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Special Education Leadership Network Meeting April 9, 2009

Special Education Leadership Network Meeting April 9, 2009. Celebrations. Agenda Welcome Legal Update SPP Indicator 13 Accessible Instructional Materials ARRA Update Use of ARRA Funds Regional Data State Leadership Network Activities Announcements. Legal Update.

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Special Education Leadership Network Meeting April 9, 2009

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Special Education Leadership Network Meeting April 9, 2009

  2. Celebrations

  3. Agenda Welcome Legal Update SPP Indicator 13 Accessible Instructional Materials ARRA Update Use of ARRA Funds Regional Data State Leadership Network Activities Announcements

  4. Legal Update

  5. Grade Weighting Policies Jim Walsh Walsh, Anderson, Brown, Aldridge & Gallegos, P.C.

  6. Why It Matters • Class rank is more important than ever. • Valedictorian, salutatorian, top ten percent, scholarships. • Prestige and money on the line.

  7. Where to Look • Policy EIC and EIC Local

  8. EIC • This is mostly about the top ten percent rule. • Must be displayed in offices and explained by counselors to students. • Specific notice to seniors of their status. • Class rank shall be determined by the school or district from which the student graduates.

  9. EIC Local: District A • Calls for weighting of AP, pre-AP and accelerated courses. • AP courses get a weight of 1.10 • Pre-AP and accelerated courses get a weight of 1.05. • Everything else weighs 1.0. • No mention of modified content courses.

  10. EIC Local: District B • IB and AP semester grades get 12 additional points. If your grade was a 75, you get an 87. • Pre-AP, pre-IB, honors, college credit courses: 10 additional points. • Honors: 8 additional points. • Enriched: get 5 additional points. • No mention of modified content classes.

  11. EIC Local: District C • Has a 6-point GPA system. • With a grade of 100…. AdvancedRegularModified Content 6.0 5.0 4.0

  12. EIC Local: District C “…courses that have been modified by the student’s ARD committee as to the required content of the TEKS and reflected in the student’s IEP shall not earn the same number of grade points as regular courses; however, courses modified as to methodology shall earn the same number of grade points assigned to regular courses.”

  13. The Law Weighs In • Courses can be given less weight when CONTENT has been modified. • It does not matter WHERE the course was taken (regular classroom, resource, self contained). • It does not matter that accommodations in method of teaching were provided. • What matters is academic content and rigor.

  14. Bottom Line A policy that gives more credit for tougher courses should give less credit for courses with modified content. Failure to do so likely puts students who have taken modified content courses in the top ten percent inappropriately. It’s a zero sum game.

  15. SPP Indicator 13

  16. Indicator 13Secondary Transition

  17. Main Menu • SPP13 has a navigation toolbar located at the top of each screen. If you use the toolbar to navigate to another screen, you will loose data if it has not been SAVED!

  18. User Roles Located by clicking the Help button

  19. Data Entry • Click on the Data Entry button on the navigation tool bar. The Data Entry Screen is displayed.

  20. Data Entry • Current school year is the default. CO-OPs and SSAs are shown as multiple districts. The TEASE ID allows the review of the appropriate district or campus. • Select campus from pull down list and click the GO button

  21. Data Entry After the GO button is clicked, the remaining fields will populate the screen.

  22. Data Entry – No Data to Submit • Note: If your campus does not have any students to submit, click on the statement – upper left corner – “Click here if you have no student data to submit” link. It is grayed out below due to student name in the PET match box.

  23. Campus Administration The Campus Administration Screen is automatically displayed. Select all three check boxes shown on the Campus Admin screen in order to submit your campus.

  24. Data Entry – PET Match • Check and enter student SSN, select PET match, if student matches the appropriate SSN, click on the student’s name – it will appear highlighted, next click the Select Student button. When the student is selected, fields will populate except for grade level, instructional setting, primary disability and IEP (folder review) date.

  25. Data Entry – No Data(Continued) If no data is found in the PET data base, you may check the following solutions: • Check to confirm that the entered SSN is correct. • Check with your PEIMS representative if there is a problem with the SSN. For Students Records, enter all the required student data. The Data Entry agent may edit the grade level, instructional setting, primary disability and folder review date if necessary.

  26. Entry Record – Required Fields • Instructional Setting and Date of IEP are required fields. • You may save Student data by scrolling down to the save button, however file status is incomplete until all fields are entered.

  27. Data Entry - IEP • The following Data Entry screen lists questions related to the IEP plan for the selected student. • Please select the appropriate answer for each question.

  28. Data Entry – IEP The statement at the bottom: This student’s IEP meets the requirements of Indicator 13 – the yes/no buttons are generated by the system.

  29. Data Entry – Quality AnalysisSelect the appropriate answer for each question. Click SAVE. Note on Q.5 – if you select Other – please type the details (specify) in the box below.

  30. Data Entry • If all questions are not completed correctly, error messages are displayed. Error messages prevent saving a record.

  31. Student Entry Form • Must answer all questions • Can save the student’s record without answering all questions.

  32. Student Entry Form • The Save button saves the information, the Reset button clears all of the information and the Add Student Record button successfully saves the data, refreshes the screen and returns to the top of the screen so a new record can be added.

  33. Campus Administration Click on the Campus Admin button on the navigation toolbar. Select the appropriate School Year and Campus from the drop-down lists – click GO. When all student information is complete and ready to submit, click last two assurance statements in the Submit Campus Data box, click on the Submit button.

  34. District Administration This screen allows the District Certifier to add or edit student data as long as it has not been submitted using the Data Entry Screen:lTo view the campus list and status lReturn to campus or request return from TEA l Certify the data and submit to TEA

  35. District Administration • Select the appropriate school year and district from the drop down lists. Click the GO button. The system will display a list of campuses in your district.

  36. District Administration • District can return to campus if not certified.

  37. District Admin - Certify Districts can not certify until ALL campuses have been submitted. Once all campuses have a status of submitted click the Confirmation Checkbox and Certify button. Return History box is populated by return dates, Return Notes box will accept notes by the district.

  38. District request for TEA Return • After all campuses in a district have been submitted and certified, the District Certifier can request TEA to return data for all campuses in the district. Go to District Admin screen, select appropriate School Year and District. Click GO and Request TEA Return button.

  39. ESC Viewer The ESC Viewer has view only access to the districts and campuses that are within the region. The ESC Viewer can NOT see, view or edit student data. Click on the District Admin button on the navigation toolbar. The District Administration screen is displayed. Choose the appropriate year from the School Year drop-down list and then click on the GO button.

  40. TEA Administration – Return Data

  41. Instructions Link There are 2 options from the available navigation tool bar: Instructions and FAQ. These links open in a new window and display additional information about the SPP program.

  42. FAQs The FAQ link opens a new window with a list of frequently asked questions about Indicator 13.

  43. Contact Information richard.poe@esc13.txed.net

  44. Accessible Instructional Materials

  45. ARRA Update

  46. Guidance from USDE For All ARRA Funds

  47. Guidance from USDE For IDEA ARRA Funds

  48. Guidance from TEA For IDEA ARRA Funds

  49. Guidance from IDEA Coordination For IDEA ARRA Funds

  50. Use of ARRA Funds

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