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After spending many long hours and sleepless nights, the project is finally finished!. I can now. EXHALE!!. But, as in every story, there is a fatal error: the only copy of the project is the one that I am about to hand in ….
After spending many long hours and sleepless nights, the project is finally finished! I can now EXHALE!! But, as in every story, there is a fatal error: the only copy of the project is the one that I am about to hand in…
The day arrives.The hand-off.All is well and good in the world. But then, an unfortunate accident that leaves you, dear reader, asking but one question…
What Really Happened to My Jump Drive? An In-Depth Look at Possible Scenarios Begin the Journey
The class ends. Dr. Fletcher gathers his papers. Another departmental meeting and he’s going to be late yet again. Students file out the door as he wonders if they really got what he was trying to explain about Cyborgs… He piles things into his briefcase hurriedly, not noticing that my Jump Drive (containing the one and only copy of my project) has fallen loose. What happens next is up to you. Choose wisely. My grade rests upon your decision. Dr. Fletchersaunters to his car after a long and boring meeting. He is hungry and tired. He tosses his briefcase into the backseat of his car while wondering what his wife has made for dinner. Meanwhile, the Jump Drive bounces to the floor of his car. As Dr. Fletcher pulls his briefcase off of the table, the Jump Drive crashes unnoticed to the floor. An exiting student kicks it with their shoe and the Jump Drive sails into the hallway. The Jump drive, having been dislodged from a secure place within the briefcase, falls to the ground as Dr. Fletcher jogs to his meeting (late again).
The Jump Drive as it hits the pavement. All of my hard work and time, held within its memory cell, lay waiting… bounces waiting… waiting… What the heck are we waiting for?
A passerby notices Dr. Fletcher’s folly and picks up the Jump Drive. But, alas, the story does not end there my friend…..
A hundred pairs of shoes scamper about. The end of the day has arrived. The Jump Drive gets kicked by a sneaker, a flip-flop, a pointy-toed boot and a high-heeled pump. Will this be the end of my project?
Unaware of pending disaster, after all my has joined the colony of empty Wawa cups behind the front seat, Dr. Fletcher speeds through an intersection. Hunching slightly behind the steering wheel, he prays that the cop didn’t see him! project
Through all of the hustle and bustle, the Jump Drive becomes stuck to an unsuspecting sneaker compliments of Juicy Fruit. Eww! Gross! Disgusting!
Kept ever the busier by thoughtless WCU students, the janitor works long into the night (kind of like me with my project). He sweeps the hallway until it shines like the bald head of a new baby; the Jump Drive amid his collection of dirt and grime.
The Juicy Fruit, having lost its stickiness, releases the Jump Drive from the shoe in the middle of the community park.
A vicious dog claims it as his new chew toy. The endless drool causes the Jump Drive to malfunction…
The Jump Drive is raked up with the rest of the fall foliage and thrown into the trash.
Late one evening, long past the end of the semester, Dr. Fletcher decides to clean out his car. Among the pile of, we’ll call it “stuff” because it sounds better than trash, he finds a small object with the initials on it. RED
? “By gosh, I think I’ve found something!” he exclaimed joyously ? ? ? ? ? ? ? “What ever could it be?” ? ? Dr. Fletcher, curious as to this new treasure found wedged between the floor mat and an old French fry, retreats to his office to open up the device. Could it hold the winning numbers to tonight’s $395 Million Powerball drawing? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
The Jump Drive is now lodged between a half-eaten tuna fish sandwich and a dirty diaper full of “number two”.
Trash Day! The truck comes to remove the waste and its off to the regional landfill.
The Jump Drive is discovered in the trash can by an old homeless man. He was going for the tuna sandwich, but the glitter of the Jump Drive stole his attention.
The homeless man, knowing that this gadget could potentially be worth something (other than a project grade to a hard-working student) decides to trade it for more food and a nice cold brewsky!
Dr. Fletcher successfully opens theJump Drive and views the original project of the Three Little Pigs. He is highly impressed by the obvious talent of his student and he thinks the dancing pigs were a nice touch!