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Explore the history from 449-1066, influences on literary works, and transition in Western civilization. Learn about Celts, Romans, and the Anglo-Saxon invasion. Discover the impact on literature and culture.
HISTORICAL BACKGROUND 449-1485 The Anglo-Saxon Period (449-1066) By providing an overview of the major historical events of the Anglo-Saxon Period, students are permitted to interpret the possible influences of historical contexts on literary works.
Western Civilization and Western Thought • Grew out of three ancient civilizations: • Greeks – individual truth • Romans – the state • Hebrews – God above all
Each culture prevailed at different times. • Medieval period = Hebrew concept (God above all) • Renaissance = Greek concept (Individual truth) • 18th/19th/20th Centuries = Roman concept (State above all)
England Before the Anglo-Saxons Stonehenge
England Before the Anglo-Saxons • Built between 3000 and 1500 BC • Was it a temple? • Celtic speakers arrived in England in about 900 BC
England Before the Anglo-SaxonsThe Celts – 900 BC • There were 3 groups - The first group called themselves the Britons, and they inhabited what is now Britain.
England Before the Anglo-SaxonsThe Celts – 900 BC • There were 3 groups - The first group called themselves the Britons, and they inhabited what is now Britain. - The second group were the Picts, and they settled in present day Scotland.
England Before the Anglo-SaxonsThe Celts – 900 BC • There were 3 groups - The first group called themselves the Britons, and they inhabited what is now Britain. - The second group were the Picts, and they settled in present day Scotland. - The third group were the Gaels, and they settled in present day Ireland.
England Before the Anglo-SaxonsThe Celts – 900 BC • Celtic groups spoke their own languages, and these languages and cultures live on in modern times. Celtic languages are still the official languages of such countries as Wales, Scotland, Ireland, and Brittany even to this day.
England Before the Anglo-SaxonsThe Celts – 900 BC • Celtic groups spoke their own languages, and these languages and cultures live on in modern times. Celtic languages are still the official languages of such countries as Wales, Scotland, Ireland, and Brittany even to this day. • These were thriving cultures by most standards of the day. They lived in closely tied clans. They were skilled in agriculture and metalwork and traded with their neighbors throughout the British Isles.
England Before the Anglo-SaxonsThe Celts – 900 BC • Their leaders were often Druids, who were priests; however, the druids served also as judges and counselors
England Before the Anglo-SaxonsThe Celts – 900 BC • Their leaders were often Druids, who were priests; however, the druids served also as judges and counselors • The Celtic clans had a long oral tradition of literature and learning which was preserved by The Druids. They preserved the people’s myths and legends by reciting long, heroic poems.
England Before the Anglo-SaxonsThe Celts – 900 BC • Their leaders were often Druids, who were priests; however, the druids served also as judges and counselors • The Celtic clans had a long oral tradition of literature and learning which was preserved by The Druids. They preserved the people’s myths and legends by reciting long, heroic poems. • Celtic tales – Old King Cole and King Lear
England Before the Anglo-SaxonsThe Romans: (55 BC – 407 AD) • The next group to invade England was the Romans.
England Before the Anglo-SaxonsThe Romans: (55 BC – 407 AD) • The next group to invade England was the Romans. • They ruled for some 300 years.
England Before the Anglo-SaxonsThe Romans: (55 BC – 407 AD) • The next group to invade England was the Romans. • They ruled for some 300 years. • They established roads and towns that served the island for centuries.
England Before the Anglo-SaxonsThe Romans: (55 BC – 407 AD) • The next group to invade England was the Romans. • They ruled for some 300 years. • They established roads and towns that served the island for centuries. • They brought Christianity to the British Isles (England)
England Before the Anglo-SaxonsThe Romans: (55 BC – 407 AD) • Their rule ended because Italy and Rome were under attack from northern invaders. Basically, the troops were called home.
England Before the Anglo-SaxonsThe Romans: (55 BC – 407 AD) • Their rule ended because Italy and Rome was under attack from northern invaders. Basically, the troops were called home. • The last troops left in 407 AD, and the stage was set for the Anglos and the Saxons to invade.
The Anglo-Saxons: (449 – 1066) • The invasion by the Anglo-Saxons of modern day England began in 449 AD, but actually takes place over several decades
The Anglo-Saxons: (449 – 1066) • The invasion by the Anglo-Saxons of modern day England began in 449 AD, but actually takes place over several decades • There were three major groups: the Angles, the Saxons, and the Jutes.
The Anglo-Saxons: (449 – 1066) • The Britons- perhaps led by a commander named Arthur- fought a series of legendary battles in a effort to stop the invasion.
The Anglo-Saxons: (449 – 1066) • The Britons- perhaps led by a commander named Arthur- fought a series of legendary battles in a effort to stop the invasion. • These efforts failed however and the Germanic Anglo-Saxon tribes organized themselves into a confederation of seven kingdoms call the Heptarchy.
