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Using Spectroscopic Data of Galaxies within and around Galaxy Clusters to Test Structure Formation. Doron Lemze (Johns Hopkins University)
Using Spectroscopic Data of Galaxies within and around Galaxy Clusters to Test Structure Formation Doron Lemze (Johns Hopkins University) AmataMercurio, Andrea Biviano, ItaloBalestra, PieroRosati (PI: CLASH-VLT), Mario Nonino, ElinorMedezinski, Marc Postman (PI: CLASH), Thomas Richardson, Holland Ford, Massimo Meneghetti, Keiichi Umetsu, Daniel Kelson, Marisa Girardi, Maria Pereira, Eiichi Egami,with the CLASH and CLASH-VLT teams Acknowledgement: We thank Margaret J. Geller, Kenneth Rines, Michael Kurtz, and AntonaldoDiaferio for genoruslyproviding their redshift data in advance of publication. JHU/STScI HotSci - August 2014
Outline • Two different tests for structure formation using galaxy clusters: • The mass density profile of clusters - the concentration-mass (C-M) relation (Lemze et al., in preparation). • we provided a new observational test for a key prediction of the ΛCDM cosmological model: the contributions of mergers with different halo-to-cluster mass ratios to cluster-sized halo growth (Lemze et al. 2013). JHU/STScI HotSci - August 2014
Clusters of galaxies Subaru5 bandscomposite color image MACS1206 at z=0.44 Umetsu et al. 2012 Galaxy clusters are the largest gravitationally bound structures in the universe. mass contours from joint strong- and weak-lensing analysis
20 CLASH clusters were X-ray selected • Selected to be: • “relaxed” • Tx > 5 keV • have Subaru imaging To avoid lensing biastoward high concentrations Abell 2261 Abell 209 Abell 383 Abell 611 Abell 963 20 are selected to be “relaxed” clusters (based on their X-ray properties, i.e. smooth and regular surface brightness, and small separation between the BCG and the X-ray peak). MACS 0744+3927 MACS 1115+0129 MACS 0329-0211 MACS 0429-0253 MACS 1206-0847 CLJ1226+3332 RXJ 1532+3020 MACS 1311-0310 RXJ 1347-1145 RXJ 1423+2404 Candidates were taken from: Allen et al. 2004; Schmidt & Allen 2007; Allen et al. 2008; Mantzet al. 2010 RXJ 1720+3536 MACS 1931-2634 RXJ 2129+0005 MS-2137 RXJ 2248-4431 Images were taken from the Megan Donahue ACCEPT database, see also Donahue et al. 2014
NFW mass profile Navarro, Frenk, & White 1996,1997 Navarro et al. 2004 JHU/STScI HotSci - August 2014 log r (kpc)
X-ray Vikhlinin et al. 2006 In agreement with observations Lensing Galaxy dynaimcs Diaferio, Geller, & Rines 2005 Broadhurst et al. 2005
C-M ratio - predicted Ludlow et al. 2014
C-M ratio - observed vs. predicted Newman et al. 2013 Oguri et al. 2012
Concentration values Comerford & Natarajan 2007 A1689 MS2137 JHU/STScI HotSci - August 2014
Jeans analysis Jeans eq. Velocity anisotropy All the 4 free unknowns ( , , , and ) are functions, where M is taken to be NFW. Galaxy surface number density Projected velocity dispersion JHU/STScI HotSci - August 2014
Removing interlopers using the caustics method Diaferio & Geller 1997 Diaferio 1999 JHU/STScI HotSci - August 2014
C – M relation using galaxy kinematics vs. the theoretical expectation
CLASH Characterization Theoretical predictions from about 1,400 clusters simulated at high spatial and mass resolution by Meneghettiet al. 14 (MUSIC-2: DM + adiabatic gas) • (M200, c200) measured both in 3D and 2D, taking into account projection effects • The CLASH selection function gives a heterogeneous sample of relaxed (70%) and unrelaxed (30%) clusters • CLASH X-ray selection function taken into account using Chandra X-ray image simulator (X-MAS) • c200 recovered from the lensing analysis of the CLASH clusters are c=[3-6], with an average value of 3.9 and a standard deviation of 0.6. JHU/STScI HotSci - August 2014
The selection function X is a combination of 5 X-ray morphological parameters. P(X) X Meneghetti et al. 2014 JHU/STScI HotSci - August 2014
The C – M relation using weak lensing JHU/STScI HotSci - August 2014 Umetsu et al. 2014
The C – M relation using strong and weak lensing Merten et al. 2014
Bound galaxies Identified halos – overdensity halo finder Identified halos – FoF halo finder X-ray peak Virial radius Lemze et al. 2013
