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“Demystifying the EYFS” Training Course Session 1 . Liz Corr Pippa Williams. Introductions . Health and Safety of the building Breaks Talk to the person opposite to you…… A childhood memory that you could use in your child care practice Your childcare experience
“Demystifying the EYFS” Training Course Session 1 Liz Corr Pippa Williams
Introductions • Health and Safety of the building • Breaks • Talk to the person opposite to you…… • A childhood memory that you could use in your child care practice • Your childcare experience • One thing that you would like to get out of this course • Feedback
You will need to complete 2 courses to become a registered childminder AN ON LINE COURSE CYPOP5 Understand how to set up a home based service 10 day CLASSROOM BASED COURSE EYFS Pre Registration Course
Pre registration expectations • Provide evidence by SESSION 6.6.2014 of booking on the CYPOP5 • Provide evidence of your space in accordance with EYFS requirements • Please bring along the following documents to ALL sessions. • EYFS Statutory framework 2014 • Early Years Outcomes • The EYFS Progress Check at age two • Development Matters 2012 You will need to download these from: • http://www.foundationyears.org.uk/eyfs-2014/ • Or but them for £9.95 from 4Children http://www.4children.org.uk/Resources/Detail/Full-Resource-Pack-Statutory-Framework-for-the-EYFS-2012 • Childminderswill be required to complete weekly homework which will be collated as your Portfolio of Evidence that will support your registration and quality childminding –this will be looked at during the training and when you collect application form • You will need to bring to each session your ring binder folder with plastic sheets for your work • Each session will start promptly at 9.30 am and finish at 3pm
Course Outline • Session 1 Introduction To EYFS/ Health and Safety Session 2 Health and Safety • Session 3 CLL and PD -Learning And Development • Session 4 PSED- Learning And Development • Session 5 Observation,Assessment- Specific Areas of Learning -Learning And Development • Session 6 Inclusion QA • Session 7 Partnerships, Transitions QA
Session Aims • To begin the process of becoming familiar with the structure and elements of the EYFS • To know how to establish a safe and healthy child care environment in a home based setting • To familiarise with the Hackney Childminder Website in order to support my practice
What’s in the EYFS? http://www.4children.org.uk/Resources/Detail/Full-Resource-Pack-Statutory-Framework-for-the-EYFS-2012 http://www.foundationyears.org.uk/eyfs-2014/ http://www.foundationyears.org.uk/early-years-foundation-stage-2012/ • What you have to do by law • non statutory guidance for • practitioners • A know How Guide • The non statutory guidance • material support practitioners • in implementing eyfs • Statutory framework for EYFS • Early Years Outcomes • The EYFS Progress check at age two • Development Matters in the EYFS
Key messages of EYFS • Quality and consistency in all early years settings • A secure foundation through learning and development opportunities which are planned around the needs and interests if each individual child and assessed and reviewed regularly • Partnership working –between practitioners and with parents and/or carers • Equality of opportunity and anti discriminatory practice, ensure every child in included and supported
EYFS Space Requirements • You will need to calculated the numbers of children you can care for using the EYFS Space requirements which are set out in EYFS Page 24 paragraph 3.56 (please note this does not include kitchen, storage, thorough fares). • To calculate the numbers of children use the following guide and example. Playroom clear space available—2.5mtrs x 2.5mtrs=6.25 square metres divide by 2.5 = 2 x(2 yr olds) • The maximum number of children will be 2 -2yr olds in this space • You will need to include your own children under 8 yrs in the space. • If you care for any children aged eight and over this may affect the number of children you can care for under eight.
Preparing for your ideal environment • If you had an ideal setting what would it look like? • Eg……. Play areas, toys, resources, safety, outdoors, sleep, meal times, toilet, • (think about positive childhood experience to help you) • Draw or write your ideas…….
ENABLING ENVIRONMENTS Make sure your environment provides opportunities for children to access activities across the 7 areas of learning. Make sure it is inviting for children?
Provide lots of opportunities for babies and young children to explore natural materials?
Ensure your toys are labelled to help children to choose what they want to play with?
Provide a messy and creative play area? Display children’s art work?
Provide a role play area? Provide role play resources value different cultures?
Provide an area where children can choose to construct and build? Do the resources meet the needs of the children in your care?
Provide a comfortable area where children can enjoy books together? Provide books in dual languages? Do your books represent positive images of different cultures, religion, gender and disability.
Children should have daily opportunities to play and explore outdoors?
Children’s Safety • Every year around 1 million children are taken to hospital after an accident at home. • The vast majority of these accidents happen to children under five years old. • It can be difficult to walk the line between keeping children safe from accidental injury and over protecting them. • Children need the right to explore their surroundings safely.
