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NGFS Service Development

NGFS Service Development. Ⅲ. 1. Service Overview 2. User Scenarios 3. Service Definition 4. Key Service Flow 5. User Interface Design 6. Service Functions Analysis 7. Components & Functions Map. Speedy, Simple, and Secured Payment Advertising and Recommendation

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NGFS Service Development

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  1. NGFS Service Development Ⅲ 1. Service Overview 2. User Scenarios 3. Service Definition 4. Key Service Flow 5. User Interface Design 6. Service Functions Analysis 7. Components & Functions Map

  2. Speedy, Simple, and Secured Payment • Advertising and Recommendation • Financial Status ManagementReceipts, Account Statements, Budget • P2P Transfers, Mobile Banking, Mobile Stock Trading Applications Customers NGFS OpenPlatform • Speedy, Simple, and Secured NFC Payment • Smart coupons and advertising messages according to location recognized by GPS or LBS • Aggregation and Analysis customer’s financial status from 3rd parities; banks, securities, credit card company, etc. • Mobile • Internet Pay Merchant • POS • RF/Barcode Reader Manage CustomerFinancial Management Financial SNS* / Information Benefits & Advantages 3rd Parties • Scalability of Business • Flexibility of Business • Capability of Global Market by Open Standard Platform • Security of Customer • Reusability of SKT and SKC&C R&C • Banks • Securities • Credit card company Deals & Rewards • Financial Social NetworkShare Merchant Info., Budget Clinic, Account Clinic • Information ServiceMarket Index info., Expert Advice, Money Tech. Tips, Tax Tips, News III. NGFS Service Development 1. Service Overview Service Overview The Next Generation Financial Service(NGFS) is a package designed to address every aspect of the consumer’s financial needs via mobile network, online service, and off-line service. ** Financial SNS : Financial Social Network Service

  3. Pay Customers can pay for goods and services using Near-Field-Communication (NFC) via mobile phone by just one tapping at Point-of-Sale(POS) reader. • NFC Payment • Proximity Acceptance Infrastructure Customers are able to check and manage their financial health and use a mobile banking / stock trading via mobile phone, this optimizes the usefulness of the their mobile phone. Deals & Rewards Manage • GPS Smart Coupons • Deals in Store • Money Month • Budget • Banking • FinancialSocial Network Service • Information Customers receive coupons and advertising messages according to their location and can use coupons and reward programs more conveniently in store. Nest Generation Financial Service Secured & Trusted & Flexible Platform III. NGFS Service Development 1. Service Overview Pay, Manage and Deals & Rewards There are three services in the NGFS; Pay, Manage, and Deals&Rewards. The three services provide a personal financial management service via mobile phone and the Web.

  4. NGFS Service Development Ⅲ 1. Service Overview 2. User Scenarios 3. Service Definition 4. Key Service Flow 5. User Interface Design 6. Service Functions Analysis 7. Components & Functions Map

  5. UI Usage Model • $ Smart Budget Planner Experts GPS Smart Coupon • Research GPSMerchant, recommended information and Discount list Bank Stock Trading 10%DC Coupon 5%DC Coupon ME WE NFC Payment • Pay inmart by Mobile • Receive Reciept to Mobile • Check the total amount of expense • Caution Message if total expense is over budget NGFS Finance Social Network • Check other user’s opinion about merchant • Research restaurant information and recommended information. Discount Point Other NGSF Member • Check and benchmark people who have similarity with me about their merchant and budget data. III. NGFS Service Development 2. User Scenarios • Check account information • Check stock Information • Mobile trading. • Transfer money to others • P2P • Make Budget • Professional advise for Budget • The assessment of Budget is Good. Reward • Write opinion about the merchant after using and receive point • Point can be used for discount.

