  8. The First Stone • God equips with spoils of past victories (sword) (21:9) • Saliva down his beard – act crazy and live (21:13) • David amasses men who need him as much as he needs them (22:1-2) • Prophet – no stronghold, go back to Judah (22:5) • Those who helped David perish (22:18) • Utterly destroyed unlike Agag (22:19) • Recognizes and accepts mistakes (22:22)

  9. The First Stone • David leads military campaign (23:1-6) • God and David in direct counsel (23:1-12) • David tried in the desert (23:14) • God uses Philistines to part Saul from David (23:27) • 3,000 men against 600 (24:2) • FOCUS: I Samuel 24 – Spared in the cave • David’s leadership skills affirmed (24:7) • David prostrate – accepts God’s will to continue Saul as king (24:8)

  10. The First Stone • David declares deliverance is God’s gift (24:15) • David swears Saul’s safety (24:22) • David prepares 400 men to slay Nabal (25:13) • 4 thousand animals – none missing • Abigail blesses David with a reason to relent (25:23) • FOCUS: I Samuel 25:26-34 • God provides David with EVERYTHING he needs on the brink of his endurance (25:35) • God deals with Nabal (25:38)

  11. The First Stone • David gains two wives (helpers), loses one (25:41-44) • David again spares Saul (26:12) • Deep sleep was God’s doing (26:12) • David driven from “his share of the inheritance” and encouraged to serve other gods (26:19) • David flees Israel for protection among Philistines (27:1) • It worked (27:4) • David finds protection and permanent land from Achish (27:6) • David and his men raid heavily and harshly (27:8-9)

  12. The First Stone • David misleads on his deeds (27:10) • Former enemy, current friend (27:12) • David mustered to fight Israel (28:1) COMPROMISING SITUATION! • Saul seeks medium when God is silent (28:8) • God’s will for Saul and his army to be decimated by the Philistines (28:19) • Saul’s last meal (28:25) • David’s motives unquestioned (29:3)

  13. The First Stone • David’s reputation remembered (29:5) • David wants to be in the fight, one way or another (29:8) • David and his men find their home burned, wives stolen (30:3) • David faces stoning from his men (30:6) • David “found his strength in the LORD his God” (30:6) • David asks God what to do (30:7) • God promises success (30:8)

  14. The First Stone • David takes 600, 200 too tired to go on (30:10) • David finds a willing guide (30:15) • Amalekites partying it up (30:16) • FOCUS: 30:17-20 – Strength, victory, and complete restoration • David has evil men among him (30:22) • David shows true leadership and God’s wisdom (30:23) • David previews his kingship to Judean elders (30:26)

  15. The First Stone • Israel’s army defeated, Saul’s sons killed (31:2) • Saul commits suicide (31:4) • Israelite towns abandoned and occupied (31:7) • Saul and his sons receive an honorable burial (31:13) • David hears the news (1:4) • Amalekite messenger brings crown and band (1:10) • David and ALL HIS MEN rip clothes and mourn (1:11)

  16. The First Stone • David executes the messenger for his claim of killing Saul (1:15) • David sings a lament for his beloved Saul and Jonathan (1:17) • David asks God if it’s time to enter the towns of Judah (2:1) • David is anointed king over Judah (2:4)

  17. FOCUS 1: Spared • Saul has 3,000 men. • God provides THE PERFECT opportunity to take Saul out. • David’s men fully recognize this • David’s conscience was “stricken” for even damaging the king’s robe! • Regards Saul as his master until God sees fit to remove him.

  18. FOCUS 1: Spared • Point 1: David must have been some leader to prevent his men from attacking. • Point 2: Killing king Saul would have been a suicide mission. • Point 3: Turns out that honoring God’s plan was THE ONLY viable way to “win the day” and live to see another one.

  19. May the LORD judge between you and me. And may the LORD avenge the wrongs you have done to me, but my hand will not touch you.I Samuel 24:12

  20. FOCUS 2: Measure of a Man • Read 1 Samuel 25:26-34 • Abigail the prophet? • Insightfully accurate at the very least! • God’s deeds and promises reawaken at just the right time. • God sent Abigail as David’s last minute chance to relent. • David could have refused.

  21. FOCUS 3: Restoration • “David found strength in the LORD his God.” (30:6) • Too exhausted to cry or move, David’s men fight a nearly 24-hour battle. • Nothing was missing. Nothing. Not a candlestick. Not a stick of gum. • David “inquired of the LORD.”

  22. Overarching Observations • David learned much. • David had integrity. • David unswervingly left it up to God. • David knew his place. • David inquired of God. • God knew (knows) what He is doing. • God forged Himself a fine king.

  23. New Testament Examples • Disciples (Judas) coming to learn God’s true plan for Christ’s kingdom. • Paul – For a man called to preach, he sure spent a lot of time in prison. • If God wants the Gospel to get out so badly, why are His messengers constantly harassed and on the run?

  24. Personal Application • Who is your Saul? • What seemingly endless challenge is God using to sharpen your edges as with a stone? • Who is your Abigail? • When you have a last-second opportunity to relent, how do you respond to her? • Where is your Philistine stronghold? • Have you made a waypoint your home?

  25. Personal Application • What enemy or affliction does God want you to cut a piece from its robe? • Are you willing to “inquire of God” when you need to the most, but you sure don’t want to? • How might your prayers change if you realized your string of trials were God’s proving grounds for greater things for you?

  26. Personal Application • What is your higher priority? Deliverance from what you perceive as endless hardship and adversity, or a desire to live a life where you are razor thin, dependent on God, and keenly familiar with his miraculous ways?

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