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Diamond Light Source User Health & Safety Induction. Welcome. Welcome to Diamond Light Source and to your Health and Safety Induction .
Welcome • Welcome to Diamond Light Source and to your Health and Safety Induction. • Please give us your full attention for the next few moments as we aim to highlight important safety information which allows us to maintain a safe working environment. • The Health and Safety at Work Act places duties on Diamond to provide a safe working place for all USERS. It also places duties on you the USER to protect yourself and colleagues at work and to cooperate with your employer in all safety matters. • Diamond management takes these duties seriously and with this in mind we would like to make you aware of the safety arrangements that are in place to make your working environment at Diamond a safe one.
Arrival & USER OFFICE • When you first arrive on site you must report to the User Office • Here you will undertake the Diamond Health and Safety Induction and safety test before gaining access to the experimental hall. • Once you have successfully completed the general safety induction, you will be met by your Diamond Contact. • Your Diamond Contact will arrange for your appropriate induction at the beamline • You must sign a Beamline Induction form to confirm that you have completed this training before commencing with your experiment.
Arrival & USER Office • Your Principal Investigator is responsible for your team’s safety & experimental issues while at Diamond. • If they are not present for the duration of the experiment then they will be required to nominate a deputy. • In the event that your Diamond contact is not present then the Experimental Hall Coordinators (Ext 8787) should be your first point of contact if you have any problems with the machine or equipment. • Their contact number will be clearly displayed in the beamline hutch and in your Welcome Pack.
Lone Working • More often than not, you will find yourself working alone in areas Diamond especially within the Synchrotron. Please ensure that if you are lone working, you inform someone to check on you every hour to ensure your safety while at work. • The Experimental Hall Co-ordinators (Ext 8787) should be your first point of contact in these situations.
Radiation Safety & the Personnel Safety System (PSS) • The Diamond Synchrotron produces high intensity beams of electrons and X-rays, which are contained within shielded enclosures, to which access is restricted by the use of a Personnel Safety System (PSS). • These enclosures are easily identified by the PSS annunciator board next to the main access doors.
Radiation Safety & the Personnel Safety System (PSS) • They are also Controlled Radiation Areas and you will see signs containing the trefoil symbol and written instructions which warn that you are entering a Controlled area. • The PSS utilizes a traffic light system on the annunciator board to give instruction: • Do not enter under red conditions; that is the red beam on or stand by lights or amber conditions; that is the amber restricted lights. • Enter only under the green light condition; that is the green Open lights.
Radiation Safety & the Personnel Safety System (PSS) • A search procedure is in place in these areas to ensure they are clear before operation. • However, if you are within an enclosure which is under PSS access control, and should hear the warning sounds, or see the blue room lights are on or the press beam off warning lights are illuminated, then you should leave the area, hitting a beam off button on the way if it is convenient to do so. • Contact the main Control Room on extension 8899 or the Experimental Hall Coordinators on extension 8787 or if more help is required. • In an electrical emergency press the black button in a blue case. This will dump the beam and therefore should only be used in emergency.
Radiation Safety & the Personnel Safety System (PSS) • Radioactive materials must not be brought to the Diamond premises without gaining permission in advance from the Radiation Protection Advisor. • During your experiment you may be required to use a radioactive source. These are managed by the Experimental Hall Coordinators and must be requested through your Diamond Contact before arriving at Diamond Light Source. • You can obtain your requested radioactive source through the Experimental Hall Coordinators’ Office. Sources must be signed out and returned to here. • In the event of an emergency the source should be removed from the beamline and taken with you if this does not put you at risk.
Radiation Safety & the Personnel Safety System (PSS) • If you cannot take the source with you, then try to make it safe on the beamline. You must notify the control room as soon as possible if you have left a radioactive source unattended on the beamline. • A set of Local Rules are in place as a requirement of the Ionising Radiation Regulations. For your safety the full version of the Rules are provided in your welcome pack. Please make sure you read and adhere to these rules.
General Safety • Housekeeping • Please keep your workplace safe and tidy. Use waste receptacles and bins where provided. Keep stairways, entrances, passageways, and floor areas clear and ensure that your work does not interfere with emergency routes. • Report any hazards you notice to your experimental hall coordinator immediately. • Manual Handling • Most jobs will involve some lifting and manual handling. Up to a third of all occupational injuries in the UK involve manual handling. • Never lift an object that is too heavy for you, get assistance or use a mechanical aid.
General Safety • Overhead crane and mobile plant • In the Diamond synchrotron all users should be aware of the overhead cranes that may be operating. • An audible sound will notify pedestrians that a crane is in use as well as lifting zones being cordoned off. Do not enter an area that is closed for lifting activities. • Please be aware that some areas of the facility are under construction and large mobile plant and lifting equipment may be in use in these areas.
General Safety • Equipment • All electrical equipment brought on site must be Portable Appliance Tested (PAT) and bear a PAT ticket visually indicating such tests have been carried out. • You must request gas bottles through the experimental hall coordinators. • Gas bottles should be stored correctly in the beamline cages provided and only trained persons should use gas bottles. • If you bring gas bottles to Diamond, this information must be supplied to the user office. • If you are working alone during your visit, ensure that arrangements are made for someone to check on you every hour, or inform the Experimental Hall Coordinator when you will be working alone.
