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Rachel Borego 519-5415. Travel Training Updated : 05/07/2014. In-State Travel Rental Cars Fuel Cards Out-of-State Travel Airfare Guidelines Travel Cards Travel to Washington, D.C. ( State travel only) Foreign Travel
Rachel Borego 519-5415 Travel Training Updated: 05/07/2014
In-State Travel Rental Cars Fuel Cards Out-of-State Travel Airfare Guidelines Travel Cards Travel to Washington, D.C. ( State travel only) Foreign Travel More Than 3 Employees Prospective Employees & Moving Expenses Miscellaneous Items & Forms Things to Remember Travel Vouchers Questions and Comments Introduction
Remember the basics—who, what, when, where, why and how? • Remember that at NO TIME may you book through a travel agency other than National Travel. • Travel Request must be approved by Supervisor/Dean/Account Holder. MUST BE SIGNED PRIOR TO TRAVEL. IN-STATE TRAVEL
Mileage to & from your destination within the state of Texas is currently reimbursed at $0.56 per mile when traveling in a privately owned vehicle. • Google maps is now used as a mileage calculator • You may also keep a log of your odometer reading and submit the log with your travel voucher in order to be reimbursed for actual miles driven.(Must check against Google for accuracy) You may use your tripometer and this is very helpful when tracking the trip itself. Travel must be planned for maximum savings and efficiency with documentation attached. If using any account you must take the conservative route. IN-STATE TRAVEL CONT.
In-state meals/lodging: Texas A&M University-Central Texas will reimburse ACTUAL MEAL EXPENSES up to the city rate allowed by the State of Texas only for overnight stay travel. Each day of travel included within your travel dates will designate a separate reimbursable day. We do not require meal receipts to be submitted with your travel voucher. However, you are only eligible to claim what you actually spend for each meal. Please keep in mind when paying that tips are not a reimbursable expense on state accounts only. If using a dart card receipts are required. IN-STATE TRAVEL CONT.
In-State Contracted Hotels • Contract hotels need to be used whenever possible. • If a contract hotel is not used and the lodging rate is the same or greater than the allowed per night rate, a Contract Exception Form must be completed stating the reason for not using a contracted hotel. • The web-site to check for the contracted hotels is: www.window.state.tx.us/procurement/prog/stmp/ • A paid original itemized receipt with a zero balance must be presented with your travel voucher. Every reasonable effort must be made to get a receipt with a zero balance. If an original receipt is not available, the copy of the receipt must state the reason why the copy is being used. • Remember to take a TAX EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE form with you and give it to the hotel clerk at the time of check-in. We are state employees and STATE hotel tax is not a reimbursable expense for in-state travel. Parking tax is reimbursable. IN-STATE TRAVEL CONT.
State of Texas employees must use Enterprise or Avis when renting a vehicle for university business except when: • Services are not offered in the city being visited • Contract rental company is sold out • Alternative arrangements can be made at a lower total cost, including the base rate, loss/damage waiver protection, mileage charge, applicable taxed, service charges and cost for comparable liability insurance protection. • A CONTRACT EXCEPTION FORM must be completed if a contracted rental company is not used. • Use a rental vehicle whenever possible. Travel must be planned for maximum savings and efficiency. • Must book through administrative assistant or department designee. • Visit www.window.state.tx.us/procurement/prog/stmp/ to learn more. RENTAL CARS
Travel Request & Rental Vehicle Requests must be approved prior to travel. Reservations for rental cars can be made for both in-state and out-of-state travel. With ID #UTS701 PIN TAM Charges must be broken down to show fees and taxes. At no time are you authorized to book a rental car through a travel agency!!! When receiving your rental car you are authorized a full size vehicle per on state contract if Enterprise does not have one they are to upgrade you to the next size for free. At no time should you accept a compact car. You may add GPS to your rental car. RENTAL CARS CONT.
Authorized Travelers • Spouses and children are allowed to travel in rental vehicle with sponsor while he/she is on official University business. HOWEVER, IT IS HIGHLY DISCOURAGED by The Texas A&M University System’s Office of Risk Management If a traveler wishes to take his or her family while engaging in University business, please be advised they are not covered under the A&M System insurance policy. We advise you to either use your own personal coverage through your insurance carrier or purchase the extra insurance offered by Enterprise at your personal expense (non-reimbursable) per The Texas A&M University System Risk Management Office. Rental cars cont.