  6. NGFS Service Development Ⅲ 1. Service Overview 2. User Scenarios 3. Service Definition 4. Key Service Flow 5. User Interface Design 6. Service Functions Analysis 7. Components & Functions Map

  7. NFC Payment • Smart Payment Tool : Tap and Go • Convenient Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) • Support optimized payment scheme(EMV, Smart Tag, Payment MIDlet) • Support payment by credit card, debit card, e-Cash, and coupon Receipt Delivery • Deliver electronic receipts to a customer(merchant #, time, date, total amount, discount info, tax, etc.) • For the case of Non-NFC and Non-Mobile, send SMS or MMS containing a URL link to view receipts online • For the case of Mobile NFC, MIDlet in the customer’s phone invokes payment and delivers receipt through the RF modem Acquirer Merchant III. NGFS Service Development 3. Service Definition Pay Pay provides customer with various mobile payment options including Near Field Communication (NFC) payment capability which can be used at any merchants equipped with compatible NFC reader. Mobile Payment Contactless Card Mobile NFC Magnetic Card A customer can pay for goods and services using Near-Field-Communication (NFC) via mobile phone by just one tapping at a Point-of-Sale(POS) reader. NFC Non-NFC Non-Mobile Mobile NFC* Authentication & Authorization Convenience & Security Bank Credit card company E-Cash Issuer

  8. A customer can check and manage his financial health, and do mobile banking and stock trading via his mobile phone Money Month & Budget Banking • P2P transfers by the account linked to customer’s phone number. • Mobile Banking • Mobile Stock Trading • Quick and easy check on a statement and financial status at a glance • My NGFS, My Account, Manage Account • Budget Planner, Alert, Reports Financial Network Service Information • Share service experience on a merchant • Anonymously share budget planning and expense handling with others • Market Index info. • Expert Advice • Money Tech. Tips • Tax Tips • News 3rd Parties Manage III. NGFS Service Development 3. Service Definition Manage Manage provides customers with instant and ubiquitous access to finance services such as balance checking, money transfer, stock trading and additional value-added services and information. • Manage transactions & feedbacks • Dashboard at a glance Bank Securities Aggregate customer’s financial info Credit Card Service Providers Money Month Budget Banking Financial SNS Information

  9. A customer receives coupons on his/her mobile phone and local advertisement based on his location, and can conveniently use coupons and reward programs at a participating store GPS Smart Coupon Deals in Store • Deliver local advertisements based on GPS or LBS location recognition of a customer • Sales & product promotion tool to the specific targeted customers • Deliver coupons for shops around a customer • Best-fit payment recommendation using smart payment tool(Barcode, NFC, etc.) • Provide information on a reward program Merchant Deals&Rewards III. NGFS Service Development 3. Service Definition Deals & Rewards Deals & Rewards is a location based service using GPS to provide advertising services, mobile-phone based couponing service and reward programs. GPS ScanningCoupon Check Location • Advertisement • Coupon • Best-fit payment recommendation Request Deals Public KIOSK Coupon Rewards Advertizing Intelligent Advice Information

  10. NGFS Service Development Ⅲ 1. Service Overview 2. User Scenarios 3. Service Definition 4. Key Service Flow 5. User Interface Design 6. Service Functions Analysis 7. Components & Functions Map

  11. Mobile Device NGFS Merchant Acquirer Customer 3-2 3-1 8 1 2 7 4 5 6 Payment MIDlet III. NGFS Service Development 4. Key Service Flow 1. Pay NFC Payment (1/2) Customers can pay for the goods and services by tapping the mobile devices linked with their checking or credit account. If the payment application on the mobile device supports EMV(Europay-Master-Visa), the NFC payment would be processed according to the EMV specification. Purchasing goods and services Authentication &Authorization Payment Request (by cashier) ( In case of Macro Payment, including PIN verification result) Execute Payment MIDletand PIN verify ( For case of Macro Payment, optional) Tag on Reader(NFC Payment processing by EMV or specific protocol) Bank Payment Result (by cashier) Credit Card E-Cash Issuer Payment message ( product name, date, retailer info, total amount, discount info, etc) CustomerDB Sending Transaction Information Save Transaction Information / Rating ( product name, date, retailer info, total amount, discount info, etc., optional ) ( additional process)

