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Conversations that Matter 4

"May the year that lies before us all bring us further than ever before toward the realization of our Girl Scout ideals."  Juliette Gordon Low, 1925. Conversations that Matter 4. What are the things that make you and other volunteers feel connected to Girl Scouts?.

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Conversations that Matter 4

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Presentation Transcript

  1. "May the year that lies before us all bring us further than ever before toward the realization of our Girl Scout ideals."  Juliette Gordon Low, 1925

  2. Conversations that Matter 4

  3. What are the things that make you and other volunteers feel connected to Girl Scouts?

  4. What Girl Scout programs have you attended locally in the past couple of years that worked? Why do you think they worked?

  5. What locally planned programming do you see in other parts of the council that you wish happened in your area?

  6. What can volunteers and staff do to make it easier for you to provide program for girls in your area?

  7. What does our council do well to support girls and adults?

  8. What mentoring has been meaningful to you as a volunteer in other organizations? Could these experiences work in Girl Scouts at a local, regional or council level?

  9. Poll Handout

  10. Will you be part of the team?

  11. Girl Voices Panel www.girlscoutvoices.org Contact: Za’ndra Jackson 713-292-0279 zjackson@sjgs.org

  12. Conversations that Matter on-line site http://resources.gssjc.org

  13. Thank you!

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