Working in Laboratories • As good laboratory practice, you should not eat or drink in any laboratory area. • You are expected to wear laboratory personal protective equipment where necessary, i.e. laboratory coats, gloves and eye protection as necessary especially when working with chemicals and biological samples. • Keep your laboratory work areas clean and tidy. • Chemicals should be stored appropriately, i.e. flammables should be stored in a flammable safety cupboard • All laboratory waste should be discarded through the appropriately designated route, i.e. sharps into sharp bins, hazardous waste into designated hazardous waste bins.
Safety Cabinets/Fume Cupboards • Safety cabinets and fume cupboards should be used in accordance with standard operating procedures. • Safety cabinets and fume cupboards should not be used as storage areas.
Safety Signage • Safety Signage • All users are required to take note of and follow the instructions of all safety signage. • Blue Signs • Give a mandatory message requiring specific behaviour. • Red Signs • Give either a prohibition message or fire safety messages. • Yellow Signs • Give a warning message of a hazard or danger • Green Signs • Give messages on emergency exits, first aid or rescue facilities.
Fire Safety Procedures • In the event of fire alarm activation: • An alarm will sound followed by an announcement via the public address system. Follow these instructions and if instructed evacuate the building and muster at the fire assembly points. Do not re-enter the building until given the all clear by the emergency controller. • If exiting Diamond House the assembly point is located in the car park immediately in front of Diamond House. • If exiting the Synchrotron, the assembly point is located at ground level under the link bridge between Diamond House and the Synchrotron building. • There are building wardens operating in Diamond House to ensure clearance of the building in an emergency but none in the Synchrotron.
Fire Safety (2) • If you discover a fire: • Sound the alarm by activating the nearest break glass. • Leave the building by the nearest exit. • Proceed to the assembly point. • Do not use the lifts or leave the synchrotron building via the link bridge during a fire emergency. • You may use a fire extinguisher if you are trained to do so and only if it is safe to do so. • Do not attempt to fight a fire if you are not competent to do so.
Harwell Site Emergency • As Diamond is located on the Harwell Science & Innovation Campus adjacent to the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Diamond is required to comply with their site emergency procedures. • The Harwell site alarm is a klaxon sound. • Upon hearing this sound you should enter the nearest main building and close all the external doors and windows, and shut off all air handling devices to the external environment. • Await further instructions from the Diamond Emergency Controller • During site emergencies, telephones are not to be used to allow for emergency communication purposes only.
Accident/Incident Reporting • All accidents, incidents or near misses, should be reported to the Safety Office and recorded on an accident/incident form. • Should you observe any unsafe condition or act, please report the situation to your supervisor, or the site management, as soon as possible.
Safety Documentation • Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) assessments and safety data sheets are required for all chemicals used on site. • All chemical containers must be labeled with the details of the chemical, the hazards associated with the chemical and the precautions to be taken. Make sure you read the label. • Chemical spill kits, chemical showers and eyewash stations are located throughout the synchrotron where contact with chemicals may occur. • Chemicals must only be bought onto site if a COSHH assessment and Safety Data sheet are provided to your Diamond contact before you arrive on site or are contained within your Experiment Proposal. • Your experimental details along with all the safety documentation must be clearly displayed outside of the experimental cabin.
Welfare & Facilities • First Aid: • Diamond has qualified first aiders should the need arise. • They are located within Diamond House and the Synchrotron. • All experimental hall coordinators and control room operators are qualified first aiders. • A detailed list of first aiders is provided on the Health and Safety Notice boards, at first aid locations in Diamond House, the entrances to the first aid rooms and on the Intranet. • Only qualified first aiders should assess and administer aid. • In the event of serious injury or emergency, the emergency services can be raised by dialing 2222
Welfare & Facilities • Access • Access at Diamond is controlled by the proximity card which is given in your Welcome Pack. • You will need your badge for access to the buildings. Your level of access within the facility will be determined by your Diamond Contact and will be granted when all requirements such as training and instruction are met. • Smoking • It is against the law to smoke within any building at Diamond. Smoking is only permitted in designated outdoor areas. • Facilities • Adequate toilet and restroom facilities are made available to all staff in both Diamond House and the Synchrotron building.
Leaving Diamond • When you have finished your experiment, ensure that you complete the exit procedure with your Diamond contact or an Experimental Hall Coordinator. • You must safely re-package your samples and take them away with you and return your proximity card on leaving Diamond.
Conclusion • Whilst the main responsibility for health and safety at work rests with the Company, through its managers and supervisors, we can all play a part by working together to maintain the arrangements given in this induction programme. • If we all work together to maintain the arrangements detailed in this programme, we can achieve high health and safety standards in the workplace. • If you have any further questions please ask your Diamond contact, an Experimental Hall Coordinator or the Diamond Safety Office.
The End! • Thank you for your attention and we hope that you maintain a safe and productive working environment here at Diamond.