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Computer-Based Information Systems Controls. Pendahuluan. Jason Scott dipekerjakan sebagai Auditor internal oleh Northwest Industries, sebuah perusahaan kehutanan yang memiliki berbagai jenis produk
Pendahuluan • Jason Scott dipekerjakan sebagai Auditor internal oleh Northwest Industries, sebuah perusahaan kehutanan yang memiliki berbagai jenis produk • Dia ditugaskan untuk mengaudit Springer’s Lumbers & Supply, sebuah toko bahan bangunan milik Northwest di Bozeman, Montana. SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (AK069)
Pendahuluan • Supervisornya, Maria Pilier, telah meminta Jason untuk melacak contoh transaksi – transaksi pembelian dari permintaan pembelian hingga kepembayaran tunai, untuk memverifikasi bahwa prosedur pengendalian yang sesuai, telah diikuti. Pada tengah hari Jason merasa Frustasi dengan tugas ini. • Mengapa Jason Frustasi ? • Sistem pembelian tidak didokumentasikan dengan baik. • Jason kerap menemukan transaksi yang belum diproses Padahal menurut Ed Yates, Manajer bagian Hutang, seharusnya diproses. SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (AK069)
Pendahuluan Jason’s frustrations, continued • Beberapa faktur penjualan dari Vendor telah dibayar tanpa adanya dokumen pendukung, seperti pesanan pembelian dan laporan penerimaan. • Beberapa permintaan pembelian untuk beberapa jenis barang yang secara pribadi di otorisasi oleh Bill Springer, Wakil presiden bagian pembelian, telah hilang. • Harga yang dibebankan ke beberapa barang terlalu tinggi. • Springer’s adalah pemasok terbesar di wilayah tersebut dan hampir dapat dikatakan merupakan usaha monopoly. • Otoritas manajemen dipegang oleh Presiden perusahaan, Joe Springer, beserta kedua anaknya, yaitu Bill (wakil presiden bag. Pembelian) dan Ted (Controller), serta beberapa saudaranya dan teman mereka yang bekerja di bagian penggajian. Springer memiliki 10 % saham perusahaan. • Maria yakin Bahwa Ted Springer tampaknya terlibat dalam praktek “creative accounting.” untuk membuat Springer’s menjadi salah satu toko Northwest dengan kinerja terbaik. SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (AK069)
Pendahuluan • Jason mempertimbangkan isu – isu berikut: • Haruskan Jason mendeskripsikan transaksi tersebut dalam Laporannya? • Apakah pelanggaran atas prosedur pengendalian yang sesuai dapat diterima apabila hal tersebut telah diotorisasi oleh pihak management? • Berdasarkan tugas mengenai prosedur pengendalian yang diberikan ke Jason, apakah dia memiliki tanggung jawab Profesi atau Etika untuk ikut campur dalam hal tersebut ? SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (AK069)
Ancaman – Ancaman atas SIA • Kehancuran karena bencana Alam dan Politik? • Kebakaran atau panas berlebih (fire or excessive heat) • Banjir (floods) • Gempa bumi (earthquakes) • Badai Angin (high winds) • Peperangan (war) SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (AK069)
Ancaman – Ancaman atas SIA • Error pada Software dan tidak berfungsinya peralatan? • Kegagalan Hadrware • Kesalahan atau kerusakan pada software • Kegagalan sistem Operasi • Gangguan dan Fluktuasi Listrik • Kesalahan pengiriman data yg tidak terdeteksi SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (AK069)
Ancaman – Ancaman atas SIA • Tindakan yang tidak disengaja? • Kecelakaan yang disebabkan oleh kesalahan manusia • Kesalahan atau penghapusan karena ketidaktahuan • Hilangnya atau salah letaknya data • Kesalahan pada logika sistem • System yang tidak memenuhi kebutuhan perusahaan atau tidak mampu menangani tugas yang diberikan. SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (AK069)
Ancaman – Ancaman atas SIA • Tindakan sengaja (Kejahatan Komputer) • Sabotase • Penipuan melalui komputer • Pencurian SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (AK069)
Mengapa Ancaman – ancaman SIA Meningkat ? • Peningkatan Jumlah of client/server systems berarti bahwa Informasi yang tersedia untuk Jumlah yang tidak terprediksi bagi para pekerja. • Karena LANs and client/server systems mendistribusikan data kebanyak pemakai, mereka lebih sulit dikendalikan daripada sistem komputer utama yang terpusat. • WAN memberikan pelanggan dan Pemasok akses ke sistem dan data mereka satu sama lain, yang menimbulkan kekhawatiran dalam hal kerahasian. SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (AK069)
Mengapa Pengendalian dan Keamanan Komputer Penting • Sebagai seorang yang mengerti Akuntansi dan Teknologi Informasi Anda harus memahami bagaimana cara melindungi sistem dari ancaman- ancaman yang dihadapi. Sehingga dapat menggunakan Teknologi informasi dalam mencapai tujuan pengendalian Perusahaan. SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (AK069)
Tinjauan Menyeluruh Konsep – konsep pengendalian Apakah Internal Control? Internal Control adalah rencana organisasi dan metode bisnis yang digunakan untuk menjaga aset, memberikan informasi yang akurat dan handal, mendorong dan memperbaiki efisiensi jalannya organisasi, serta mendorong kesesuaian dengan kebijakan yang telah ditetapkan. SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (AK069)