Only state employees can operate the vehicles. They may not be driven for personal use. Children & spouses are not authorized in the vehicles. University vehicles
If a taxi is shared by two or more state employees, only the employee who paid for the taxi may be reimbursed. The other employees may only be reimbursed for charges imposed on an individual-by-individual basis. Taxi’s
FUEL CARDS for CarShare… • are only used for CarShare vehicles • are NOT given to those using personal vehicles or rental vehicles. • CANNOT be used to fuel personal vehicles even while on a business trip. • are to purchase FUEL ONLY…NOT to be used to purchase other items (i.e. drinks, snacks) when we stop for fuel or at any other time while traveling. • are NEVER to be used for personal use. • are NOT to be used for maintenance. Should the traveler encounter issues with the vehicle while traveling, he/she should contact the rental agency. Fuel Cards for CarShare.
Must use card to fuel vehicle or expense will be out of pocket. • Lost or damaged fuel card – prepare memo detailing why replacement is needed and submit to accounts payable. • Notate on all fuel receipts the account to be charged and the name of the traveler. • These receipts will now be turned into Finance and Admin office! Fuel cards for carshare cont.…
Out-of-state travel follows the same guidelines as the in-state travel with a few exceptions: Out-of-state travel must be PRE-APPROVED BY PRESIDENT for all travelers. The Provost must also approve Faculty members before travel. Out-of-state travelers will receive reimbursement for actual expenses up to the maximum rate for meals and lodging based on federal travel regulations for the duty point area. You can find the out-of-state maximum meal and lodging rates (Domestic Maximum Per Diem Rates at: http://www.window.state.tx.us/fm/ If you decide to drive out of state, you must complete a Justification of Mileage vs. Airfare worksheet for the out-of-state trip. Please note that Rental cars can be driven to nearby touching states to Texas. OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL
When using any funds the Mileage Reimbursement vs. Airline form: -You must take the cheaper of the two. No exceptions! Out-of-state travel cont.
When traveling by air, the contract airfare should be used. • When the state has a contract airfare between two cities, the contract airline must be given preference when making reservations to travel between those cities. • In order to receive the contracted airfare, you must purchase the airline ticket with a A&M-Central Texas Travel Card and request the State of Texas contract rate. • To access the contract information, visit: www.window.state.tx.us/procurement/prog/stmp/ • If a contract airline is not used, you must complete a CONTRACT EXCEPTION FORM and give a reason why the contract was not utilized. • When purchasing an airline ticket online, you will not be able to utilize the State of Texas contract rates, therefore, a CONTRACT EXCEPTION FORM must be completed with the travel voucher. AIRFARE GUIDELINES
To use the travel card you must have an approved travel request form filled out and signed. The Administrative Assistant to Finance & Admin. will then be able to be contacted to receive card number. Once you have the number you may search online for a ticket or the contracted spreadsheet found at http://www.window.state.tx.us/procurement/prog/stmp/stmp-airline-contract/. When you find the flight you would like call the 1-800-433-7300 and place the ticket order. Once you have received your emailed confirmation, ticket and itinerary you must attach a voucher prep form and travel request copy and send it to the administrative assistant to Finance & Admin. AIRFARE GUIDELINES CONT.
You may contact The National Travel System at 1-800-814-3336 to get quotes and to initiate the process to have your airline ticket pre-paid. * There will be a charge for this service. NTS is the State of Texas Approved Travel Agent. This is an online booking tool used to make airfare, hotel and rental car reservations. The airfare portion of your reservation is the only portion we are able to use. The link to NTS is: http://www.nationaltravelsystems.com/state/intro2.htm If you find an airfare online that is cheaper than our contracted rates, make note of the rate and contact the above travel agent. NTS will try to accommodate the lower price through their agency. If you do not have a Chase Corporate Travel Card and you do not travel enough to warrant having one, you can contact the above travel agent to get a quote and hold the reservation. You will then need to send a voucher prep form, flight itinerary and an approved Travel Request to Rachel Borego or administrative assistant for Finance & Admin. requesting pre-payment of the airline ticket. This must be done within 24 hours after making reservations. AIRFARE GUIDELINES CONT.
AIRFARE GUIDELINES CONT. • Airfare must be charged to the State of Texas Travel Card held in Finance and Administration. Both the CBA and the individual Corporate Cards provide door-to-door, $500,000 accidental insurance. When using a state account you must use the State of Texas travel card. • REMEMBER--- If you use your personal credit card to make purchases for business travel (airline tickets, etc.) on a local account, the State of Texas does not allow the traveler to be reimbursed prior to the travel dates.
A state account can’t reimburse individuals for airlines. No early bird, fast pass or preferred seating fees on state accounts. You may use bulk-head seating if you have an excuse. Airfare guideline cont.