  12. III. NGFS Service Development 4. Key Service Flow 1. Pay NFC Payment (2/2) Below is the detailed description of the NFC payment process flow

  13. Conventional Payment Mobile NFC Payment Customer Merchant 1.Payment approval 2.Payment message via NFC NGFS Acquirer 3.Show Transaction Information III. NGFS Service Development 4. Key Service Flow 1. Pay Delivery of Transaction Information After the payment is approved user can verify the transaction information using NGFS MIDlet. • In case of Mobile NFC Payment, an e-Receipt is available to be stored in the mobile device after the payment is approved. • Other than Mobile NFC Payment, the customer gets an SMS message to verify transaction information after the payment is approved. • Furthermore, the customer is able to get detailed transaction information by using NGFS MIDlet for more detailed transaction information. NGFS MIDlet Reader POS Mobile Device 1.Payment Approval 3.Send SMS including link to receipt info. 4. Check receipt through MIDlet 2. Send Transaction information (real-time or batch)

  14. III. NGFS Service Development 4. Key Service Flow 1. Pay Collecting Transaction Information from 3rd Parties On collecting receipts from 3rd Parties, there are the two major consideration; pre-registration of credit/debit card number and possibility of real-time transaction information collecting.

  15. Agreement with service and permission for storing account information Accountauthentication Upload transaction records ( via online web, file upload; data form is OFX, QFX, QIF, OFC , etc.) My NGFS Save transaction record ( via mobile, after making payment ) My Accounts Request Money Month Aggregate personal financial status Deliver latest aggregation information Mobile Device ( financial status info. and benchmark info.) Manage Accounts ( Account balance & statement, credit card records, etc.) Present in charts and graphs Customer DB Request new aggregation • Account Info • Credit card records • Transaction records Notify aggregation finish with SMS 3rd Parties NGFS Customer (In case that Step 6 is requested via mobile) New aggregation 8-1 1-1 2-2 2-3 6 4 3 8-2 1-2 2-1 5 Online Web Deliver newly aggregated information 7 (In case that Step 6 is requested via online web) III. NGFS Service Development 4. Key Service Flow 2. Manage Money Month Customer can check his or her financial portfolio status at a glance, manage his or her accounts (e.g., bank account, credit account, transaction records, credit card records, and etc.), and export to data files. Bank Credit Card Securities Service Provider

  16. III. NGFS Service Development 4. Key Service Flow 2. Manage Money Month Below is the detailed description of Money Month service flow.

  17. Customer DB • Budge Info. • Transaction records Customer NGFS 2-3 2-4 3-3 3-3 3-1 2-1 2-2 1-2 1-1 1 III. NGFS Service Development 4. Key Service Flow 2. Manage Budget Budget service allows customers to set up budget more quickly and easily for family and miscellaneous personal purpose. It helps the user manage his/her spendings by generating monthly and yearly reports and lets the user compare the budget with others. Budget planning Planner Reference previous budget Set maximum valuefor alerting Alerting by SMS or Email Alert ( when the expense data stored on the server exceeds the budget) Analysis expense data Mobile Device If necessary, budget re-planning Add-uptransaction records Add-uptransaction records Reports expense list including comparison with others by monthly and yearly Reports Others’ budget & expense info. Online Web ( into excel, CSV, OFX, QFX, XML, etc.) Analysis and sum up expense data

