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T-shaped professionals depth & breadth. Many cultures Many disciplines Many systems (understanding & communications ). BREADTH. Deep in one culture. Deep in one discipline. Deep in one system. DEPTH.
T-shaped professionalsdepth & breadth Many cultures Many disciplines Many systems (understanding & communications) BREADTH Deep in one culture Deep in one discipline Deep in one system DEPTH Ready for Life-Long-LearningReady for TeamworkReady to Help Build a Smarter Planet (analytic thinking & problem solving) 1
Systems that govern Systems that focus on flows of things Systems that support people’s activities transportation & supply chain ICT & cloud retail & hospitality healthcare & family city secure food & products education &work state scale nation laws energy & electricity water & waste building & construction banking & finance behavioral sciences People Technology Information Organizations Customer Provider Authority Competitors resources stakeholders e.g., marketing management sciences Identify Stakeholder Entities (As-Is) e.g., operations political sciences e.g., public policy learning sciences e.g., game theory and strategy cognitive sciences e.g., psychology system sciences Identify Resource Accesses (As-Is) e.g., industrial eng. information sciences e.g., computer sci organization sciences e.g., knowledge mgmt social sciences History (Data Analytics) Future (Roadmap) change Understand Change Potential (Has-Been & Might-Become) e.g., econ & law decision sciences e.g., stats & design run professions Run Transform (Copy) Innovate (Invent) e.g., knowledge worker value Choice, Action & Value Realization (To-Be & Has-Become) transform professions e.g., consultant innovate professions e.g., entrepreneur Systems-Disciplines Framework: Depth & Breadth systems disciplines
What improves Quality-of-Life? Service System Innovations * = US Labor % in 2009. 20/10/10 2/7/4 A. Systems that focus on flow of things that humans need (~15%*) 1. Transportation & supply chain 2. Water & waste recycling/Climate & Environment 3. Food & products manufacturing 4. Energy & electricity grid/Clean Tech 5. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT access) B. Systems that focus on human activity and development (~70%*) 6. Buildings & construction (smart spaces) (5%*) 7. Retail & hospitality/Media & entertainment/Tourism & sports (23%*) 8. Banking & finance/Business & consulting (wealthy) (21%*) 9. Healthcare & family life (healthy) (10%*) 10. Education & work life/Professions & entrepreneurship (wise) (9%*) C. Systems that focus on human governance - security and opportunity (~15%*) 11. Cities & security for families and professionals (property tax) 12. States/regions & commercial development opportunities/investments (sales tax) 13. Nations/NGOs & citizens rights/rules/incentives/policies/laws (income tax) 2/1/1 7/6/1 1/1/0 5/17/27 1/0/2 24/24/1 2/20/24 7/10/3 5/2/2 3/3/1 0/0/0 1/2/2 0/19/0 Quality of Life = Quality of Service + Quality of Jobs + Quality of Investment-Opportunities “61 Service Design 2010 (Japan) / 75 Service Marketing 2010 (Portugal)/78 Service-Oriented Computing 2010 (US)”
Our ambition is to reach K-12 students with Service Science & STEM: “The systems we live in, and the systems we are…” • Challenge-based Project to Design Improved Service Systems • K - Transportation & Supply Chain • 1 - Water & Waste Recycling • 2 - Food & Products (Nano) • 3 - Energy & Electric Grid • 4 – Information/ICT & Cloud (Info) • 5 - Buildings & Construction • 6 – Retail & Hospitality/Media & Entertainment (tourism) • 7 – Banking & Finance/Business & Consulting • 8 – Healthcare & Family Life/Home (Bio) • 9 – Education /Campus & Work Life/Jobs & Entrepreneurship (Cogno) • 10 – City (Government) • 11 – State/Region (Government) • 12 – Nation (Government) • Higher Ed – T-shaped depth added, cross-disciplinary project teams • Professional Life – Adaptive T-shaped life-long-learning & projects Systems that focus on Flow of things Systems that focus on Human Activities and Development Systems that focus on Governing “Imagine smarter systems, explain why better (service systems & STEM language)” STEM = Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics See NAE K-12 engineering report: http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=12635 See Challenge-Based Learning: http://www.nmc.org/news/nmc/nmc-study-confirms-effectiveness-challenge-based-learning
