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In Ontario, 3 people under the a ge of 24 commit suicide every week. A lot of them were bullied, causing a chain reaction of problems, such as depression . So…. How do we stop it?. S. u. I. C. I. d. E. And. Bullying. By James Adams And Charlie Cowdery.
In Ontario, 3 people under the age of 24 commit suicide every week.
A lot of them were bullied, causing a chain reaction of problems, such as depression.
How do we stop it?
S u I C I d E And Bullying By James Adams And Charlie Cowdery
Step one to stopping suicide: understanding what causes it • “Suicide happens when people's natural resilience and capacity to adapt are overwhelmed.” -Pipe, Andrew. “PERSONAL HEALTH Recognizing the signs of potential suicide”
Did you know that most parents underestimate depression and suicidal thoughts?
“Even though suicide is the third -leading cause of death for teens, studies show that teens and parents underestimate the risk of suicide in their own communities - they don't believe it can happen to them.” -Aase, Sara. "Understanding Suicide: Why it's a bigger risk than you think and how to recognize the signs ."
Step two to stopping suicide: Know the signs • “Research has shown that 80 percent of suicides give many clues and warnings of their intention. What are some of these clues?” -Pipe, Andrew. “PERSONAL HEALTH Recognizing the signs of potential suicide”
Those preoccupied with thoughts of death, who talk of suicide, who have had a recent disruption in relationships or environment, or who show changes in behavior, motivation and personality are particularly at risk. -Pipe, Andrew. “PERSONAL HEALTH Recognizing the signs of potential suicide”
Some signs of suicide include: -- A change in eating and sleeping habits -- A marked personality change, exhibiting angry actions or rebellious behavior or withdrawal from friends and regular activities
Signs of suicide 2 -- Difficulty in concentrating and a decline in the quality of school work -- Persistent boredom and/or lethargy
Signs of suicide 3 -- Unusual neglect of appearance -- Complaints about physical symptoms such as headaches and fatigue
Signs of suicide 4 -- A pattern of giving away or throwing away possessions -- Intolerance of praise or rewards
Signs of suicide 5 -- Preoccupation with death in writing songs or poems -- An increase in comments such as "I can't take it anymore" or "nobody cares; I wish I was dead"
Step three to stopping suicide: Stand up!! • It may just sound cliché, but bullying is wrong, and you must stand up • It is not snitching to tell on a bully • Be a good friend. Sometimes, People just need a pat on the back to make the difference. After all, you could be the difference between life and death!!
Remember what you have learned. Have a great day, and help stop bullying.