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LAL, Univ Paris-Sud, IN2P3/CNRS, Orsay, France Oleg LODYGENSKY lodygens@lal.in2p3.fr Etienne URBAH urbah@lal.in2p3.fr. EDGeS / EDGI : Bridging Institutional Grids, Desktop Grids and Academic Clouds. Applications. Context and Goals. Achievements of EDGeS
LAL, Univ Paris-Sud, IN2P3/CNRS,Orsay, France Oleg LODYGENSKY lodygens@lal.in2p3.fr Etienne URBAHurbah@lal.in2p3.fr EDGeS / EDGI : Bridging Institutional Grids, Desktop Grids and Academic Clouds Applications Context and Goals • Achievements of EDGeS • Modular design of 3G Bridge with Application Repository, permitting integration between various DGs and SGs • 3G Bridges in full production for SGs implementing gLite : • BOINC and XWHEP <--> EGEE, • OurGrid <--> EELA2. • ATTIC = Proof of Concept of Data Distribution Cluster based service grids (SGs) (EGEE, NDGF, ...) Supercomputer based SGs (DEISA, ...) OGF PGI EDGeS EDGI DASP : Signal processing Desktop grids (DGs) (Volunteer DGs – Home computers, Organizational DGs – Institutional desktops) • Challenges of EDGI • On the model of IberCivis, creation of a self- sustainable EuroCivis at European scale • Integration between DGs and SGs implementing BES (ARC, Unicore) • Bridge to Academic Clouds for Jobs needing QoS • Long term support of the EDGI bridges by the NGIs • Secure Data Distribution using ATTIC EDGI Academic Clouds AutoDock : Molecular Docking Simulations Infrastructure VisIVO : Visualization Interface to the Virtual Observatory EMMIL : e-Market Simulation ViSAGE : Video Analysis Blender : 3D Video Rendering pLINK : Genotype / Phenotype Data Analysis Scaling Laws in Cluster Aggregation Patient Readmission Analysis ISDEP : Fusion Research