Keep all ticket information, itinerary and receipts from airlines. A PAID receipt showing a ZERO balance must be presented with travel voucher. Charges must be broken down to show fees and taxes. When you do not use a contract airline through the proper channels you will be charged a baggage fee. All contracted airlines do not charge a baggage fee when using the contracted rate. At NO TIME may you upgrade your flight from an economy ticket, you may only be reimbursed at the economy rate if a higher ticket was purchased.*No exemptions Remember at NO TIME may you book your flight through any travel agencies other than National Travel Systems. AIRFARE GUIDELINES CONT.
Frequent flier miles and other awards or discounts given for frequent use of a commercial airline (or motor vehicle rental company) are not “things of value”(Section 39.02, Penal Code) belonging to the state government because of the administrative difficulty and cost involved in recapturing the award for state government. However, occasionally, an employee purchases a ticket from a commercial transportation company (for state business) and receives a free second ticket under a promotional program sponsored by the company. The employee may not use the free ticket for a private purpose until the state agency determines whether the use is prohibited by law. When two people travel to the same place at the same time, they should use the free ticket for A&M-Central Texas business. Awards or Discounts
A system employee may not use a state credit card for personal expenses. State credit cards may only be used for legitimate system business expenses. The individual employee is solely responsible for payment of charges on his or her individual card. The system will not be responsible for the charges, regardless of the type of charge. An employee may use a state credit card to charge for items that, while they qualify as official business, are not fully reimbursable under state and/or system guidelines for reimbursement. (See also System Policy 33.04, Use of System Resources.) State Travel Cards
An employee may elect to use individually-named, agency-paid credit cards. The individually-named, agency-paid credit cards must be used for official business travel only. Any personal expenses are reimbursable to TAMUCT. TAMUCT will issue an invoice and record an accounts receivable to employees for personal expenses. Employees will be placed on state hold when reimbursements for personal expenses are not made to the member on a timely basis. TAMUCT reserves the right to withhold or terminate a employee-issued card at any time. State Travel Card
The University has a DART travel card as an option for expenses during your trip. You will need at least 10 business days before travel occurs to request this travel card. To apply you must fill out a request DART form found on Accounts Payable page. When you have returned from your trip the card must be reconciled within 15 business days of your return. If you have a charge on your card, it must be reconciled within 15 business days that it occurs, *please watch for hotel charges that are booked early. DART CARD Travel Card
If you choose to use a DART card for your expenses and have travel voucher expenses Accounts Payable will not process the travel voucher until all expenses have posted to the DART card; the exception being mileage. The travel voucher will also have to state that a DART card was used for travel. It will be discouraged to use both forms of travel only because of the paperwork process. DART Card Cont.
This is only if traveling on a state account (1XXXXX) • Only travelers who intend to confer on legislative or appropriations issues with U.S. Congress/The Federal Government, staff or officials, should submit travel information to the Office ofState-Federal Relations and send a copy of the request to Dr. Peddicord, Vice Chancellor for Research, Planning & Continuing Education at The Texas A&M University System. • The Washington Metropolitan Area is serviced by Reagan National, Baltimore/Washington International and Dulles International Airports. • The Report of State Agency Travel to Wash., DC can be completed online at the address below. A copy of the request should be placed with your travel request and an additional copy sent to the Vice Chancellor for Research for reporting purposes. • Notification of travel should be given no less than 7 days prior to departure date. TRAVEL TO WASHINGTON, D.C.
All other out-of-state travel rules apply to the Washington travel. Please send a copy of the request to the following: The Texas Office of State Federal Relations (0SFR) Phone: (512)463-1803 Fax: (512)463-1984 http://www.osfr.state.tx.us/travelform.asp Dr. Peddicord Vice Chancellor for Research, Planning & Continuing Education The Texas A&M University System College Station, TX 77843-1138 Fax: (979)458-6044 TRAVEL TO WASHINGTON, D.C. CONT.
