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ePSI plus Welcome to Brussels

ePSI plus Welcome to Brussels. ePSI plus Conference 13 th June 2008, Brussels, Belgium. PSI Re-use - Who takes Action Next?. funded by e Content Plus. PSI Re-use - Who takes Action Next?. www.ePSI plus .net. PSI Re-use - Who takes Action Next?. www.ePSI plus .net.

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ePSI plus Welcome to Brussels

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  1. ePSIplus Welcome to Brussels ePSIplus Conference 13th June 2008, Brussels, Belgium PSI Re-use - Who takes Action Next? funded by eContentPlus

  2. PSI Re-use - Who takes Action Next? www.ePSIplus.net

  3. PSI Re-use - Who takes Action Next? www.ePSIplus.net

  4. PSI Re-use - Who takes Action Next? 0815 to 0915 hours Session 0: Registration (a) Registration (b) Informal networking QUESTIONS FOR PANEL: Pass to Chair by 1630 hours Submit in writing - Name, Country, Question www.ePSIplus.net

  5. PSI Re-use - Who takes Action Next? 0915 to 1125 hours Session 1: • Welcome and introduction to the day. Chris Corbin, Conference Chair, ePSIplus Analyst • Change, transformation and Growth, Horst Forster, Director "Content" at the European Commission's Directorate General for Information Society and Media, European Commission • The ePSIplus recommendations: an overview. Rob Davies, ePSIplus Coordinator • Strengthening the re-use case through effective regulation and policy. Carol Tullo, Director, The Office of Public Sector Information, UK • Breaking down exclusive deals and discriminatory licensing. Pamela Young. Ministry of The Interior, Netherlands and Marc de Vries, ePSIplus Analyst • Reducing charges. Gerda Schennach, Federal Office of Metrology and Surveying (BEV), Austria www.ePSIplus.net

  6. PSI Re-use - Who takes Action Next? 0925 to 0945 hours Session 1 Change, transformation and Growth,Horst Forster Director of "Digital Content and Cognitive Systems” Directorate-General for "Information Society" www.ePSIplus.net

  7. PSI Re-use - Who takes Action Next? 1010 to 1035 hours Session 1 Strengthening the re-use case through effective regulation and policy : Carol Tullo Director of Information Policy and Services, The National Archives. Director, Controller and Queen’s Printer, Office of Public Sector Information www.ePSIplus.net

  8. PSI Re-use - Who takes Action Next? 1125 to 1145 hours Refreshment break & Networking www.ePSIplus.net

  9. PSI Re-use - Who takes Action Next? 1140 to 1245 hours Session 2 • Mobilising private sector action: the PSI Alliance. Rolf Nordquist,Chair, PSI Alliance • Unlocking the potential of PSI using the web. Jennifer Rigby, Chair of the Metadata &Vocabularies Working Group, UK • Questions www.ePSIplus.net

  10. PSI Re-use - Who takes Action Next? 1245 to 1345 hours Lunch & Networking www.ePSIplus.net

  11. PSI Re-use - Who takes Action Next? 1345 to 1450 hours Session 3 • Key initiatives in spatial information and the Review of the Directive on PSI re-use. João Geirinhas, EUROGI Secretary General, Portugal • Government leadership in changing public sector culture -Latvian experience. Inese Betaga, Head of International Policy Unit, Ministry for Special Assignments for Electronic Government Affairs, Latvia • The power of the press. Michael Cross, The Guardian, UK • Parallel session briefing www.ePSIplus.net

  12. PSI Re-use - Who takes Action Next? The power of the press. Michael Cross, The Guardian, UK www.ePSIplus.net

  13. PSI Re-use - Who takes Action Next? 1455 - 1500 hours move to parallel session Parallel session Room allocation Theme 1: Law and regulation - Maelbeek Room Theme 2: Public sector culture - Passage Room Theme 3: Stimulating business - Magritte Room (Third floor) Theme 4: Pricing and charging - Polak Room Theme 5: Information management - Salom Room www.ePSIplus.net

  14. PSI Re-use - Who takes Action Next? www.ePSIplus.net

  15. PSI Re-use - Who takes Action Next? Theme <number> - Rapporteurs <name> Broadly in agreement with the draft recommendations published: YES or NO Top 3 recommendations, observations, evidence (maximum 2 lines for each) • Additional recommendation & evidence or observation • Additional recommendation & evidence or observation • Additional recommendation & evidence or observation www.ePSIplus.net