Overview of Control Concepts • What is management control? • Management control encompasses the following three features: • It is an integral part of management responsibilities. • It is designed to reduce errors, irregularities, and achieve organizational goals. • It is personnel-oriented and seeks to help employees attain company goals. SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (AK069)
Internal Control Classifications • The specific control procedures used in the internal control and management control systems may be classified using the following four internal control classifications: • Preventive, detective, and corrective controls • General and application controls • Administrative and accounting controls • Input, processing, and output controls SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (AK069)
Information Systems Auditand Control Foundation • The Information Systems Audit and Control Foundation (ISACF) recently developed the Control Objectives for Information and related Technology (COBIT). • COBIT consolidates standards from 36 different sources into a single framework. • The framework addresses the issue of control from three vantage points, or dimensions: SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (AK069)
Information Systems Auditand Control Foundation • Information: needs to conform to certain criteria that COBIT refers to as business requirements for information • IT resources: people, application systems, technology, facilities, and data • IT processes: planning and organization, acquisition and implementation, delivery and support, and monitoring SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (AK069)
The Control Environment • The first component of COSO’s internal control model is the control environment. • The control environment consists of many factors, including the following: • Commitment to integrity and ethical values • Management’s philosophy and operating style • Organizational structure SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (AK069)
The Control Environment • The audit committee of the board of directors • Methods of assigning authority and responsibility • Human resources policies and practices • External influences SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (AK069)
Control Activities • The second component of COSO’s internal control model is control activities. • Generally, control procedures fall into one of five categories: • Proper authorization of transactions and activities • Segregation of duties SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (AK069)
Control Activities • Design and use of adequate documents and records • Adequate safeguards of assets and records • Independent checks on performance SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (AK069)
Proper Authorization of Transactions and Activities • Authorization is the empowerment management gives employees to perform activities and make decisions. • Digital signature or fingerprint is a means of signing a document with a piece of data that cannot be forged. • Specific authorization is the granting of authorization by management for certain activities or transactions. SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (AK069)
Segregation of Duties • Good internal control demands that no single employee be given too much responsibility. • An employee should not be in a position to perpetrate and conceal fraud or unintentional errors. SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (AK069)
Custodial Functions Handling cash Handling assets Writing checks Receiving checks in mail Authorization Functions Authorization of transactions Recording Functions Preparing source documents Maintaining journals Preparing reconciliations Preparing performance reports Segregation of Duties SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (AK069)
Segregation of Duties • If two of these three functions are the responsibility of a single person, problems can arise. • Segregation of duties prevents employees from falsifying records in order to conceal theft of assets entrusted to them. • Prevent authorization of a fictitious or inaccurate transaction as a means of concealing asset thefts. SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (AK069)
Segregation of Duties Segregation of duties prevents an employee from falsifying records to cover up an inaccurate or false transaction that was inappropriately authorized. SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (AK069)
Design and Use of Adequate Documents and Records • The proper design and use of documents and records helps ensure the accurate and complete recording of all relevant transaction data. • Documents that initiate a transaction should contain a space for authorization. SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (AK069)
Design and Use of Adequate Documents and Records • The following procedures safeguard assets from theft, unauthorized use, and vandalism: • effectively supervising and segregating duties • maintaining accurate records of assets, including information • restricting physical access to cash and paper assets • having restricted storage areas SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (AK069)
Adequate Safeguards ofAssets and Records • What can be used to safeguard assets? • cash registers • safes, lockboxes • safety deposit boxes • restricted and fireproof storage areas • controlling the environment • restricted access to computer rooms, computer files, and information SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (AK069)