Foreign travel includes travel to a duty point in a foreign country other than Canada or Mexico. PRE-APPROVAL BY THE PRESIDENT is required for foreign travel. The Provost must also approve Faculty members before travel. Foreign travel must be approved by the Board of Regents no less than 30 days prior to travel if you are using state funds to fund the travel. If you are not sure about the funds you will be using for reimbursement prior to the trip, it would be a good idea to get the Board of Regents approval. Meals/Lodging expenses are reimbursable at actual incurred expense amount all original receipts will be needed. Remember…currency conversion rates will apply when completing your travel voucher. Keep all original receipts. FOREIGN TRAVEL
Always check web site before travel: http://www.tamuct.edu/departments/financeadmin/internationaltravel.php This page will have paperwork need to be filled out and a web page to check on status of country. To insure safe travel. All paperwork is then sent to Risk Management who will then send it forward to the president. Please use a contract airfare whenever possible. There are a limited number of contracts to foreign countries, but utilize the contracts whenever possible. Foreign travel will still have a per diem by location as well, please look at: http://aoprals.state.gov/web920/per_diem.asp before travel occurs. If you need help with the currency conversion rates, you may find this site helpful: www.oanda.com/convert/classic Remember do not book your travel arrangements through a travel agency other than National Travel for your airline. FOREIGN TRAVEL CONT
More than 3 Employees • PRE-APPROVAL BY THE PRESIDENT and Vice President is required when more than three employees are traveling on the same University business. • The More than 3 Employees form must be used. • Four Per Car Rule • When two or more employees are traveling with the same itinerary on the same dates, they are required to coordinate their travel and ride together. • If using a personal vehicle, mileage can only be claimed for one car for every four people attending a conference. All exceptions must be PRE-APPROVED BY THE PRESIDENT on a trip-by-trip basis. MORE than 3
Prospective employee • Prospective Employees Travel: • All travel reimbursements to prospective employees require PRE- APPROVAL BY THE PRESIDENT. Prospective employees are reimbursed for travel expenses in the same manner as a state employee. Prospective employees are not exempt from hotel occupancy taxes. Those taxes may be reimbursed as an incidental expense. • The prospective employee may be reimbursed or Texas A&M University-Central Texas may pay a vendor for a travel expense incurred as a result of visiting the agency. If TAMUCT will be paying the hotel directly, a Voucher Prep Form must be sent to Accounts Payable with the hotel receipt and the approved memo signed by the President. The amount of the payment or reimbursement is limited to the amount that may be paid or reimbursed for travel expenses incurred by the individual who holds the position for which the prospective employee is being considered. The only positions that can receive a travel reimbursement are faculty, V.P. level and above.
Approval by the President MUST be obtained IN WRITING before it will be processed. In addition, this approval must state whether the new hire will be required to provide original receipts for the qualified expenses. If the new hire does not provide original receipts, they can only be reimbursed the agreed upon amount through payroll and taxes will be taken out. If they are going to provide original receipts, they can receive a check for the total amount and it is not considered compensation. Please visit Guidelines for Disbursement of Funds for expenses that are authorized. Moving EXPENSES
Cancellation Charges: A state agency may pay or reimburse a state employee for a cancellation charge related to a transportation expense that was paid in advance to obtain a lower rate and is incurred because the employee was unable to use the transportation because of an illness or a business/personal emergency. Tips and Gratuities Tips and gratuities are a reimbursable expense on local accounts only. A 20% gratuity is the max allowed per meal, this is a part of your allotted food per diem costs. Miscellaneous
If you will be staying at a hotel (in-state or out-of-state) which will cost more than the state allowed lodging rates and you want to be reimbursed for the entire amount, you must complete the REQUEST TO INCREASE MAXIMUM LODGING RATE form. This form must be completed PRIOR to the travel date and be signed by your School Director/Supervisor. A pre-approved travel request must accompany this form! Increase maximum lodging
Registration fees are normally paid on a p-card. • If you pay for registration fees on any account and meals are provided you may not claim any meal reimbursement. -Example: If a small breakfast is provided and it’s not substantial you are not authorized to claim reimbursement. Dart cards can pay for registration fees if last minute. Registration Fees
When claiming reimbursement for a registration fee on a travel voucher, you must include the registration form and a registration receipt. • Memberships and/or Dues cannot be reimbursed on a travel voucher. A separate form must be approved before purchase. A requisition then can be submitted with form for reimbursement. • NOTE: If meals are included in the registration fee, the receipt or the conference program should clearly state which meals are included. Otherwise, the meal expense MUST be separated from the registration fee. Registration cont.
