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Subject Leader Development Meeting March 2011

Subject Leader Development Meeting March 2011. Session 1 News and Updates National Curriculum Government White Paper English Baccalaureate Session 2 – GCSE 2010 What have we learned so far and how do we progress? Developing a problem solving department. Programme.

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Subject Leader Development Meeting March 2011

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Subject Leader Development Meeting March 2011

  2. Session 1 News and Updates National Curriculum Government White Paper English Baccalaureate Session 2 – GCSE 2010 What have we learned so far and how do we progress? Developing a problem solving department Programme

  3. To be updated as to developments at a local and national level in Mathematics To consider the implications of the new specifications for GCSE Mathematics for the subject Leader and department Objectives

  4. Starter Source: TES

  5. Source: TES

  6. To subscribe to the e-newsletter https://education.staffordshire.gov.uk/enewsletter/subscribe.aspx

  7. https://education.staffordshire.gov.uk/Curriculum/Subjectareas/Mathematics/https://education.staffordshire.gov.uk/Curriculum/Subjectareas/Mathematics/

  8. Revised National Curriculum - consultation Respond by 14th April 2011 www.education.gov.uk/schools/teachingandlearning/curriculum/nationalcurriculum

  9. Includes: Introduction – the future of schools Teaching and Leadership Behaviour Curriculum, Assessment and Qualifications New Schools System Accountability School Improvement School Funding

  10. Planning 2.55 Similarly, we support the idea that teachers should have a plan for their lessons. But that doesn’t mean imposing a centralised planning template on schools. So we will make clear that neither the Government nor Ofsted require written lesson plans, let alone in a particular format.

  11. The Place of APP 2.55 …... And we support the view that skilled and precise assessment of pupils’ work – both of the level at which children are working and of what they should be learning next – is an essential part of good teaching. But we do not need to impose national requirements as to how this should be done. So we will not be prescriptive about the use of the ‘Assessing Pupil Progress’ materials and the new National Curriculum will not specify the methods teachers use.

  12. English Baccalaureate (EBacc) would be awarded to students that pass at least five'core' GCSEs at grade C or above – including: Maths English Language (but not English Literature) Science (at least two GCSEs / Double Award) A foreign language (includes all modern foreign languages and Classical Greek, Latin and Biblical Hebrew) A humanities subject (History or Geography) Individuals will receive a certificate to mark their achievement of the EBacc (from 2013) English Baccalaureate

  13. gives teachers the power to search pupils for items banned under the school rules and issue same-day detentions GTC, TDA, QCDA abolished which gives new powers to the Secretary of State as a consequence of these changes Education Bill 2010 - 2011

  14. What has the Strategy ever done for us…?

  15. Expectations Establishing high expectations for all pupils and setting challenging targets for them to achieve Progression Strengthening the transition from KS2 to KS3 and ensuring progression in teaching and learning across KS3 Engagement Promoting approaches to teaching that engage and motivate pupils and demand their active participation Transformation Strengthening teaching and learning through a programme of professional development and practical support Key principles

  16. Sample medium term plans 3 part/structured lesson Revised textbooks Intervention Whole school initiatives Practical equipment …. What is the legacy of the Secondary National Strategy?

  17. In the beginning…

  18. Sample Medium Term Plans

  19. Revised Textbooks

  20. Intervention

  21. Springboard 7 A driver is based in Exeter. What route should he take to give the minimum distance travelled?

  22. Y9 Booster

  23. Targeting L4 in Y7

  24. Summer Numeracy School resources

  25. Multiplicative Relationships Geometrical Reasoning Proportional Reasoning Handling Data Constructing & solving equations …then came the lunchboxes…!

  26. Multiplicative Relationships How can you get from 3 to 5 using only multiplication and division only?

  27. Data Handling

  28. Age of people in Greece and Ireland Under 15 15-39 40-59 Over 59 (3.5 million people) (10 million people) Greece Ireland Do the charts show that a there are more people under 15 in Ireland than in Greece b there are fewer people under 15 in Greece than in Ireland c there is a higher proportion of people under 15 in Ireland than in Greece?

  29. Photos: Comparing groups Height Weight Age Income Time

  30. Constructing & Solving Equations

  31. http://nationalstrategies.standards.dcsf.gov.uk/node/349603

  32. And the Whole School Initiatives …

  33. The website… http://nationalstrategies.standards.dcsf.gov.uk/secondary/mathematics

  34. http://www.qls.org.uk/

  35. Next Subject Leader Network Meeting • 27th June 2011 Kingston Centre, Stafford cost £40 Provisional dates 2011/2012

  36. 2011 APP moderation meetings

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