Establishing a “safe” and “healthy” environment in a home based setting Links to EYFS Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements Page 23- Safety and suitability of premises, environment and equipment Page 21 Health smoking Outings Accident and Injury Medicines Risk Assessment Premises Food and Drink Safety
Group Activity Group Activity to Identify Risks and Take Action • In a group discuss the potential hazards you may encounter and the action you would take when caring for a small group younger children of differing ability in your • main play area or kitchen /bathroom, bedroom/hallway/rest area, garden for children. Make a list and be ready to feedback to the large group
SWR – Safety and Suitably premises, environment and equipment- Page 23-page 26 Page 25 3.63 Risk Assessment The provider must have a clear and well-understood policy, and procedures, for assessing any risks to children’s safety, and review risk assessments regularly . The risk assessment should identify aspects of the environment that need to be checked on a regular basis: when and by whom those aspects will be checked, and how the risk will be removed or minimised Page 25 3.64 Outings Children must be kept safe on outings, and providers must obtain written parental permissions for children to take depart in outings Providers must assess the risks or hazards which may arise for the children, and must identify the steps to be taken to remove, minimise and manage those risks and hazards
Page 22-23 Accident or injury Provider must ensure there is a first aid box accessible at all times with appropriate content for use with children Providers must keep a written record of accidents or injuries and any first aid treatment Provider must inform parents and or carers of any accident or injury sustained by the child on the same day, or as soon as reasonable practicable, of any first aid treatment given Providers must notify Ofsted or any serious accident, illness or injury to, or death of, any child while in their care, and of the action taken. –Offence Providers must notify local child protection agencies (LADO, ChnSocal Care) of any serious accident, or injury to, or the death of, any child while in their area, and must act on any advice.
Risk Assessing Children’s Activities Read and discuss the scenarios What can you do to help children be independent and still keep them safe. • Group 1: At park with active 2yr old who wants to climb high on climbing frame • Group 2: Messy play activity for 14mth and 2yr old e.g. shavy foam, cornflour • Group 3: Cooking with 18mth and 3yr old –making pizzas • Group 4: Meal times when you have provided vegetable soup for 5 yr , 2 yr, 18mth • Group 5; Nappy changing for 14 mths and 3 y old who is going to the toilet
Outside • Group 1 Complete an Outings Risk Assessment as if you collecting from your local school with three children a 2yr, 4yr and 6 yr old. • Group 2 Complete a risk assessment for a garden
Scenarios • Group 1 -You are carrying out a Fire Drill with a group of children. It goes well and all the children respond the bell. You all meet at the assembly point, when you return to the building you discover two of the children are missing. • What do you do? • Group 2 -One of the children in your care is due to be collected at 6pm. Parent does not arrive and it is now 6.45pm. • What do you do?
How to complete Risk Assessments and Health and Safety Policy • Risk Assessments- You will need to conduct an overall risk assessment. It will need to be comprehensive and include anything that children may come into contact including activities. You need to have an ongoing recording system. Must include both in and outdoors. • Outings– you will need to have risk assessments for all outings undertaken • Templates for Risk Assessment are on the childminders website: http://trustnet.learningtrust.co.uk/childminders/pages/doc.aspx?NAME=EYFS%20Welfare%20Requirements • Health and Safety Policy -you will need to have a health and safety policy that takes account of Health and Safety Legislation and Food Hygiene Legislation, Fire Procedures, Fire Drills –(book on Food Hygiene and Health and Safety Training)
Resources to help you • EYFS statutory framework • Access training –Health and Safety, Food Hygiene, Allergies • Use local libraries • www.direct.gov.uk/childsafety • CAPT (Children Accident Prevention Trust) • Environmental Health—Food Safety Regulations • http:Download Reduce the risk of cot death 2009 edition (PDF, • 397K//www.fatallyflawed.org.uk/
Fire Safety checks • Home Fire Safety Team • 08000284428 • smokealarms@london-fire.gov.uk Please call to arrange your fire safety visit
Groups discussion • What makes accident prevention hard to put into practice?
What makes accident prevention hard to put into practice? • Finding time, or tools to fit safety equipment • How visitors can make it difficult to keep an eye on all possible dangers • How badly designed homes can contribute to accidents • How children develop so quickly and catch carers out by doing something they thought they could not do • How stressful events or feeling tired can result in momentary lapse in attention
Homework • Bring in evidence of On line PACEY CYP0P5 course • Bring in evidence of space requirements for your setting following guidance of EYFS
Homework - • All -Complete a Risk Assessment for your home and the proposed areas/activities you intend to use and provide. Eg sleeping, eating, sand, water, cooking, construction,( include Pets if you have them) • Complete a Lost child policy, and uncollected child policy • Complete Questions ….Preparing for your Registration Visit form 14,15,16,17,18,20,22,36,37 • Group 2 Complete a Fire Evacuation Procedure (include flats on/or above 3rd floor) • FEEDBACK AT NEXT SESSION
Useful Links • Health Protection Agency (HPA) - http://www.hpa.org.uk/Topics/InfectiousDiseases/InfectionsAZ/SchoolsGuidanceOnInfectionControl/ • Childminding website - http://trustnet.learningtrust.co.uk/childminders/pages/doc.aspx?NAME=EYFS%20Welfare%20Requirements • School Food Trust -http://www.schoolfoodtrust.org.uk/parents-carers/for-parents-carers/eat-better-start-better/voluntary-food-and-drink-guidelines-for-early-years-settings-in-england-a-practical-guide