The state of Texas has developed the State Travel Management Program in an effort to reduce the cost of travel expenditures. All travel expenditures, regardless of funds, are required to adhere to the program guidelines, unless the specific exemptions mentioned on the Certification Form apply. Various fiscal offices throughout the A&M System have developed a Travel Exception form, which they require to be completed for all travel not adhering to program guidelines. State Travel Management Program
Conservation of Funds: • A state agency shall minimize the amount of travel expenses paid or reimbursed by the agency. The agency shall ensure that each travel arrangement is the most cost-effective considering all relevant circumstances. The agency shall use teleconferencing and other telecommunications technologies to the maximum extent possible to reduce agency travel expenditures. Blanket Travel Request: • A blanket travel request can be completed if you will be traveling to a certain destination multiple times throughout an extensive period of time. • An authorized blanket form must be attached each time a blanket travel form is used. Additional information
According to Sec. 660.019 the deadline for reimbursing state travel expenses to a state employee is 45 days. The fiscal year for travel ends on October 1st and begins October 2nd. If you travel on these dates you will have two different rates. Meals are based on your duty point not where you sleep. -Duty Point: The destination, other than place of employment, to which a state employee travels to conduct official state business. Additional information cont.
Actual meal expenses will be reimbursed up to the city pier diem per day, allowed only for overnight stays. Meal receipts are no longer required. However, you are only eligible to claim what you actually spend for each meal. A state agency may not reimburse a state employee for a meal expense within the employee’s designated headquarters unless it is mandatory and connected with training, a seminar or conference. Texas Gov. Code Sections 660.113(c), 660.009. Designated headquarters: The area within the boundaries of the city in which a state employee’s place of employment is located. For state accounts tips or gratuities paid in conjunction with meal expenses are generally not reimbursable. A “mandatory” service charge may only be reimbursable. A state agency may not be reimbursed for purchases of alcoholic beverages. Additional Information Cont.
Remember the basics: who, what, when, where, why and how? Travel requests must be approved by College Dean/Supervisor PRIOR TO TRAVEL. Travel voucher – NO ABBREVIATIONS allowed. Titles must be spelled out as well as conference names. Requirements for Travel Reimbursement
Approved travel request – must be approved prior to travel • Itemized receipts: MUST SHOW PAYMENT HAS BEEN MADE AND ZERO BALANCE OWED • Registration Fees – must show payment has been made • Hotel – must use contract hotel when possible. If not, include Travel Contract Exception Form • List of contract hotels can be found at www.window.state.tx.us/procurement/prog/stmp/ • An original PAID itemized receipt showing a ZERO balance must be presented with travel voucher. • A travel company will not break down costs. Do not use!!! • Itinerary & registration form for conference is required- This must be attached to each travel voucher and can be printed from the web. Attachments
If receipt does not show a zero balance, a copy of credit card statement showing the charge must be submitted. If an original receipt is not available, a memo must be done to justify the reason for a non original receipt. The receipt must also show the name and address of the hotel. Be sure to take a tax exempt certificate to give the clerk at check-in. We are exempt from State tax only. State taxes will not be reimbursed. Charges must be broken down to show fees and taxes. Fees and taxes will be listed under incidental expenses. If rates are more than state allowed, must complete Request to Increase Maximum Lodging Rate form. Attachments cont.
The hotel bill must have a single person rate for reimbursement. If you are splitting a room, have hotel split charges. Mileage: If being claimed, attach a mileage guide or point to point mileage request. (Current rate is $0.56 per mile) We do not pay mileage from home to duty point unless your home has been approved as place of employment. If you are traveling round trip excessive to 100 miles you will not be reimbursed unless pre- approved on your travel request. Attachments cont.
Completing the travel voucher: • Only claim the maximum allowed lodging rate and the tax on that amount on a, 19XXXX state account. • The overage amount for the lodging and taxes can only be claimed on a local account 29XXXX. • This will require two vouchers to be filled out with the identical information. One for the state account and one for the local. • If you are using local funds for reimbursement, you can claim the entire amount on one voucher. How to complete the travel voucher
Field # 3. Agency name – Texas A&M University-Central Texas 6. Document date (First date of travel) 8. FY year of travel 9. Document amount (amount requesting) 10. Name, Home Address of individual requesting reimbursement, and account # to charge 11. Title 12. Designated Headquarters of person claiming reimbursement 13. Texas Identification Number (SS#). Hide this with 2 in front and a 0 in the back. 16. Last date of travel Points to fill out for travel voucher
17. Destination/Description 18. Distribution: breakdown of expenses being claimed 19. Signatures: person claiming expenses, Supervisor, Accounting and Controller 20. Contact Name: The person filling out the form, please print name Benefit: statement as to reason for the trip and how it will benefit the University. Must be listed in section Y. Itinerary for each day must be listed in section Y of the voucher – can be as simple as “attended workshop” You may only be reimbursed for expenses as a single person • Meaning you will not be reimbursed for a meal for two people • Or a room with a rate of two people, an example is traveling with spouse. ** Original travel voucher must be printed on green paper** Points cont.