  18. Mobile Device Online Web Recipient 3rd Parties Sender NGFS 5-1 7 1 2 7 3 5 6 4 III. NGFS Service Development 4. Key Service Flow 2. Manage Banking : P2P Transfer P2P Transfer service lets customers send and receive money using mobile phone without having to know account details of the recipient. The recipient’s phone number is all you need to know to transfer money, provided that the recipient is a registered user. Agreement with service and permission for storing account information Notification Check balance Confirmation Request to send money Virtual Account ( with recipient’s phone #, amount, short message) Agreement with service Mobile Device S R ( if the recipient is not a NGPS member) Value transfer Notify transfer result Notify transfer result Online Web • Linked to Customer’s phone # • Account Authentication • Top-up & Withdrawing Bank Bank

  19. Mobile Device Customer DB • Account Info. • Bank Info Process • Step 1~4: Service Subscription and MIDlet Download • Step 5: Confirmation of Service Subscription via Mobile Device • Step 6~8: Mobile Banking 3rd Parties Customer MNO NGFS 4 8 6 2 1 7 3 5 MIDlet DB III. NGFS Service Development 4. Key Service Flow 2. Manage Banking : Mobile Banking Mobile Banking service securely provides users with banking services like account inquiry, fund transfer and bill payment from their mobile phone. Service subscription request Customer information Registration Bank SMS linked to download URL Banking Interface Confirm service subscription via MIDlet Banking requests e-Banking activities ( Inquiry account info., Money transfer, Bill payment ) Delivery banking results Banking MIDlet downloading

  20. Service subscription request Customer information Registration Securities SMS linked to download URL Securities Interface Mobile subscription confirmation via MIDlet e-Trading Activities Trading requests ( Inquiry portfolio market price & chart,Stocks selling and buying, Inquiry account balance & statement) Mobile Device Customer DB Delivery trading results • Account Info. • Securities Info Process Process • Step 1~4: Service Subscription and MIDlet Download • Step 5: Confirmation of Service Subscription via Mobile Device • Step 6~8: Mobile Stock Trading Securities MIDlet download Customer MNO 3rd Parties NGFS 8 7 5 1 3 4 2 6 MIDlet DB III. NGFS Service Development 4. Key Service Flow 2. Manage Banking : Mobile Stock Trading Stock Trading service provides the stock trading platform from mobile device, delivering real-time quotes and other useful information

  21. Merchant Info.management Purchasing and paying for goods and services Posting service ratings Other Customers Financial Social Network Track-back and crawling Blog Mobile Device Merchant Info. Community Process Inquiry others’ feedback Merchants referral for registration Operator • Step 1: Merchant info. and community management • Step 2: Posting Feedback • Step 3: Sharing Merchant Info. Merchant NGFS Customer 1-1 2-1 1-3 3-2 2-2 3-1 1-2 Customer DB Merchant DB Map DB Merchant registration and community management Payment MIDlet III. NGFS Service Development 4. Key Service Flow 2. Manage Financial SN : Share Merchant Information Share Merchant Information offers a financial social networking platform for customers to blog their experiences in the merchant information communities and share their feedbacks.

  22. Other Customers Mobile Device Experts Online Web Sender NGFS 3 5 4 2 1 III. NGFS Service Development 4. Key Service Flow 2. Manage Financial Social Network : Budget Clinic Budget Clinic service allows customers share their budget with other members and compare it against other customer’s budget and also expert advice can be obtained. Budget planning Budget Planner Open Budget Financial Social Network Review and advice Blog Refer to advices and peer comparisons Budget Clinic Community If necessary, budget re-planning Customer DB Budget Info.

  23. Upload transaction records My Accounts Aggregate account info. and collect transaction info. automatically Open Expenses Refer to advices and peer comparisons Financial Social Network Blog Other Customers Mobile Device Account Clinic Community Review and advice Experts Online Web Customer 3rd Parties NGFS 1-1 2 1-2 4 3 III. NGFS Service Development 4. Key Service Flow 2. Manage Financial Social Network : Account Clinic Account Clinic service allows customers share their account information with other members and compare it against other customer’s account and also expert advice can be obtained. Bank Credit Card Securities Expenses Info. Service Provider

