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Emotions & Feelings Word Bank

Emotions & Feelings Word Bank. Sad . s orrowful g loomy c heerless g rave m elancholy d esolate. u nhappy a nguished m ournful d ejected d istressed despairing hopeless. Mad. a ngry c allous f uming w icked a ggravated a nnoyed harsh. i mpatient d isagreeable p rovoked

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Emotions & Feelings Word Bank

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Emotions & Feelings Word Bank

  2. Sad • sorrowful • gloomy • cheerless • grave • melancholy • desolate • unhappy • anguished • mournful • dejected • distressed • despairing • hopeless

  3. Mad • angry • callous • fuming • wicked • aggravated • annoyed • harsh • impatient • disagreeable • provoked • enraged • indignant • snarling • irate

  4. Mean • nasty • vile • terrible • wretched • cruel • unkind • thoughtless • dastardly • rude

  5. Bad • vicious • wicked • profane • awful • dreadful • abominable • atrocious • naughty • unpleasant

  6. Difficult • tough • burdensome • uphill • rough • arduous

  7. Moody • glum • mopish • sulky • sullen • testy • touchy • cranky • tired • exhausted • sleepy

  8. Smug • aloof • pretentious • smug • arrogant • self-centered • snotty • snobbish • haughty • Conceited • Pompous • vain

  9. Scared • frightened • panicked • alarmed • shocked • fearful • petrified • fainthearted • panicky • terrified • horrified • startled • afraid • apprehensive

  10. Silly • Ridiculous • Simple • Unwise • Nonsensical • Absurd • Giddy • Ludicrous • Foolish • Senseless • witless

  11. strange • weird • mystical • odd • unfamiliar • exotic • mysterious • unusual • alien • abnormal • eccentric • outlandish

  12. Funny amusing ludicrous comical Witty jocular curious laughable cheerful humorous whimsical

  13. Happy • glad • joyous • merry • ecstatic • elated • jolly • contented • exultant

  14. Good • smooth • benevolent • excellent • sufficient • competent • useful • meritous • superior • worthy • upright • propitious • conscientious • optimistic

  15. Nice • sweet • adorable • delightful • charming • cultured • fastidious • tasteful • genteel • delicate • pleasant • amiable • cordial • pleasing • enjoyable • proper • meticulous • appealing

  16. Brave • courageous • fearless • dauntless • intrepid • daring • heroic • audacious • bold • gallant • valiant

  17. Calm • quiet • peaceful • still • tranquil • mild • serene • smooth • composed • relaxed • mellow • cool • laid-back

  18. Amazing • incredible • unbelievable • fabulous • wonderful • fantastic • astonishing • astounding • extraordinary

  19. Interesting • clever • engaging • fascinating • absorbing • engrossing • captivating • appealing • enthralling

  20. Smart • astute • sparkling • bright • clever • quick • witty • sharp • intelligent • shrewd • brilliant • genius

  21. Pretty • attractive • exquisite • elegant • striking • dazzling • beautiful • pleasing • handsome • appealing • lovely • charming • gorgeous • Splendid • magnificent • fair • ravishing • graceful • fine • delicate • stunning • glowing • dainty

  22. Clean • spotless • immaculate • purified • tidy • fresh • sterile • immaculate • scrubbed

  23. Dirty • unclean • dusty • filthy • squalid • sordid • foul • impure • polluted • dingy • messy

  24. Old • aged • antique • time-worn • crumbling • tired • used • decaying • antiquated • elderly • ancient • weathered • dilapidated

  25. Ugly • grotesque • repulsive • gruesome • ghoulish • hideous • unsightly

  26. Sneaky • secretive • dishonest • stealthy • quietly

  27. Wild • uncontrollable • hyper • crazed • noisy • active • nervous • energetic • vigorous • dynamic • tireless

  28. Embarrassing • ashamed • uncomfortable • guilty • squirming

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