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Dinosaurs. Southern New Hampshire University MS-TEFL EFL 537 CALL Instructor Lyra Riabov Donna W. Papanikolau 02-19-04. Description of Class. ESOL Magnet 3 rd Grade Class Multilinguistic Backgrounds 8-10 Years Old 12 Students
Dinosaurs Southern New Hampshire University MS-TEFL EFL 537 CALL Instructor Lyra Riabov Donna W. Papanikolau 02-19-04
Description of Class • ESOL Magnet 3rd Grade Class • Multilinguistic Backgrounds • 8-10 Years Old • 12 Students • Non- English to Limited English Speakers, Writers and Readers.
Classroom Dynamics • 12 hours of computer time • Work including book marking favorite sites, search engines, skimming and scanning and typing • Integration goal: use the computer for already established content curriculum
Materials • 7 I-Mac notebooks with internet capability • Zak’s Wordgames Software • 1 Macintosh classroom computer • Books on Dinosaurs from the library • Handouts • Blackboard • Pencils, paper, crayons
Objectives • Science: To compare and contrast characteristics of dinosaurs • Language: To skim and scan for information, to organize thoughts into paragraph form, to practice oral fluency, to learn new vocabulary • Computer: To use the internet for research, to reinforce basic skills
Procedure Day 1:( Pre computer activity) 45 minutes • Elicit background information • Create two columns on the board titled “What I know about dinosaurs” the other “ What I want to know about dinosaurs” • Discuss vocabulary and concepts • Introduce dinosaur research packet • Use the library books as reference
Procedure Day 2 (Presentation) 65 minutes • Separate the students into groups of two, each group has a computer. • Explain to the class you will visit websites created by a dinosaur hunters. • Have students search through google images and type allosaurus. • Then click on the first image.
Procedure Day 2 (continued) • Bookmark this page. • Direct students to the list of dinosaurs. • Have students find the 5 dinosaurs in their packets. • Have students fill in one interesting fact for each dinosaur and color the dinosaur. • Send two students to the class computer to work on Zak’s Wordgames, dinosaur section.
Procedure Day 3 (practice) 45 minutes • Have groups find Dinodon and then to Dinodon’s world, bookmark this page. • Go to 15 Facts about Dinosaurs. • Ask students to find the answers to your questions by skimming material. Have students fill information in their research packet. • Send two students to the class computer to work on Zak’s Wordgames, dinosaur section.
Procedure Day 4 (Practice) 45 minutes • Return to the website. • This time have students click on, Dinos by the Numbers. • Ask students to find the answer to your questions. Example: “Which dinosaur was the largest?”. • Continue until all the material has been covered. • Have students fill in the rest of their information on the research sheets. • Send two students to the class computer to use Zak’s Wordgames, dinosaur section.
Procedure Day 5 ( follow up) 60 minutes • Using the word processing applications have the students type their paragraph from their research sheets. Print the paragraphs. • Send two students to the class computer to work on the dinosaur section of Zak’s Wordgames software.
Closing Day 6, 45 minutes • Have each group report on their research paper allowing a question and answer segment. • Assessment is based on the facts they gathered, vocabulary used and factual renditions.
Potential Problems • Students may still need practice in basic computer skills. • Students might need help with vocabulary and concepts especially for those students who have never been in a formal classroom environment. • All work is cooperative so classroom management is a must. • Writing process might require extra time.