  16. PSI Re-use - Who takes Action Next? 1500 to 1615 hours - Session 4 - Parallel sessions Theme 1: Law and regulation • Introduction: Marc de Vries, ePSIplus Analyst Special input: • Landmark Netherlands v City of Amsterdam, Geoff Offen, Landmark, UK Rapporteur: Michael Fanning,Online Consultants International GmbH, Germany www.ePSIplus.net

  17. PSI Re-use - Who takes Action Next? 1500 to 1615 hours - Session 4 - Parallel sessions Theme 2: Public sector culture • Introduction: Rob Davies, ePSIplus Coordinator Special inputs: • Public sector role in improving the quality and transparency of information in Belgium, Dominique De Vos, Directrice générale adjointe de l' Agence pour la simplification administrative, Belgium • Good practice, Marcia Jackson, Head of Standards, Office of Public Sector Information (OPSI), UK • Boundaries Barriers and Best Practice, Christine Gifford, Director, Public Partners, UK (To be presented by Mary Rowlatt) Rapporteur:Mary Rowlatt, former Co-ordinator, ePSINET www.ePSIplus.net

  18. PSI Re-use - Who takes Action Next? 1500 to 1615 hours Session 4 - Parallel sessions Theme 3: Stimulating business • Introduction: Gerhard Wagner, ePSIplus Analyst Special inputs: • Market Surveys, Gaby Boele-Keimer, MICUS, Germany • Facilitating re-use of spatial information and privacy, Dr Moritz Karg, Independent Centre for Privacy Protection, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany • Bodensee – Geodatenpool - a cross-border project, Gerda Schennach, Federal Office of Metrology and Surveying (BEV), Austria Rapporteur:Miira Paasilinna, Diges, Finland www.ePSIplus.net

  19. PSI Re-use - Who takes Action Next? 1500 to 1615 hours - Session 4 - parallel sessions Theme 4: Pricing and charging • Introduction: Chris Corbin, ePSIplus Analyst Special inputs: • Developing the European meteorological market through PSI pricing, Richard Pettifer, Secretary General PRIMET, UK Rapporteur: Katleen Janssen, Interdisciplinary Centre for Law and ICT (ICRI) - K.U.Leuven, Belgium www.ePSIplus.net

  20. PSI Re-use - Who takes Action Next? 1500 to 1615 hours - Session 4 - Parallel sessions Theme 5: Information management • Introduction: Brian Green, ePSIplus Analyst Special inputs: • Creation of asset registries in Spain. Rodrigo Sanchez Jiminez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid • Building a Spirit of Collaboration, CEN/ISSS WS eGov-Share. Marc Kuester,University of Applied Sciences Worms,eGov-Share PT, Germany • Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS) initiative. Meropi Paneli, European Commission Rapporteur: Mary Gianoli, ePSIplus Project Manager, UK www.ePSIplus.net

  21. PSI Re-use - Who takes Action Next? 1615 to 1630 hours Refreshment break & Networking www.ePSIplus.net

  22. PSI Re-use - Who takes Action Next? 1630 to 1645 hours Session 5 Parallel session Rapporteur reports Theme 1: Law and regulation - Michael Fanning, Online Consultants International GmbH, Germany Theme 2: Public sector culture - Mary Rowlatt, former Co-ordinator, ePSINET, UK Theme 3: Stimulating business - Miira Paasilinna, Diges, Finland Theme 4: Pricing and charging -Katleen Janssen, K.U.Leuven, Belgium Theme 5: Information management - Mary Gianoli, ePSIplus Project Manager, UK www.ePSIplus.net

  23. PSI Re-use - Who takes Action Next? 1645 to 1730 hours - Session 6 Commission and Member State response to the proceedings of the day: panel session • Javier Hernandez-Ros, Head of Unit, Digital Libraries and Public Sector Information, DG INFSO, European Commission • DominiqueDe Vos,Directrice générale adjointe de l' Agence pour la simplification administrative, Belgium • Kalliopi Angeletopoulo, Ministry of the Interior, Public Administration and Decentralisation, Greece • John Dolan, Ministry of Finance, Ireland • Carol Tullo, TheOffice of Public Sector Information, UK www.ePSIplus.net

  24. PSI Re-use - Who takes Action Next? QUESTIONS FOR PANEL: Pass to Chair by 1630 hours Please submit in writing - Name, Country, Question (Block capitals please & in English language) www.ePSIplus.net

  25. PSI Re-use - Who takes Action Next? 1730 hours Close & Farewell & Thank you for your participation www.ePSIplus.net

  26. Interested in PSI? Then why not visit: www.ePSIplus.net Register as a stakeholder in order to be to kept informed on PSI

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