The Aquarium Experience • Education at the Aquarium is delivered with a fun, hands-on approach that creates a memorable, personal experience for children and their teachers. This delivery, coupled with a focus on conservation, creates an opportunity for behaviour change - instilling a sense of stewardship for the environment. Thus, Aquarium educators play a vital role in fulfilling the Aquarium’s mission by helping children build emotional connections to marine animals, teaching them to understand the natural world and actively engaging them in conservation initiatives such as the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup.
BIOLOGY 11 AQUARIUM FIELD TRIP • Meeting at 9:00 for attendance at the “Meeting Spot” (next slide!) at AQUAQUEST • You are responsible for your own transportation to the Aquarium. The #19 STANLEY PARK BUS from Waterfront Station (I’ll show you in a minute!) • What to wear: Dress for ALL weather. Some galleries are outside. • Bring a bagged lunch or bring money for lunch. Lunch is not provided.
How to get to the Aquarium • The Aquarium is in Stanley Park • From Eric Hamber • Depart at 8:25am • Take the Canada Line Train from Oakridge Centre towards Waterfront Station (Downtown) • Get off at Waterfront Station at 8:36am • Walk to WB w Pender St NS Granville St. • Take the 19 Stanley Park: Departing at 8:44 • Arrive at Stanley Park at 8:55 at the Bus Loop near the Miniature train. • Follow the signs and walk to the Aquarium Meeting place.
In the Wet Lab • Please follow all instructions from Aquarium Staff and Volunteers. • Any misbehavior is unacceptable and you will be asked to leave. A call home may be necessary. • No Cameras or Cell Phones allowed in the wet lab. THEY WILL BE DAMAGED BY SALT WATER!!!!!
In the Aquarium Galleries • Please respect all the visitors to the aquarium. • BE VERY VERY respectful to ALL the animals!!! • Take your time. If an area is too busy, explore another area and come back to it later. • You can purchase lunch or items from the souvenir shop with your own money. • You can bring your own lunch inside. I like eating lunch by the Beluga tank!
Show Times • You should probably be in line or waiting for a show at least 15 minutes before it starts. It gets packed quick! TRUST ME!!! The Aquarium has big TV’s that display the times for shows
Show times examples for today. (not Thursday but they rarely change) • 4D The Great Salmon Run • 11:15, 12:15, 1:15 • Spotlight on Penguins • Dolphin Show 1:00pm and 3:30pm • Beluga Show 2:00 • Caring for Dolphins 10:00am • The Secret Lives of Sharks • Seal and Sea Lion Show
AQUARIUM BONUS PROJECT • A PowerPoint Slide Photo Journal • Connecting with Diverse Species and Habitats by using photographs and observation skills. • Can be done in a group of no more than 3 people. 1-3 per group. Doesn’t have to be same class. • Using your own cameras to capture photos. • Submitting to http://www.mrpenton.com by April 1st. • 1 bonus percent on term 3 for each group member. • I will provide you with an information sheet on Thursday at the meeting point.
Aquarium bonus project • Explore all of the galleries at the Vancouver Aquarium. Using a scientific lens, write a caption for each specific photograph that describes the particular animal interaction, abiotic/biotic factors, adaptation, and/or environmental factor at play in the photograph. • Produce a 5 page PowerPoint File with photos and captions and information. • All photos need captions: • What is happening in the photo, any relationship or factors present, details around the specific species or habitat, why the photo is a favorite, etc.
AQUARIUM BONUS PROJECT • Title Page including the species you choose to observe. Photo! Caption… • Photo of your group members with the species as proof. Be creative. Photo! Caption • Info on the species. Size, Range, Habitat. What other species are in the environment. What are the abiotic factors etc..? Photo! Caption • What adaptations does your species have for its environment? Photo! Caption • Why did you chose this species? Photo! Caption
AQUARIUM BONUS PROJECT ADAPTATION IDEAS • Symbiotic relationship? • Warning coloration? • Camouflage? • Affixed itself to the glass surface of the tank? • Animal with blubber? • Endangered or threatened species • Behavioral or physiological adaptation? • Or a scenario of your choice but must be explained in your slideshow.
At 3:00pm • You will have 3 attendances throughout the day. • First at 9:00am • Second during your Wet Lab Experience. • Third at 3:00pm • You are dismissed at 3:00. • You are responsible for your own way home.
CLASS PHOTO • Lets take a class photo at 9:00am!