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One Note

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One Note

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    1. One Note What is it and why do I want to use this software?

    2. OneNote is part of the Microsoft Office package and interfaces with all Office products. It allows you to move information from other software programs, the Internet, and much more. OneNote is a POWERFUL organizational tool!

    3. All your notes located together in place Works with other Office programs Write notes Internet research Side notes Print pages from other software

    4. How does OneNote differ from other Office products? There is no Save ( only Save As ) It automatically saves your work every 3 seconds and you never loose work. Open and close is also very different. All of the available pages are always open.

    5. One Note is organized around Tabs and Pages

    6. What is new with OneNote 2010? Universal Access Sync to Cloud (Windows Live): Your notebooks sync and are available anywhere from any machine. OneNote Web App: You can access and edit your entire notebook from a browser. Even on a machine that doesn’t have OneNote installed. OneNote Mobile: A more complete OneNote version for Windows Mobile phones. Syncs whole notebooks. Syncs directly to the cloud. No need to tether your device. Richer editing support.

    7. What is new with OneNote 2010? (cont.) Sharing and Collaboration What’s new (aka Unread) highlighting: New content that someone else added or changed since you last looked at a page is highlighted so you can see what’s new on that page. Author indicator: Content written by anyone other than you has a small color coded bar to the right with their initials. At a glance you can tell who wrote something. Versioning: Quickly show past versions of any given page, who wrote it and when, with changes relative to previous versions highlighted.

    8. What is new with OneNote 2010? (cont.) IMPROVED EDITING Basic styles: OneNote 2010 adds very basic styles like Heading 1,2,3. This does not have the power of Words styling features. Bullets improvements: First level bullets now indent from previous text. Equations: OneNote 2010 now supports the ability to add math equations. OneNote will also support the ability to recognize hand written math equations and convert them when running on Windows 7. Translation tooltips: OneNote can now show you a tooltip with a translation into your native language when your mouse hovers over a foreign language word.

    9. In OneNote 2010, there is an Insert tab and a form of the ribbon…

    10. Creating New Notebooks Select file, then NEW, and Notebook You may begin from Scratch templates Microsoft Office Online OneNote Documents are store in “My Notebook” located in “My Documents.

    11. Creating Folders or Sections Tabs and folders in a notebook appear across the top of the notebook. Create by Select NEW from the One Note toolbar, the SECTION Clicking file, NEW and then SECTION OR right click just past the last tab and select NEW SECTION

    12. More about folders If there are too many folders to be visible at one time, select the “scroll” icon to view more folders or tabs The folders maybe renamed by right clicking on a tab and selecting rename.

    13. Section Groups Section groups may be created to organize in tabs to be visually more compact . There will be a subgroup listed with the tabs. The expanded form showing what is in the subgroup is one the right margin

    14. Pages Pages contain information within a folder or section. New pages are created by selecting the NEW PAGE option just above the listing of pages.

    15. Give pages a WOW look

    16. Moving Pages Pages are not in the best order for use. To move a page to a different location in a folder, select it and drag and drop it in the desired location. Pages may also be moved to another folder by selecting and then dragging to the desired folder and dropping.

    17. Grouping Pages to Move Several pages may be moved at the same time. Select the first page, hold down the shift key down and select the next page ( they become grouped); release the shift key and drag to the desired folder.

    18. Print pages from other software to OneNote OneNote installs a virtual printer on your computer and by selecting print, the document or web page may be printed to OneNote. The information will appear as a new page and will need to be placed in the notebook or section desired.

    19. Import web pages from Internet Explorer Copy and paste portions of a website into OneNote + links the url to the page so it is easily accessed again.

    20. Creating Tables Press the TAB key Begin to type Press TAB again and a new cell with appear With all the needed cells on the first line. hit Enter Now begin entering the information for row two. You may insert images into a cell.

    21. Screen Clipping Frequently, you may need a portion of a page in a different program. You use a “screen clipping . Press windows logo key + S (The screen will dim) or by right clicking the OneNote icon in the lower right corner of the task bar and launch screen clipping. Select the area of screen to make a clipping of The screen clipping is automatically placed into OneNote in unfiled notes. From this screen, highlight and cut, then move to the desired page.

    22. Move Notes on a Page All notes are printed in containers. These may be easily moved around by moving the cursor to the top of the container and a four-headed arrow appears allowing notes to be dragged anywhere on the page. Combine notes containers by holding down the SHIFT key while you drag one container to the other. Change the width of the paragraph by resizing the note container. Point to the edge of the container, and when the two-headed arrow appears, drag the edge of the container.

    23. Mathematical Calculations

    24. Want to know more? Create Flashcards in OneNote OCR Anything in OneNote Sync OneNote to Office Live to Edit Anywhere Import Evernote Notes into OneNote Save Your OneNote Notes in Different Formats

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