  24. Set up personalization factors Check authority for accessing contents Payment Request information A&A If needed, transfer to payment process ( In case of paid contents) Push or collect information Mobile Device ( Market index info., News) Recommendation Information Market index info. Deliver information (web, email, SMS) Expert advice Experts Money tech. tips Advice ( Money tech. tips, Tax tips) Tex tips Online Web Customer 3rd Parties NGFS 3 2-1 4-1 2-2 1 5 News 4-2 III. NGFS Service Development 4. Key Service Flow 2. Manage Financial SN : Information Through Information service customers can receive personalized information service. It includes market index information, expert advice for investments, money tech. tips, tax tips, market news and etc. Bank Credit Card Securities Customer DB Contents DB Service Provider

  25. Location Manager Location Detection Select target customer and suggest optimum deals Recommendation Send coupon lists or SMS advertising Coupons Request coupon downloads Select coupon(s) Coupon downloadings Mobile Device Operator 2 Register Coupons Customer LBS & GPS Merchant 3rd Parties NGFS 4 7 3 5 6 1 Cashiers scan barcode coupons and process the payments Merchant Product Provider Service Provider III. NGFS Service Development 4. Key Service Flow 3. Deals & Rewards GPS Smart Coupon GPS Smart Coupon service transmit advertising messages with discount coupons to customers according to their location and preferences. Merchant DB Deals DB Customer DB

  26. Request deals information Location Manager Select dealsinformation Send coupon list or SMS advertising Select coupon Recommendation Request coupon downloads Mobile Device Coupon downloading Coupons Tap on reader at POS or KIOSK and get merchant or location identification Operator Merchant 3rd Parties NGFS Customer 8 7 1 6 4 5 2 Register Coupons Cashiers scan barcode coupons and process the payments 3 Merchant Product provider Service Provider III. NGFS Service Development 4. Key Service Flow 3. Deals & Rewards Deals in Store Deals in Store service notifies deals information around shops by tapping at POS or KIOSK or by searching with their phone MIDlet using keywords (e.g., service categories, landmark, street name, etc.). Merchant DB Deals DB Customer DB

  27. NGFS Service Development Ⅲ 1. Service Overview 2. User Scenarios 3. Service Definition 4. Key Service Flow 5. User Interface Design 6. Service Functions Analysis 7. Components & Functions Map

  28. Mobile UI Planning Navigation Design Function Content UI Aspects of NGFS Mobile III. NGFS Service Development 5. User Interface Design 1. Mobile UI Design Functional and simple UI will enhance user experience of financial transaction and management service. UI planning will include 4 aspects of navigation, design, function and content. • Navigation is very important for Mobile UI because its screen can show limited contents. • Simple and Fast UI is needed to reach the intended menu. • Design must be considered with variety of using environment and must not confuse or disturb Navigation’s function. • Design must express NGFS’s own identity, but still need to be under general Design Concept. • Contents must be well-designed, especially for Core contents. • Contents is under Navigation andFunction’s control, not Design’s. All contents maintain in less space with good quality. • Function must be set up to support Contents. • Function is needed to be safe from all potential restriction; some restricted function must be excepted or specialized. 134

  29. Mobile UI Planning Mobile UI Planning Strategy NGFS Mobile User Interface Friendly Trust III. NGFS Service Development 5. User Interface Design 1. Mobile UI Design NGFS’s UI and function will be set up to be reliable and convenient to reflect the characteristics of services. NGFS Mobile UI Reliability and convenience focused • Simple & Fast : Simple process with core fuction • Look & Feel : Simply Designed UI • Effectiveness & Efficiency : use small space and little function effectively for a lot of Information • Problem solution : Provide easy and fast UI to prevent problems that can be occurred by external environmental elements such as transmission speed. Usability Test • Experience Concept Planning • (ex: Expectation=feedback, • User Interface=Cultural Background) Interface Design Safety Utility Learnabilty Memorabilty Information Architecture • Look & Feel: Provide united interface • Mobile Widget: Provide tools to modify and manage for user • Usability Test Report: Analyze and reflect data about user’s experience and needs. (User’s demands and information seeking pattern analysis, Resolution/Payment/Inquiry in external environment considered) • Provide united UI for Website and mobile Effectiveness Efficiency Reliable and convenient interface should be set up to be Information Device that provides information, communication and financial transaction. 135