The Anglo-Saxons: (449 – 1066) • In the early history of the Heptarchy, the Angles were dominate.
The Anglo-Saxons: (449 – 1066) • In the early history of the Heptarchy, the Angles were dominate. • Their settlement or kingdom became known as Angle-land or England, and its people came to be called English.
The Anglo-Saxons: (449 – 1066) • In the early history of the Heptarchy, the Angles were dominate. • Their settlement or kingdom became known as Angle-land or England, and its people came to be called English. • Because there were several different groups that began the invasion of Briton in 449, modern scholars employ the term Anglo-Saxon to refer to the people and culture of this period in English history.
The Anglo-Saxons: (449 – 1066) • Like all cultures, the Anglo-Saxons changed over time
The Anglo-Saxons: (449 – 1066) • Like all cultures, the Anglo-Saxons changed over time • Early on, they were seafaring wanderers whose lives were bleak, violent, and short
The Anglo-Saxons: (449 – 1066) • As they settled in their new land, however, the Anglo-Saxons became an agricultural people
The Anglo-Saxons: (449 – 1066) • As they settled in their new land, however, the Anglo-Saxons became an agricultural people • Less violent, more secure, more civilized
The Anglo-Saxons: (449 – 1066) • As they settled in their new land, however, the Anglo-Saxons became an agricultural people • Less violent, more secure, more civilized • One of the most important civilizing forces was the Christianity they began accepting late in the sixth century (500-599 AD)
The Anglo-Saxons (449-1066)The Danish Invasions • In the 790s a new group of invaders - the Danes, also know as the Vikings, began to devastate the flourishing culture
The Anglo-Saxons (449-1066)The Danish Invasions • In the 790s a new group of invaders - the Danes, also know as the Vikings, began to devastate the flourishing culture • English king Alfred the Great was able to resist the first invasion. He was a strong proponent of learning and education. He oversaw the writing of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle which recorded early English life.
The Anglo-Saxons (449-1066)The Danish Invasions • In the 790s a new group of invaders - the Danes, also know as the Vikings, began to devastate the flourishing culture • English king Alfred the Great was able to resist the first invasion. He was a strong proponent of learning and education. He oversaw the writing of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle which recorded early English life. • He could not hold off subsequent invasions, however, and was forced to agree to a truce
The Anglo-Saxons (449-1066)The Norman Conquest • By 1042, the Danes were out of power, and Edward the Confessor was on the throne. • Edward died in 1066, and that year found the Normans overpower the Anglo-Saxons. This was their last defeat.
The Anglo-Saxons (449-1066): Hierarchy 1. King = he was expected to be generous to his loyal subjects 2. Earls/Thanes/Free Warriors = claimed kinship to founder of tribes. They were expected to be LOYAL. • The Witan = they were the King’s council – the King made the final decisions
The Anglo-Saxons (449-1066): Hierarchy 3. Freemen/Genlats = independent landowners 4. Churls = boundmen who trace ancestry to former captives of tribe; did the hard labor; worked for Earls; could move up to “freemen” with possessions & special royal favor
The Anglo-Saxons (449-1066): Hierarchy 5. Slaves/Thralls **Women were a subclass. They were viewed as only important for domestic duties.
The Anglo-Saxons (449-1066) • What did they eat?
The Anglo-Saxons (449-1066) • What did they eat? • Along with their meal they would often have mead. Mead is a drink made by fermenting honey.
The Anglo-Saxons (449-1066) • What did they eat? • Along with their meal they would often have mead. Mead is a drink made by fermenting honey.
Anglo-Saxons = What did they admire in their warriors • Good sportsmanship • Endurance • Loyalty to king • Athletic prowess • Bravery • Respect for each other • Action and fighting
The Anglo-Saxons = Religion • They came to Britain with their own pagan beliefs. • They had a firm belief in fate (wyrd). • They worshiped ancient Germanic gods like Tui, god of war and the sky; Woden, chief of the gods; and Fria, Woden’s wife and goddess of the home. • Sound familiar?
Tiu, Woden, and Fria today • Tuesday • Wednesday • Friday • Where do we get the rest of our week’s names?
Something to consider… • According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, safety and shelter must be firmly established before more thoughtful ideas can take root. (A person cannot “skip” levels.) Therefore, religion was not important to the Anglo-Saxons until their primary needs were met.
The Anglo-Saxons = Religion • Christianity had been introduced by the Romans, and the Celts were converted. • Irish monks helped establish a strong Christian hold on the island. • Scots were converted easily, and many monasteries were built in Scotland.
The Anglo-Saxons = Religion • Roman cleric Saint Augustine arrives in 597. • Saint Augustine was able to convert King Ethelbert of Kent; this led to the kingdom being converted.