The differential fraction of cluster mass accreted Data – Overdensity HF Data – FoF HF MS - Genel et al. 2010,WMAP7 MS - Genelet al. 2010,WMAP1 Lemze et al. 2013
Conclusions Except for one outlying cluster, our results for the mass-concentration relation derived by using galaxy dynamics are in ∼1σ agreement with the expected relation in ΛCDM cosmology (Lemze et al. 2014, in preparation). The mass-concentration relation based on lensing analysis is in excellent agreement with ΛCDM cosmology. For the first time, we tested a key outcome in the canonical cosmological model: the contributions of mergers with different mass ratios to cluster-size halos growth. We found ∼1σ agreement with the canonical cosmological model (Lemze et al. 2013). JHU/STScI HotSci - August 2014
Future prospects Comparing (cluster to cluster) dynamical masses with lensing masses (Merten et al. 2014; Umetsuet al. 2014) and using realistic simulations (Meneghetti et al. 2014) to better understand the systematics of both methods. Apply dynamical and lensing analyses to surveys with a larger number of clusters, and constrain the cosmological model using the cluster mass function (i.e. number of clusters in a given mass range). JHU/STScIHotSci - August 2014
The CLASH Science Team: Marc Postman, P.I. TimoAnguita BegonaAscaso ItaloBalestra Matthias Bartelmann Narciso “Txitxo” Benitez Andrea Biviano Rychard Bouwens Larry Bradley Thomas Broadhurst Justice Bruursema Dan Coe Mauricio Carrasco Nicole Czakon Megan Donahue Thomas Eicher Kevin Fogarty Holland Ford Brenda Frye Or Graur Genevieve Graves Claudio Grillo Sunil Golwala Aaron Hoffer ØleHost LeopoldoInfante SaurubhJha Yolanda Jimenez-Teja StéphanieJouvel Daniel Kelson Anton Koekemoer UlrickeKuchner OferLahav Ruth Lazkoz Doron Lemze Dan Maoz Curtis McCully ElinorMedezinski Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) Universidad Catolica de Chile Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia (IAA) Max Plank Institut fur ExtraterrestrivhePhysik (MPE) Universität Heidelberg Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia (IAA) INAF - OATS Leiden University STScI University of the Basque Country The Johns Hopkins University (JHU) STScI Universidad Catolica de Chile ASIAA Michigan State University UniversitasSternwarteMunchen The Johns Hopkins University (JHU) JHU Steward Observatory / U. Arizona Tel Aviv University (TAU) University of California, Berkeley Dark Cosmology Center California Institute of Technology Michigan State University Dark Cosmology Center Universidad Católica de Chile Rutgers University IAA UCL Carnegie Institute of Washington STScI Universitat Wien UCL University of the Basque Country JHU TAU Rutgers University JHU Chile Germany Israel Italy Netherlands Spain Switzerland Taiwan U.K. U.S.A. Part 1 JHU/STScI HotSci - August 2014 To be continue…
The CLASH Science Team: Peter Melchior Massimo Meneghetti AmataMercurio Julian Merten Anna Monna Alberto Molino John Moustakas Leonidas Moustakas Mario Nonimo Sara Ogaz Brandon Patel EniköRegös Adam Riess Steve Rodney PieroRosati P.I. VLT Jack Sayers Irene Sendra Stella Seitz RenkeSmit Leonardo Ubeda Keiichi Umetsu Alex Viana Arjen van derWel BingxiaoXu Wei Zheng Adi Zitrin The Ohio State University INAF / OsservatorioAstronomicodi Bologna INAF - OAC Universität Heidelberg UniversitasSternwarteMunchen/MPE IAA Siena College JPL/Caltech INAF / OsservatorioAstronomicodiBologna Space Telescope Science Institute Rutgers University European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN) STScI / JHU JHU University of Ferrara California Institute of Technology University of the Basque Country UniversitasSternwarteMünchen Leiden University STScI Academia Sinica, Institute of Astronomy & Astrophysics Space Telescope Science Institute Max Planck InstitütfürAstronomie JHU JHU Caltech Chile Germany Israel Italy Netherlands Spain Switzerland Taiwan U.K. U.S.A. And friends: Thomas Richardson, Shy Genel, Andrew Newman, David Sand, Maria Pereira, Eiichi Egami Part 2 JHU/STScI HotSci - August 2014
The End JHU/STScI HotSci - August 2014 Thanks for the CLASH team for a few of the slides.
DM universal density profiles found in simulations Generalized NFW, Zhao 1996 NFW Navarro, Frenk, White 1996, 1997 Moore et al. 1999 Einasto 1965 JHU/STScI HotSci - August 2014