  30. III. NGFS Service Development 5. User Interface Design 1. Mobile UI Design Mobile UI Planning Merchant Info Support Menu Pay Deal & Reward Manage Main Menu Sub Menu Merchant Info Edit shortcut Customer Verification Get Coupon Financial Manage End Menu Smart Feedback S/W version NFC Payment Summary Reward Money Month Help Get Point Card Pay Budget Financial Transactions Expense information NGFS Mobile Money Transfer Feedback Mobile Banking Stock trading Tracks Receipt Tracking Expense Tracking 136

  31. Main Page 5 3 2 1 4 III. NGFS Service Development 5. User Interface Design 1. Mobile UI Design Mobile UI Planning Maximize convenience of UI by easy and fast menu construction and effective space use. UI Flow Shortcut to Home(Main Menu) • The movement should be general way and through all menus. • The most important needs of mobile user is Convenience. When any problems such as user’s mistake or line lose were happened, the best way is moving to home. The button, that can move to home, should be shown on every page . Easy and fast movement first than branding • To make all the space effectively, image use should be limited. • Easy and fast menu construction is important with Menu’s placement and big size. Shortcut for Core service • To reduce process to often used menu, make Shortcut for them. • Menu’s name and Image for Shortcut will help user to understand. • Shortcut can be edited up by user. Support Menu • Help, S/W Version Information will be provided. • User can edit shortcut. 137

  32. Notice Page III. NGFS Service Development 5. User Interface Design 1. Mobile UI Design Mobile UI Planning VOC(Voice of Customer)will be minimized if users can edit shortcut themselves and are provided information page about unfamiliar process. Maximize Notice and explanation page Show where it is • Explanation page should be provided for unfamiliar processed menu. • Notice page should be provided for the process that is competitively lack of generality (to minimize VOC). • Simple menu name will be more effective than continuous branding. [sub Menu Page] Shortcut • Shortcut should be shown up on all main and sub pages if it is not confusing. 138

  33. III. NGFS Service Development 5. User Interface Design 1. Mobile UI Design Mobile UI Planning Service Previews 139

  34. Web UI Strategy NGFS Web User Experience Strategy Focus Group Interview Framework Perform FGI Reflect FGI Result NGFS FGI Report Set up Framework for FGI User Experience Strategy User Interface Strategy Analysis III. NGFS Service Development 5. User Interface Design 2. Web UI Design Collecting results from the focus group interviews to derive overall user experience and user interface strategies for the web site. • America, American • Financial, Asset, Stock • Social Network, Living, Know how • Decide FGI operation Method • Confirm research design by operation method • Define Issue • Implement Analysis • Reflect Analysis Result • Share FGI framework with regional marketing Div • Perform FGI for each subject • Feedback operation result to HQ • Functional Experience (First Experience) • Emotional Experience (Secondary Experience) • Positive Experience leads user revisit the website and repetitive visit build user’s loyalty. • Reflect As-Is analyze, benchmark outcome, FGI result to the Strategy and design establishment 140