Independent Checkson Performance Independent checks ensure that transactions are processed accurately are another important control element. SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (AK069)
Independent Checkson Performance • What are various types of independent checks? • reconciliation of two independently maintained sets of records • comparison of actual quantities with recorded amounts • double-entry accounting • batch totals SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (AK069)
Independent Checkson Performance • Five batch totals are used in computer systems: • A financial total is the sum of a dollar field. • A hash total is the sum of a field that would usually not be added. SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (AK069)
Independent Checkson Performance • A record count is the number of documents processed. • A line count is the number of lines of data entered. • A cross-footing balance test compares the grand total of all the rows with the grand total of all the columns to check that they are equal. SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (AK069)
Learning Objective 5 Evaluate a system of internal accounting control, identify its deficiencies, and prescribe modifications to remedy those deficiencies. SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (AK069)
Risk Assessment • The third component of COSO’s internal control model is risk assessment. • Companies must identify the threats they face: • strategic — doing the wrong thing • financial — having financial resources lost, wasted, or stolen • information — faulty or irrelevant information, or unreliable systems SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (AK069)
Risk Assessment • Companies that implement electronic data interchange (EDI) must identify the threats the system will face, such as: • Choosing an inappropriate technology • Unauthorized system access • Tapping into data transmissions • Loss of data integrity SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (AK069)
Risk Assessment • Incomplete transactions • System failures • Incompatible systems SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (AK069)
Risk Assessment Some threats pose a greater risk because the probability of their occurrence is more likely. For example: • A company is more likely to be the victim of a computer fraud rather than a terrorist attack. • Risk and exposure must be considered together. SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (AK069)
Learning Objective 6 Conduct a cost-benefit analysis for particular threats, exposures, risks, and controls. SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (AK069)
Estimate Cost and Benefits • No internal control system can provide foolproof protection against all internal control threats. • The cost of a foolproof system would be prohibitively high. • One way to calculate benefits involves calculating expected loss. SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (AK069)
Estimate Cost and Benefits • The benefit of a control procedure is the difference between the expected loss with the control procedure(s) and the expected loss without it. Expected loss = risk × exposure SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (AK069)
Information and Communication • The fourth component of COSO’s internal control model is information and communication. SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (AK069)
Information and Communication • Accountants must understand the following: • How transactions are initiated • How data are captured in machine-readable form or converted from source documents • How computer files are accessed and updated • How data are processed to prepare information • How information is reported • How transactions are initiated SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (AK069)
Information and Communication • All of these items make it possible for the system to have an audit trail. • An audit trail exists when individual company transactions can be traced through the system. SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (AK069)
Monitoring Performance • The fifth component of COSO’s internal control model is monitoring. • What are the key methods of monitoring performance? • effective supervision • responsibility accounting • internal auditing SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (AK069)
Case Conclusion • What happened to Jason’s report? • A high-level internal audit team was dispatched to Montana. • The team discovered that the problems identified by Jason occurred almost exclusively in transactions with three large vendors from whom Springer’s had purchased several million dollars of inventory. SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (AK069)
Case Conclusion • One of the Springers held a significant ownership interest in each of these three companies. • They also found evidence that several of Springer’s employees were paid for more hours than documented by timekeeping, and that inventories were overstated. • Northwest settled the case with the Springers. SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI (AK069)