US National Academy of Engineering Grand Challenges A. Systems that focus on flow of things humans need 1. Transportation & Supply Chain Restore and enhance urban infrastructure 2. Water & Waste/Climate & Green tech Provide access to clear water 3. Food & Products Manager nitrogen cycle 4. Energy & Electricity Make solar energy economical Provide energy from fusion Develop carbon sequestration methods 5. Information & Communication Technology Enhance virtual reality Secure cyberspace Reverse engineer the brain B. Systems that focus on human activity & development 6. Buildings & Construction (smart spaces) Restore and enhance urban infrastructure 7. Retail & Hospitality/Media & Entertainment (tourism) Enhance virtual reality 8. Banking & Finance/Business & Consulting 9. Healthcare & Family Life Advance health informatics Engineer better medicines Reverse engineer the brain 10. Education & Work Life/Jobs & Entrepreneurship Advance personalized learning Engineer the tools of scientific discovery C. Systems that focus on human governance 11. City & Security Restore and improve urban infrastructure Secure cyberspace Prevent nuclear terror 12. State/Region & Development 13. Nation & Rights
From Work Done By the Institute for the Future (IFTF.org) Transdisciplinary = T-Shaped People (Breadth & Depth)
ME Adaptive innovators The T Shaped Professional Jim Spohrer IBM Labs
What are the benefits of more education? Of higher skills? …But it can be costly, American student loan debt is over $900M
Expert Thinking Complex Communication Routine Manual Non-routine Manual Routine Cognitive How are advanced technologies changing the mix of jobs? Levy, F, & Murnane, R. J. (2004). The New Division of Labor: How Computers Are Creating the Next Job Market. Princeton University Press.
Job Roles: University Research and Education • Model Systems • Connect/capture Data • Integrate, Analyze • Improve, Automate • Optimize, Evolve Consultant Sales Architect • Synapsense, SensorTronics • Infosphere Streams, ILOG, COGNOS • WS, Tivoli, Rational, DB2, etc. • BAO, Green Sigma Project Manager Specialists Innovate Transform Run Systems Engineering/ Analytics/BAO/SSME General Methods & Techniques University Research fuels Cross Industry Skills Specific Technology Job Roles • Water Supply • Transportation • Energy, Electric Grid • Cities, Buildings • Healthcare • Education/Government SP Service Systems Industry Specific Skills
Job Roles: IBM Building Smarter Enterprises & A Smarter Planethttps://jobs3.netmedia1.com/cp/find.ibm.jobs/location/ • IBM Employees • ~10% Consultant • ~10% Sales • ~5% Architect • ~5% Project Manager • ~45% Specialists • ~25% Enterprise Operations Project Mix From 90-10 to 80-20: B2B – Business to Business B2G – Business to Government ~10% • 1. Consultant • (trusted advisor to customer) • a value proposition to addressproblems or opportunities andenhance value co-creationrelationships ~5% ~10% • 3. Architect • (systems engineer, IT & enterprise architect) • An elegant solution design that satisfiesfunctional and non-functionalconstraints across thesystem life-cycle • 2. Sales • a signed contract thatdefines work, outcomes, solution,rewards and risks for all parties ~5% 4. Project Manager (often with co-PM from customer side) a detailed project plan thatbalances time, costs, skills availability,and other resources, as well asadaptive realization of plan ~45% ~25% • 5. Specialists • (systems engineer, Research, engineer, • Industry specialist, application, technician, • data, analyst, professional, agent) • a compelling working system(leading-edge prototype systemsfrom Research) 6. Enterprise Operations Administrative Services, Other, Marketing & Communications Finance, Supply Chain, Manufacturing, Human Resources, Legal, General Executive Management
= Graduates withSmarter Planet skills = New Venture = High-Growth Acquisition/ New IBM BU (Growing) = Acquisition = IBMer moving from mature BU to acquisition = IBMer moving into IBMer on Campus role(help create graduateswith Smarter-Planet skills, help create Smarter Planetoriented new ventures; Refresh skills = High-Productivity/ Mature IBM BU (Shrinking) IBM Up-SkillCycle University-Region1 University-Region2
Identifies entrepreneurs developing businesses aligning with our Smarter Planet vision. • SmartCamp finalists raised more than $50m and received significant press in Wall Street Journal, Forbes and Bloomberg • in Exclusive Networking and Mentoring event HealthcareSmartCamp kickstart -Miami - May 15, 2012 Apply by April 27th SmarterCitiesSmartCamp kickstart -New York - May 24, 2012 Apply by May 3rd North America Regional SmartCamp -Boston - June 20 & 21, 2012 Apply by May 25th apply now atwww.ibm.com/isv/startup/smartcamp 14 North America SmartCamp lead: Eric Apse, eapse@us.ibm.com University Programs lead: Dawn Tew, dawn2@us.ibm.com