  35. Social financial management III. NGFS Service Development 5. User Interface Design 2. Web UI Design Web UI Strategy Functional experience which makes users feel convenient, is very important for financial data management. Emotional experience which satisfies user, is also very important for social network service. Positive experience comes when these two experiences were satisfied and the positive experience leads user to have loyalty. Financial Social + = NGFS Functional Experience • Openness is the basic element for functional experience. Various completed information should be provided with various share tools. • Core service should be able to be experienced on main page for usability. • Core service should be what user want, and should be able to modified by user. • Data should be shared and estimated by people who are in same group and professionals. NGFS Web User’sPositive Experience Positive Experience Emotional Experience (Secondary Experience) NGFS Emotional Experience Functional Experience (First Experience) • Users should be able to meet people who have similarities with them, and share know-how, tips, goals. • Consumption consulting service should be given with financial management service by providing effective information about life and culture. • All services, such as financial mangement, consumption management and community service, should be planned and made up to upgrade users’ life. User • Functional Experience comes when user try to achieve their purpose of visiting the site ex) getting information, shopping and etc • Emotional Experience comes when user enjoys and feels the site as well as achieving the purpose ex) Contents and service of specialty, visual image, Multimedia, Audio and etc 141

  36. Web UI Strategy Search Analysis Communication Collaboration III. NGFS Service Development 5. User Interface Design 2. Web UI Design Core feature, openness, accessibility and personalization will be foundations for deriving service elements of user interface. PFMS Finance Community Merchant info Service Strategy • Support Indexing and Ranking function to individual users for efficient management and use of searched information • Support re-search information which was obtained from outer website in IP such as favorites • Improve search engine for easy access data/information/ knowledgeby integrated search, vertical search (by topics) • Analyze usage of website contents such as communities and blogs, blog ranking etc. • Analyze userbehavior such as traffic analysis, contents usage analysis and etc. through web analytics tool • Provide personalized service according to Meta data • Share Data/Information/Knowledge by communication channel e.g. e-mail, blogs, instant messenger, online forums, etc. • Structure online virtual organization and provide shared and collaborated online space Accessibility Personalization Openness Core Feature 142

  37. Web UI Strategy Finance Community III. NGFS Service Development 5. User Interface Design 2. Web UI Design IA(Information Architecture) of website was set up from UI design strategy. Home • Introduce NGFS Service About NGFS • Provide Guideline or Demonstration for NGFS Service NGFS Tour Blog Ranking My Asset PFMS • Provide the list of expense and consume by Mobile payment, internet banking and credit card. • User can planning, view and share according to financial accomplishment SNS Management • Goal Community is forusers who have same goal. • Tag community is for something special such as know-how, certain product or certain person. • Finance Community is for consulting about other communities and user’s financial evaluation based on PFMS data. counseling People Widget Merchant Info • Provide regional, industrial and recommended Merchant information • Provide consulting service based on purchase and expense. Living Search 143

  38. Help Me(Q&A Corner) • Set up Q&A corner and Gather contents. • Through NGFS users can correct their information creating Inerrancy Main Page Blog Ranking • Share News, Blog addresses tool sets owned by individual users • Evaluate and Approve Recommendations and Favorite Checks Participation leading device • Contents sharing and discussion within Forum Social Network Tools • Functions for formation of Open Community NGFS Tour • Show how to use and play in NGFS by demonstration. Conversation leading device Service Preview • Find answers for questions and communicate on line through replies and messenger • The core service for user can be showed without moving the pages. III. NGFS Service Development 5. User Interface Design 2. Web UI Design Web UI Strategy Service Preview: NGFS Web Main Page 144

  39. My Asset Clicked Main Page My Info • Show how my asset is at the moment Credit Card & Bank Statement • Can be checked the list of Credit Card’s Use and Bank Statement Stock & Insurance & Immovable Information • Give user information about stock, insurance and immovable briefly. My Style of Expense, Saving and Investment • Give users information about themselves about what characters they have for expense, saving and investment, based on their data. III. NGFS Service Development 5. User Interface Design 2. Web UI Design Web UI Strategy Service Preview: My Asset

  40. Income & Expense Top 5 Manage Clicked Main Page • Show where I earn and spend money the most. This Month’s Budget • Show the budget of this month and how much I reach the point. Today’s Finance • Show over budget statement and Payment Plans Grape • Show the movement of your expense, Balance, Budget and Asset Tracker by grape I choose. Schedule & Memo • Let me manage my schedule with memo I write. III. NGFS Service Development 5. User Interface Design 2. Web UI Design Web UI Strategy Service Preview: Manage

