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ECE 2074. Kathleen Meehan Justin Cartwright Karl Pereira. PSpice Examples. http:// filebox.vt.edu/users/kameehan/pspice Please D ownload the PSpice Examples.zip file Extract the folders and files When you launch your version of Pspice ,
ECE 2074 Kathleen Meehan Justin Cartwright Karl Pereira
PSpiceExamples • http://filebox.vt.edu/users/kameehan/pspice • Please • Download the PSpice Examples.zip file • Extract the folders and files • When you launch your version of Pspice, • Open a project when using 9.1 Capture, 10.2 Capture CIS, or 16.2 Capture CIS • Open a file when using 9.1 Schematics • Select Example1 from the appropriate folder • Use Version 9.1 Capture if you are using Version 10.2 Capture CIS
Course requirements • Lab kit • Also known as Lab-in-a-Box (Liab) • Lab Manual • Lab-in-a-Box: Introductory Experiments in Electric Circuits, 3rd Edition by R.W. Hendricks and K. Meehan • MatLab 7.0 • Available in Freshman Engineering software bundle (http://www.ita.vt.edu/studentsoftware/website/products/stuproductinfo.183.html) • Contact SW.A.T. Team if you have problems • Pspice • From CD included in J.G. Tront’s book • Either version 9.1 (www.ece.vt.edu/ece3274) or version 16.2 (computing.ece.vt.edu/wiki/Main_Page) • Zeitnitz PC Oscilloscope • Available free for educational purposes http://www.ece.vt.edu/cel/Site-Map.html#2074_3074)
ECE IT Support • John Harris • 348 Whittemore Hall, john.harris@vt.edu • BrandenMcKagen • 346 Whittemore Hall, mckagen05@vt.edu
Validation Procedure • Each student must come to the Computer Engineering Laboratory (CEL) in Durham Hall during TA office hours and validate their experiment before the deadline. • The student will print off a validation sheet available on Blackboard and bring it with them to the CEL. • During the validation, the TA will ask the student to perform a validation procedure. • After the validation procedure is complete, the student should hand their validation sheet to an ECE 2074 TA within one week of the deadline. • If the validation is not complete by the deadline, the student will loss 30% for the first day late, and 10% for each additional day
Extra Credit Policy • Students may do one extra lab, selected from one of the labs in the manual that was not assigned during the semester, and it will count for a maximum of an additional 5% to their lab grade. • Students will also be able to do an extra credit design project for a maximum of an additional 10%. The design project will require a proposal submitted at least 2 weeks before the deadline and the proposal must be approved for the work to be used towards the student’s grade. Students may choose their design project but it must be significant, implement something interesting, and build upon the concepts learned in the course. All extra credit lab reports and validations must be completed by 12/3/2009.
Honor Code • All submitted work (both written work submitted via Blackboard and experiments built on the ANDY board and presented for validation) is presumed to be the original work of the student and the Virginia Tech Honor code applies. • The validating GTA and the grading GTA will make clear notations on the validation report and/or the laboratory notebook respectively if there is any suspicion of copied reports and/or “dry-lab” experiments. • In such a case, the suspected work will be sent directly to the instructor. Evidence of cheating, either by submission of a copied (“dry-labbed”) notebook, or false submission of a validation checksheet will be submitted to the Honor Court for appropriate action.