  41. 3 Categories People Clicked Main Page • There are 3 categories that determine your financial type. Search • If you so not change anything, the result will be showed under your conditions. Grape • If you choose one from the 3 categories the grape will show the result of the other 2 categories. For examples, if I choose ‘Expense’ I can know what income and asset of the other people, who have similar expense amount, are. Grouped People • show the list of people who were selected by the conditions. If I want to know more about them, I can see their share page or send email or message. If they are good spender, saver or investor, I can give them stars. The list will be shown in order of the number of the stars. III. NGFS Service Development 5. User Interface Design 2. Web UI Design Web UI Strategy Service Preview: People

  42. Merchant Info Page III. NGFS Service Development 5. User Interface Design 2. Web UI Design Web UI Strategy Service Preview: Merchant Info Map Service • For user’s usability, provide map with simple merchant information. Merchant Information • Provide merchant Information in user’s language. Review • Provide users’ own experience and opinion about the contents, it will be another contents. List Tag • List of related contents. • Show the most popular related keyword.

  43. Finance Community Page III. NGFS Service Development 5. User Interface Design 2. Web UI Design Web UI Strategy Service Preview: Finance Community My Blog • Quick move to my blog and to friends’ blog. • My Favorite Keyword can tell little about me. Post • Hot Post is showed on the top of this page to catch eyes and let users search other post easily. Recommendation • Other users and professionals can give recommendation.

  44. NGFS Service Development Ⅲ 1. Service Overview 2. User Scenarios 3. Service Definition 4. Key Service Flow 5. User Interface Design 6. Service Functions Analysis 7. Components & Functions Map

  45. Services Functions Components III. NGFS Service Development 6. Service Functions Analysis Components & Functions List The Functions derived from Pay, Manage, Deals&Rewards are grouped to Components Pay Payment Private Finance Manage Deals&Rewards

  46. Services Functions Components III. NGFS Service Development 6. Service Functions Analysis Components & Functions List Pay Private Finance Marketing Supporting Tools Manage Deals&Rewards Sales Promotion

  47. Services Functions Components III. NGFS Service Development 6. Service Functions Analysis Components & Functions List Offline Device Pay Mobile Device Manage Contents Delivery Service Adaption Deals&Rewards Contents Management Partner Management Service Administration

  48. Services Functions Components III. NGFS Service Development 6. Service Functions Analysis Components & Functions List Pay External Interface Manage Authentication & Authorization Deals&Rewards Security

  49. NGFS Service Development Ⅲ 1. Service Overview 2. User Scenarios 3. Service Definition 4. Key Service Flow 5. User Interface Design 6. Service Functions Analysis 7. Components & Functions Map

  50. Contents Delivery Offline Device Mobile Device Device & Delivery Customer Care Search SNS management Remote Acceptance Carrier I/F Network security Partner workspace Customer management Communities Proximity Acceptance Recommendation Business Partner I/F Contents Metadata Channel security Settlement Billing Analysis Data protection Partner Contract Aggregation Merchant I/F Packaging & Pricing Feedback Authentication &Authorization Contents Lifecycle Bank I/F Partner Info Push Message Statistics & Reports Payment Admin workplace Financial Social Network Marketing Supporting Tools Partner Management Interface Contents Management Security Service Administration III. NGFS Service Development 7. Components & Functions Map Components & Functions Map Grouping and combination of the components and functions, Pay, Manage, and Deals&Rewards will be formed Promotion manager Loyalty Program Coupon Event Budget Manager Financial Information Merchant LocationManager Account Monitor Mobile Trading Account Book Mobile Banking Sales Promotion Money Transfers Private Finance Deals&Rewards Manage Pay

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